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the Earth Wench by Ymbryne

Runner Up October 2007

Archmage Veonira d'Murani, looking especially wenchy! - By Ymbryne

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Tending the Bats by Gavriel

Runner Up October 2007

It is suspected that Postmistress Marla has been spending too much time with the delivery bats. - By Gavriel

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Wrack by Incabulos

Runner Up October 2007

Even the Nihilists rush to defend the Citadel of Rock. - By Incabulos

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Merit October 2007

Beloved by almost everyone in the realms, I wonder how many people truly know the Rainbow Princess. In this portrait that Ialie asked me to do for her, I have her relaxing under the shade of a young willow, facing back to us as though completely oblivious - By Kharaen

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Dark Priest by Cervius

Merit October 2007

I suspect this man was a Dark Priest. - By Cervius

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Merit October 2007

An unfinished sketch of olde Kaalak, after facing the Demon Lords of Nil. - By Reiha

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The Silver Goddess by Rhiawne

Merit October 2007

Beneath a star-lit night sky, it is without question why the Elder Goddess, Lisaera, is referred to as the Silver Goddess. - By Rhiawne

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Merit October 2007

Furrikin are friends, not food. - By Feyrll

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TrueLight by Anae

Merit October 2007

A Glomdoring-centric view of the TrueLight event - Celestians influencing archangels, people killing light-enshrouded soldiers, Lhiannan creating spheres which are then put into the Spire. - By Anae

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Torturous Beauty by Athine

Merit October 2007

This trill Nihilist is everything the ideal servant of Lady Nifilhema should be: dark, secretive and indulgent in pain. - By Athine

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