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Tridacna @ New Celest by Vashner
Merit April 2009
Using Google SketchUp, I decided to use the description from the Tridacna Gate of New Celest to come up with this 3D Render. It was made as accurate as possible from the description, and for flavour I added draw-bridge like objects to shield the guards fr - By Vashner
Astral Node by Kiaris
Merit April 2009
A crystalline node on the Astral plane, surrounded by wild Astral winds and guarded by a monstrous lobstrosity. - By Kiaris
Moon Phases by Eula
Merit April 2009
The nocturnal cycle and struggle for power, heavily affects the wiccans of the basin, allowing them to tap in to different energies, depending on the phases of the moon. - By Eula
Elohora by Fania
Merit April 2009
The beauty of Lady Elohora... far beyond that of flesh and bone. - By Fania
The Bloom of Serenity by Saaga
Winner March 2009
True beauty is oft hidden. Maylea - the one deity I truly regret getting enemied to. Here She is, depicted in perfect harmony with waterlilies. - By Saaga
The Weaving of Rika Talnara by Siam
Runner Up March 2009
"Clotho bestows Reality, Lachesis, the compromise of Possibilities, and Atropos, the end, and beginning of another Cycle in Creation." - By Siam
Illithoid Bust by Balizar
Runner Up March 2009
Illithoid are strange, soulless creatures. Among other things, the spawn of Illith are known for their latent psionic abilities evidenced by their large and brainy heads. (zbrush sculpt) - By Balizar
View from Below by Solea
Runner Up March 2009
This is how it looked like as I lay there dying in a Blacktalon demesne. Notice the barrage of wood splinters raining down on me coming from an unseen druid above in the trees. - By Solea
Birth of a Dragon Turtle by Fania
Runner Up March 2009
A beautiful glimmer of light, the birth of a baby dragon turtle is a small (but important) victory for the Light. - By Fania
Untitled by Kiaris
Runner Up March 2009
Miry Gly, the grumpy cook, prepares another silver apple. - By Kiaris