God Blogs
Behind The Clock: Divine Release Events
In this new blog series, I’d like to talk about how some features, events, or other admin work comes to pass and what sort of time is involved in making it happen. The latter is intended as the focus of the series as that particular facet of admin work is often nebulous and hard to…
Read MoreBeauty Challenge Stats
We’d like to share some interesting Beauty Challenge stats with you. For some of those breakdowns, we can only go back as far as 2015 but we managed to get a few charts that account for the entire run of the challenges too. One of the things that we have heard over the years is…
Read MoreQ&A: Ephemeralhood
What does Eph training usually entail? Becoming a divine is the primary goal of training so everything is geared toward making sure our Ephemerals are ready for what’s ahead. Sometimes trainees (or even established admin) realise that a behind-the-scenes role suits them more and they become Architects instead but we primarily seek to recruit and…
Read MoreQ&A: Ephemeral Experiences
You asked and they’ve answered! We’ve included answers both from Ephemerals and those who graduated so you have a wider range of insights. Question 1 What was your first day as an Ephemeral like? Skipper: A lot of reading, meeting new friends and divine I had dealt with as a mortal, and really just taking deep…
Read MoreLi-varili’s Guide to Getting Other Gods to Respond
Some of you seem to want MORE Divine to grovel and play the fool to. The ones in your org having done the inevitable and grown bored of you, or gotten themselves, hopefully, trapped painfully forever. Poor you. So, what’s the best way to get yourself someone to zap you, assuming I’m too busy for it?
Read MoreRoundtable: How Celest’s Factions Got a Little TLC
Following the revamp of New Celest’s guilds earlier this year, the wonderful pantheon of Carakhan, Lantra and Terentia have gathered to bring you a roundtable discussion. They answer questions about why it happened, how it went, and give some glimpses into their behind-the-scenes work.
Read MoreSecrets of the Admin
Our God Blog series is back with an investigation by our delightful Viravain – who has spun Her webs into the secrets of many of our wonderful Divine.
Read MoreBecoming Chaos
In this return to our fabled God Blogs, our very own Mysrai talks us through what it was like for Them to step into the Elder Divine’s very large shoes.
Read MoreYear In Review: 2019
This year’s been an eventful one in Lusternia – our Producers Ianir and Orael and Assistant Producer Aonia are here to round it up for you!
Read MoreFarewell, Lusternia
Without beating around the bush, I must tell you that I am leaving Lusternia. As I have pledged before that I would never abandon Lusternia, please know that this is not my choice and if there were any way I could stay in any capacity, I would. My great hope would be to return one…
Read MoreYear in Contemplation: 2018
There once was a man who was not a young man, who once thought he would write stories but his writings were unfinished or lacking, who once dreamt big dreams but they drifted away as many dreams do. His life was not unfulfilled; he found work that he was good at, fell in love with…
Read MoreLusternia Year in Review: 2017
I’ve been thinking back to when Lusternia was just a glimmer in my eye in early 2002. At that time, I was a volunteer admin in Achaea and loved creating stories and running events and designing and building areas and quests. When the offer to create my own MUD presented itself, I knew I did…
Read MoreFactions Roundtable!
Now that all of new guilds have been released, I thought it would be nice to give a little closure and behind-the-scenes insight to our overall process for both the events themselves and the development of factions. I wrote up a couple questions and nudged all of the admin who helped out to give their…
Read MoreYear in Review: 2016
What would Queen Maeve say about 2016? Perhaps she would remark how fantastic it was that she entered the year with the removal of the Brand of Nifilhema that she bore for so long. Or perhaps she would despair over the loss of her beloved consort. If this was how the year began for the…
Read MoreRetiring from Mysrai: Nothing but Love, Love, Love
Five years ago, Mysrai came into being under circumstances outlined here: https://www.lusternia.com/near-misses-becoming-mysrai. Now, at the end of that five years, I have removed that hat, and many masks, and am, as Zvoltz put it, returning to dust. It’s been a good, and glorious run, but life is simply to busy now to do Mysrai justice…
Read MoreCelest Versus The Hoop Snake
It was recently brought to My attention that certain events transpired potentially implicating Myself in any number of ridiculous doings which befell certain individuals present at a recent meet in Washington, DC. To set the record straight, I did not so much as log into my computer that day, but I have interrogated those who…
Read MoreA Day in the Life of an Old Admin
The automatic doors slide open with a soft whoosh as a susurrus of conversation rolls over me like a breaking wave. It is 4:15 AM on Friday at Logan International Airport and the security queue is already overflowing into the ticketing area. With a resigned sigh, I jostle into the back of the line and…
Read MoreWeek in the Life of an Insomniac Admin
Whenever summer comes around my sleeping habits become utterly atrocious. I work part-time during those months, waiting for the school year to begin and, with it, my job. The following diary is a result of this sleeplessness and having definitely too much time on my hands at times. Normally one would spread all of this…
Read MoreWhy Good Gods Leave
Burnout is a very, very real sensation that most of us encounter in the Havens. We have a fairly decent support group as members of the same administration, but there’s no denying the crushing reality that is the number of hours it takes to perform any of our behind-the-scenes duties. Building areas, programming quests, slogging…
Read MoreThe Havens Guide to Participating in Events
As we progress through this year’s overarching plot and learn more of what is happening with Father Sun, a number of us up in the Havens have been working on something to equip intrepid eventers – a guide to participating in events! This topic has been touched on in the past, both in blogs and on…
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