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Sonnets of the Supernals by Neerth

Merit for August 2006

G ive praise to His imposing sword of white
O r plat'num mail, as brilliant as His fires;
L et luminous our valor be tonight,
D eclare our strength from nine Celestian spires.
E xtract His blessed weapons from the forge,
N ot blemished from the flickering red of faith;
C elestial honor doth our souls engorge.
R epay the Taint until it's but a wraith!
U ntrap its victims with His glorious wrath!
S ow knightly courage - barracks, field, and hall!
A ll hail Lord Methrenton, upon Whose path
D ivine crusades bring vict'ry to us all.
E re battle joined and righteous war be had,
R ecall our Holy Champion, and be glad.

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L ong I for heart effulgent: thus I hie
O 'er sands to pillar Thine with aura pink;
V ow adoration to Thy path do I
I n mirthful service - from no challenge shrink.
N ear valleys taking breath with beauty grand
G low arbors so alight with hope and love;
R eplete with song Divine, tall flowers stand
A nd gardens fed by only Light above.
D elights seraphic greet mine every sense;
I n blissful rapture do I take my flight.
A nd always joyous beauty leads me hence
N ear Raziela and Her endless Light.
C ome I to Thee! I cry, and angels weep;
E nduring faith shall I forever keep.

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M y praises of Thy golden tome abound!
E xceptional its holy laws be writ,
R estoring understanding, wisdom sound:
C ould mortal thought more skillfully be lit?
I nsightful judgments on our words bestow;
F rom Thy high court our acts adjudicate.
U surp the Taint which all Lusternians know;
L ike incense, help your servants meditate.
J aphiel!
U ncommon harmony Thou us provide,
S agacity precise in thought and word.
T urn Thine illumination not aside -
I mmaculate, its topaz so preferred.
C onvey Thy blessed libram evermore;
E nlighten our debate, to Light restore.

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D efense enduring of Celest! I pledge,
E xuding gallant guard of broadest scope.
F rom shield's protective face and longsword's edge
E ach kinsman mine shall know Her Dawning Hope.
N or do I speak of just angelic deed,
D espite the sacred power devas wield:
E 'en Pages vow their lives in holy creed,
R eturning ever to the battlefield.
O f cobalt blue Her light doth brightly shine
F or we who hold the axe and lance on guard.
H ow sheltering the Lady's hosts Divine,
O ft soothing when our faith would else be jarred!
P rotection, safety, these we firmly swear,
E cstatic that Shakiniel be there.

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E lohora!
T hy corridor of Light I humbly tread,
E ach step beneath Thy sympathetic eyes.
R esplendent cherubs flitter overhead
N ear luminosity my soul doth prize.
A scintillating brilliance all surrounds
L ike purity and grace made manifest.
R apport with warmth and holiness abounds.
A rchangels graze my scales, and I am blessed.
D eferring, I approach Thy brilliant throne:
I swoon in rapture in Thine aura fair!
A ngelically I for my flaws atone
N eath stained-glass rainbows prismed in the air.
C ontent, I kiss the marble at Thy feet,
E nsured by Thee that we anew shall meet.