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Tainted Illusions by Felandi
Merit February 2007
Even shrouded in thick Illusions, a miasma always surrounds Telrath d'Murani. - By Felandi
Revan by Arimisia
Merit February 2007
A portrait of Revan, engulfed in the taint after slaying an enemy. - By Arimisia
Morgfyre Imagined by Balizar
Winner January 2007
Undefinable, Morgfyre consumes and shifts as he moves through space and time.(oil) - By Balizar
Sketch of a Mag Youth by Reiha
Runner Up January 2007
A stern-looking teenage Viscanti boy, thrown fresh from the Arena with some left over wounds. Hard to tell if he won. (Done with ballpoint pen.) - By Reiha
Aise and her Uncle by Aise
Runner Up January 2007
Drawn with pencil on paper. Cross hatching and stroked shading. These are one of the moments where Haiden, yes Haiden, ruffles Aise's hair. Even fierce warriors have 'soft' moments like this. Dont tell Haiden, he'll kill me. - By Aise
An Enormous Gorgog by Folken
Runner Up January 2007
Crafted from mud, fire, malice and an age old grudge, few creatures are as fun to hunt as the Gorgog. - By Folken
Child of the Wyrd by Feyrll
Runner Up January 2007
Even in a youthful form, the reborn Goddess of Glomdoring glows with an ethereal beauty that tempts any aspiring artist. - By Feyrll
Faeling and Sylph by Xiran
Merit January 2007
A pencil sketch of Xiran leading a sylph to the flowering archway of Etherwilde. - By Xiran
Mother Night by Nadjia
Merit January 2007
a collage honoring Mother Night in all Her glory. Placing an actual visual of Her realm is a task, as the shadows morph and change quite often. This is what I have captured from a dream. - By Nadjia
Veonira's Adventure to the Water Plane by Veonira
Merit January 2007
Veonira decides to go stir up a little mischief on the water plane with her pet mammoth, and encounters the great Aquamancer Forren! - By Veonira