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Self-Portrait by Sini
Merit May 2007
I had been spending a great deal of time attempting to paint my own likeness, and by the time I was finished, my image was wearing the same expression of frustration as I was. - By Sini
Disturbance by Metea
Merit May 2007
For over a decade the Illithoid have lurked beneath, living...breeding. - By Metea
Enticing Predictament by Kharaen
Runner Up April 2007
This Viscanti can't seem to beat the Charune figurine, despite the odds being three-to-one. To tip the scales in his favour, he's brought out his secret weapon...a bag of cookies. With the Horned One thus distracted, can the Viscanti succeed in his evil p - By Kharaen
Neurosis within the Astral by Nadjia
Runner Up April 2007
Perhaps a few moments too long within the astral can actually lead to more vivid experiences. Personally, I don't wish to find out. - By Nadjia
Self portrait by Enero
Runner Up April 2007
Self portrait of Enero La'Saet, Razielian Healer. ((pencil, pen, photoshop)) - By Enero
Entering the Serenwilde by Folken
Runner Up April 2007
An aslaran sits meditating before an ancestral totem on a path descending from the Northern Mountains. - By Folken
Seven Ur'Guard by Orti
Runner Up April 2007
Seven Orclach Ur'Guard ready to "help" the farmers of Estelbar - By Orti
Sketch of a Reincarnation by Reiha
Merit April 2007
Eating away at her flesh, dissolving it like sand... here at the Portal of Fate, she prepares her soul for a new body. (May need a darker screen resolution set to view.) - By Reiha