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Rebirth of a Phoenix by Teruelle
Merit for January 2010
Out from the dust and flame,
Once again a proud noble being,
To roam free or to be tamed
To breathe fire and send the enemy fleeing,
Feathers of orange, yellow, and red
With a body weaved from legendary embers.
One wrong move followed by the fiery crimson dead,
So the best approach be it tender.
Lost in time for five-hundred years,
Through a brutal battle of taint and light,
Now the high-pitched screech people will hear,
And once again see the lit up night.
Citizens of Gaudiguch will celebrate in joy,
While the feathers and crystals of Hallifax cower in fear.
The mighty beast may take them as a toy,
Right before growing bored to rip out the ear.
When the flames spicker and spit
With the lights dying out
From a final deadly hit.
The enemy may yell and shout
"Hoorah! The bird finally dies!"
But only to have their terror reform.
From the blazing light, high a figure flies,
For this is the rebirth of a Phoenix in its fiery dorm.