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Song of the Seasons by Parua
Merit for January 2014
The forest has a heartbeat,
can you hear it?
In the lush green depths is where it is strongest.
Subtle, yet strong.
Pulsing beneath the surface,
it drums a beat within my soul.
In the spring the song is simple,
sweet and soft.
Then with a rush the notes emerge singly, then together.
Every life sings along.
The tentative notes of waking
the melodies emerge, and my heart is glad
The summer notes are strong
bold and brassy
building up the song becomes vibrant and vital
growing songs
joyful and exuberant
melodies of love and growth, and I add my voice
Autumn songs are drowsy
lush and heavy
settling into a rhythm that rises and falls like breathing
sleepy notes that drift and hang
upon the air, lulling
us to rest with a hush and a sigh
Winter. Oh, winter.
Quiet? Brooding?
silent songs of biding, no. The forest beats a bassline
with highs and lows of winds and snow
reminding us that spring
is yet to come, and to steel ourselves for the morrow.