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Puffs of Grey and White. by Esha

Merit for December 2009

I walk through
Sombre streets,
Where up above
The sombre grey
Sky sits
With its murky
Wispy clouds,
Puffs of grey
And some white.

It changes, the
Colours will swirl
Above the sombre city.
Red taints the air,
Black taints the air,
Blues and oranges,
Yellows and greens,
It is all there.

But then, night
Falls upon this
Sombre city,
The murky clouds
Return, puffs of
grey and white.
The winds will
Rise, blowing
The wispy clouds
Apart, and there
Sits a silver orb
Large, dripping
Silver rays of
Light. The moon,
She casts grey
Shadows upon this
Sombre city.

But then, the
Murky clouds return,
Puffs of grey and white.
And darkness rules
The land, and this
Sombre city.