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I Would Rather by Barendur
for June 2022
Let's just say that I would rather
do certain things instead of others.
I like swinging swords and bashing skulls
more than almost any of my brothers.
I'd rather be covered in blood and guts
than have my hair all clean and proper.
That gorgog stench really isn't so bad
compared to the smell covering the "talkers".
I'd rather wear my heavy platemail
than robes of the finest cloth or leather.
And I'd rather sleep on the streets of Celest
than in another place on the finest feathers.
I'd rather have Methrenton and the others,
than worship at the feet of another deity.
I'd rather have Terentia and her zaps,
at least they come with spontaneity!
I'd rather slay the Demon Lords of Nil
than give up on the Great Elohora.
And I'd rather be shat on by a seagull in Celest
than be a king ruling over Magnagora.