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Commandant Jozen Dawneye by Jozen
Merit September 2009
Jozen, an Archlich Aslaran, poses for a painting to be added to his manse. - By Jozen
Memories by Jazella
Merit September 2009
Once a proud Imperial Lady Merian of the Holy Celestine Empire, this eternally young spectre reminisces about days past. - By Jazella
A Doll of Selene, First of Mothers by Azula
Merit September 2009
The simple doll is soft and cuddly, I propped her under the light of the Moon to accentuate her radiant glow. - By Azula
Spiritbonding by Alvalek
Runner Up August 2009
Under the cover of midnight, a young Elfen washes away his fears under the call of the wolf spirit. As more spirits are drawn to his call, the young Elfen becomes more confident upon truly becoming one with the forest he stands in. - By Alvalek
Runner Up August 2009
Fear gripped me as I heard his raucous caw. It was disorienting. The stench in the air was overwhelming; I could muster no coherent thought as I felt my insides bleed; as I - were those worms I coughed up just now? The world spun as the putridity of it al - By Siam
Perplexing by Kalaneya
Merit August 2009
A new viscanti astrologer (with dracnari heritage) surrounds himself with the sphere of the volcano as he looks up into the stars, totally perplexed. - By Kalaneya
Deathguard Jozen, Scion of Dawneye by Jozen
Merit August 2009
Deathguard Jozen Dawneye is a member of the Magnagoran ur'Guard. He is depicted here leaping into battle with two brutish hammers screaming "FAAAAAAAAAAAAIN!" - By Jozen
Mallix of the ur'Guard by Mallix
Merit August 2009
Perched upon the window of the Tower of Inescapable Damnation, the Trooper looks out over the city of Magnagora on a rainy night. His armour and weapons are cleaned and polished after the rigorous training despite tiredness, 'Discipline Empower Me' their - By Mallix
Voice of the Red Masque by Ried
Winner July 2009
A former Voice, anyway. Sthai as a d'Murani and Magnagoran. - By Ried