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Rattusk D'murani by Feyrll
Merit February 2008
A sketch of the squat rodent with his off-white fur. - By Feyrll
Gonna getchu by Elu
Winner January 2008
They may be ghostly but they still make you bleed. A lot. - By Elu
Leaving The Taint by Fania
Runner Up January 2008
For those who have never left the Light it may be difficult to understand why anyone would join the Taint. No one could do such a thing and not be changed. Those who leave the light are weaker, because they have left the Light in the first place. They - By Fania
Seren Warrior by Reodan
Runner Up January 2008
A fierce Serenguard of many campaigns prepares to defend his home with his life and steel. - By Reodan
Attempt at a Monk! by Fari
Runner Up January 2008
I have not been here very long, but after I met a monk I desided to learn more of the Shofangi. Probably not totally correct, hopefully with more study I can get it right! - By Fari
Princess of Shadows by Ashai
Merit January 2008
A portait of the Illithoid Princess of the Night Coven, Leiliadhe, pictured here with athame in hand and Nightkiss upon brow. Though she does sometimes refutes her Night-given beauty on behalf of her race, the contrary is quite evident. - By Ashai
Mourning by Seraphia
Merit January 2008
She weeps and leaps towards her destiny alone, tainted. She sings a mournful song while she sheds her tears for her purity. - By Seraphia
Absynthe by Endantee
Merit January 2008
What one might see if they take a swig of absynthe and don't go into dreamform fast enough. - By Endantee
Sacrifice: The Winged Child by Alodia
Merit January 2008
Blessed by Vestera, the Child slumbers in her Globe Prison, while the Soulless, Muud envelops it. - By Alodia