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Blood Thirst - Aspect of Crow by Balizar
Merit March 2007
I've been experimenting around alot recently with this sort of abstract style. I thought one of Brother Crow's aspects would be an interesting study. - By Balizar
Hallen by Arimisia
Merit March 2007
A portrait of Hallen lounging against a table in the market complex of Magnagora. - By Arimisia
Serenwilde Forest by Orti
Merit March 2007
The Serenwilde Forest as seen while flying through Verasavir Valley. - By Orti
Bebe and Boo by Shyshaeia
Merit March 2007
A sketch of the cubs I did as I spent my time in Estelbar learning of the village's various custums. - By Shyshaeia
Ialie Starfall by Gwynevere
Runner Up February 2007
Ialie Starfall's Faeling form performing a spiritual dance. - By Gwynevere
Demonic Wings by Alodia
Runner Up February 2007
A Nihilists seeking the supplication of the Demon Lords of Nil, painfully sprouts demonic bat-like wings on his back. - By Alodia
Lady in Red by Feyrll
Runner Up February 2007
Though a seasoned warrior, my friend Flacarealah possesses a flawless and timeless beauty. - By Feyrll
Fae Binding by Nadjia
Merit February 2007
the capture and binding of a wood nymph, in service to Mother Night. - By Nadjia
A rough sketch of a Merian Lady by Enero
Merit February 2007
A rough pencil sketch of a lovely Merian Lady wearing a hoodless robe. ((was a bit in a hurry to get this submitted, so it' s a bit messy and required some cleaning)) - By Enero