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War of the Weevils by Kelori
Runner Up December 2008
She cut down every weevil in her path as she ran through the branches of the Master Ravenwood shouting "For the Glomdoring!" - By Kelori
Othero d'Iasani by Ried
Runner Up December 2008
The current Mystagogue of the Dark Fates of the Nihilists. - By Ried
Solstice Slaughter by Kharaen
Runner Up December 2008
Squibbles the rex hamster is particular during the winter solstice when it comes to killing. He seems to take especial delight in murdering elfen and dwarves. I don't know who that elfen was, but he never had a chance. - By Kharaen
The Silver Goddess by Saaga
Runner Up December 2008
Lisaera, as imagined by Saaga: "Can you hear Her silent sigh on the forest's edge? The trees are kissing with crowns in embrace. Teaches Her children the argent sights - the secrets of Silvery nights." - By Saaga
Beneath the Icy Depths by Vhedra
Merit December 2008
Vhedra facing off one of the mighty quinotaurs within the Inner Sea. - By Vhedra
The Trees of Serenwilde by Morhgor
Merit December 2008
During the day, you can see the tip of the Moonheart, towering out of the trees about it. - By Morhgor
Take me home by Kiaris
Merit December 2008
A riderless wombat wanders on the Ackleberry Road outside of Estelbar, lost. - By Kiaris
A very boring room. Change this. by Myrkr
Merit December 2008
Myrkr posing in a newly-made room. - By Myrkr
Lots of Stuff! by Amatsemaru
Merit December 2008
And this is the convient way to carry things around? - By Amatsemaru
Merit December 2008
The title says it all. I hope you all had a Very, Merry, Solstice Season! - By Fania