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Newton Adventures! by Elyse
Winner April 2008
When I was young and exploring the Newton Caverns I saw a Shadowdancer of Glomdorian slaying a fink and desided to try my hand at some of the bardic arts! - By Elyse
Runner Up April 2008
This is a wedding portrait of my sister, Mortexia, and her love, Azaryu. This depicts Mortexia when she was in her Kephera form. I can’t wait to see them finally married! - By Fania
Determination on the plane of flesh and blood by Seraphia
Runner Up April 2008
Determination on the plane of flesh and blood - By Seraphia
A fatherly figure by Saaga
Runner Up April 2008
A fatherly figure - at least to His own! Elostian, the Enigma as He was when Saaga first met Him. - By Saaga
Spectre Isle by Incabulos
Merit April 2008
Restless spirits wander the ruins of Old Celest, mourning the loss of their city. - By Incabulos
Early Days by Ried
Merit April 2008
Two companions in their early days, hunting through the twisted woods of Glomdoring. - By Ried
Morning to Night by Ashai
Merit April 2008
After a harrowing encounter with Mad Sun, Mother Night descends upon Avechna's Peak in search of Her father, Lord Nocht. - By Ashai
Geburah by Folken
Merit April 2008
Embrace the left hand of destruction with the sphere of the Warrior. - By Folken