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The Kraken by Daermon
Winner March 2008
Rather, "a" kraken, with a kephera about to knock it into oblivion. - By Daermon
What dreams may come by Elu
Runner Up March 2008
One of the most tame of the dreams I've had. Although I can't help but think it's more ominous. - By Elu
Cameo of the Changeling by Feyrll
Runner Up March 2008
The different races swirled on the small cameo's surface, some so quickly I could not remember them. - By Feyrll
Viscanti Seductress by Reodan
Merit March 2008
Debate has arisen over the "beauty" of the Tainted Viscanti. Indeed, I believe there is beauty in them, though it is of a terrible and cruel sort. - By Reodan
Elegant Shadows by Saaga
Merit March 2008
Nocht, the Silent - portrayed in an elegant pose at a Glomdoring riverbank. - By Saaga
Linaeve by Ashai
Merit March 2008
Linaeve d'Murani, Chosen of Morgfyre, Cacophone, peruses a text in the necropolis library, not far from the Megalith. - By Ashai
Nezha Verses a Monstrous Nagameth by Fania
Merit March 2008
This painting is of one of my best, and dearest, friends, Nezha. He is striking the final blow to a Monstrous Nagameth surrounded by a shroud of preternatural darkness. - By Fania
Surge by Folken
Merit March 2008
Large and in charge just got larger and even more in charge. - By Folken
Dracnoris by Balizar
Merit March 2008
An exaggerated depiction of Dracnoris, the Dragon God. - By Balizar