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Thornrend by Kharaen

Runner Up July 2007

This unfortunate loboshigaru told me I looked fat in my new robes. - By Kharaen

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A Strange Enigma by Balizar

Runner Up July 2007

Elostian, combined Elder God of Lacostian and Elcyrion - this is my take on Him. - By Balizar

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Merit July 2007

"Changeling Talnaras are MEAN!" - By Xiran

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Judgement by Alodia

Merit July 2007

As the column of topaz light intensifies to white, this Viscanti warrior braces herself as her soul awaits Celestial Judgement. - By Alodia

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Forren Glacielle by Yevah

Merit July 2007

Pre-Demigod Forren Glacielle. In my character style. - By Yevah

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Elfen Serenguard by Daermon

Merit July 2007

It's an Elfen Lady Blademaster, defending Serenwilde from intruders. - By Daermon

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Merit July 2007

An unfinished and messy sketch of a Seren couple; Alchemist Elfen, and Herbalist Furrikin. The Elfen is in fact male, by the way. - By Reiha

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Breathe Fire! by Simimi

Merit July 2007

Calling upon the blessings of their ancestors, no Dracnari can be considered a true Dracnari until they can breathe fire... You suck in a huge lungful of air and blast your fiery breath out at your shadow. Your shadow screams in agony as the horrific flam - By Simimi

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Collision by Gelo

Winner June 2007

I've always wondered what really happened to Hallifax and Gaudich. Are they frozen in time or are they stuck in another plane, still fighting each other? - By Gelo

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Runner Up June 2007

This is my interpretation of what Divine Children might have acted when they were young. Terentia is all like "I'm not watching these brats, let's go Meridian!" Charune's snickering at Viravain's shot doll, and Kethuru (family pet) is chowing down on Fain - By Kharaen

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