Posts by Uilani
Serenwilde Attacked
On a cold Roarkian day in the year 654 CE, a roar echoed over the foothills of the Northern Mountains, drawing the attention of those in the forest nearby. Soon, Qistrel, Veara, Huskii, Lendren, and Llani of the Serenwilde all gathered around Adasser and Caedir, two young warriors from the commune who were warily watching…
Read MoreBob’s Summer Special
Trader Bob has once again unveiled to the Basin the forgotten vaults of treasures that he has unearthed over the years! Let’s face it, at his prices, he can afford to go round exploring for treasure. The lost treasures contained within are now available for the bearers of his golden keys, available for purchase on…
Read MoreClandestine Correspondence
Ghalib d’Murani of Magnagora is not what one might call an imposing gentleman, nor one used to drawing attention to himself. There are, after all, many ways to wield power in the Engine of Transformation, and one need not be loud or brutish to be powerful. Subtlety, patience, and resourcefulness are useful tools for the…
Read MoreHerbalist Shop
Come Sunday (July 30th), a new shop will be joining the commodity shops at the pilgrim camp. It will sell and buy herbs in the same fashion that Tilibe’s and Voarag’s shops buy and sell commodities. The intention with this shop, as with the others, is to be a last resort rather than the primary…
Read MoreJune 2023 Artbard Results
Congratulations to our Artisanal contestants from June! If you’d like to join them for July, make sure you get your submissions in by the end of the month. HELP ARTBARD will explain all about what you can submit, and how to do so. Bardic Contest Winner The Noble by Sapphira Runner-Up The Necromentate by Nemetsk
Read MoreThe Navigator Returns
See… The night sky above Lusternia, dark, and as mysterious as the First World itself. Host to the great movements of the Sun and the Moon. To the dance of quick Eroee and slow Aapek; of Sidiak, Tarox, and Papaxi. To the eternal twinkling of the stars upon the firmanent. Except… not all the stars…
Read MoreMortal Coder Call
We have once more opened applications for mortal coders. The position entails working with the game’s coders to resolve bugs and implement minor features. Due to limited resources, we will only be accepting a small number of applicants. This call is open from now until the end of August, but we will be leaving the…
Read MoreThe plight of Krug Fleshkeeper
A storm was brewing one night in mid-Shanthin when distressed shouts and accusations pierced through the otherwise pleasant sound of rainfall. Waykeeper Qistrel Strongleaf and Huskii Myeras of Serenwilde were the first to arrive at the Balach Swamp, where they found Krug Fleshkeeper, the orc butcher of the nearby village of Acknor, wallowing in the…
Read MoreRoadmap for Lusternia
State of the Team Before we look at our roadmap, it is important to take a look at the team working on it as that is highly relevant to the entire endeavour. We generally never talk about our team size because that number rarely reflects reality. Our volunteers do the best they can, when they…
Read MoreRoadmap and a Meeting
Later this week, on Friday (July 21st, 10pm GMT) we will be posting our roadmap for the rest of the year and a general status update on the goings on in Lusternia. We will be tackling topics such as a Year Arc, Ascension, Admin Requests, the various pending coding projects (such as Alliances, Economy, Conflict),…
Read MoreThe Summer Cornucopia
In July, credit purchases from the website will come with special chests once more. For every 100 credits purchased, you will receive one chest. To sweeten the pot, you will also receive a chest at the first 25, 50, and 75 credit intervals, resulting in 4 chests total after purchasing the first 100 credits. Your…
Read MoreThe Blunder of Babette Boulanger
It was mid morning on a warm and pleasant spring day when the peaceful sounds of crashing waves were interrupted by the feminine cries of someone near the coastal village of Delport. Arriving upon the beach of the Inner Sea, Uzriel d’Vanecu of Magnagora stumbled upon Babette Boulanger, the Gold House attendant of Delport, who…
Read MoreGossip System
Those visiting the pilgrim camp at the foot of Mount Avechna will notice that it has become a hot gossip spot! You can now use the new landmark (pilgrimcamp) to get there faster from the Aetherplex too. You will be prompted about it being a gossip spot upon arrival and from there you can either…
Read MoreHorizon Walkers Treasure Hunt
Whether you are an accomplished explorer or only starting out, this upcoming Horizon Walkers treasure hunt is for you. It will focus only on locations in the Basin of Life and will not be as challenging as a Nature Trial would be. Date: 30th June, 11:30pm GMT Rewards: 1st Place – 200 credits + reskinned…
Read MoreSnow Valley Fish Tale
A peaceful Klangiary was interrupted by a dispute between Wapan Hromash and Worrel Fleece over which one was considered the better fisherman. What kind of fisherman could Wapan be if he lost his rod, however? Several targeted insults were traded across the Basin. Soon, a fishing contest was enacted in Snow Valley to cease the…
Read MoreMay 2023 Artbard Results
Congratulations to our Artisanal contestants from May! If you’d like to join them for June, make sure you get your submissions in by the end of the month. HELP ARTBARD will explain all about what you can submit, and how to do so. Artisanal Contest Winner Calliope by Xiran Runner-Up The Lady of Lagoons by Gurashi Merit Presidio Blossoms by…
Read MoreA Storm comes to the Skarch
The Skarch Desert seems to be a place full of mystery, and unexpected developments. In the early hours of the 5th of Urlachmar, 651 years after the Coming of Estarra, a cry for help was heard around the Basin of Life, then quickly muffled, as someone tumbled underneath the Skarch’s vast sands. Quick adventurers would…
Read MoreThe Embrace of Winter
Summer may well be almost upon us, beyond the realm of Lusternia, but it is winter here! We wish to keep you warm and comfortable in the Basin of Life so enjoy these new and improved crafts. This distinction is important this time around as we have both entirely new patterns for you, as well…
Read MoreJune Curio Marvels
All through this month, you will be able to buy curio packages directly from the website. A number of curio packages that are only available in limited edition promotions are once again available too. Among them: Check out the bottom of HELP CURIOS for the full list of curio-related helpfiles! In June, we will also…
Read MoreOf Squirrels and Shrines
It was a particularly nice day at the very tail end of winter in the year 650 CE, when a loud screeching pierced the peaceful quietness. The source was obviously coming from Tolborolla, but so annoying was the noise that those who gathered to investigate were frantically scrambling all over the valley, unable for a…
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