Season d’Amour
Dolly d’Amour, residing in a cottage by Delport, has commenced Season d’Amour which has brought countless lovebirds to the highway and mountain roads. Help these daydreaming souls find what they are looking for! Every lovebird will desire something else so pay attention to their requests. You can complete the quest only once a weave by…
Read MoreLectures and Golden Nuts
Here’s your reminder that the Year 700 Lecture Series continues into the year 701 through reruns so if you missed any month during the original run, you can still make up for it. Remember there’s a different topic each month and the lectures start at 8am and 8pm. You need a total of 8 attendances…
Read MoreHusky Adoptions
We have one last surprise for you right before the holidays: you can now become a proud owner of a husky beast! That’s right, the years of teasing are over and huskies are here. You will be able to purchase a husky puppy from Bavdo at Solstice Court but only once the huskies accept you.…
Read MoreCity and Commune Solstice Quests
Each city and commune has a small quest that will award a special Solstice gift upon completion. These quests can be done by anyone from newbie to demigod. Note that you can only gain your own commune or city’s gift! Find the denizen in question and greet them for more details. You can find them…
Read MoreSolstice Activities
With Solstice starting, here’s a rundown of what is happening already! Ironbeard Ironbeard has started making the rounds, bearing gifts for the lucky recipients. All you have to do is be online as Ironbeard will find you regardless of where you may be – in a tree, in a submarine, or in a domoth. Once…
Read MoreOctober and November 2024 Change Summary
The following is a summary of all recorded changes which happened in October and November 2024. If you follow changelogs already, there is nothing new here. However, all items in the changelogs from this month have been categorized into relevant categories for those who do not follow changelogs regularly. Artifacts System Cities/Communes Skills Rewards
Read MoreRoadmap Updates
We’ve been cooking since the last update post and we definitely had what to think about. Legacy changes involve entrenched mechanics and often cannot be resolved with bandaids. Not that bandaids help solve or even alleviate many issues anyway, but neither do entire overhauls that drag on for years. We need to strike a balance…
Read MoreSolstice Schedule
With Lusternia’s Solstice on the horizon, we want to let you know what our schedule will look like ahead of time. All our regular events will be returning this year and there is a lot to keep one festive! 14th December – Ironbeard and gnomes will start making appearances.15th December – Solstice Vouchers will be…
Read MoreSolstice Vouchers
As Solstice nears, the inhabitants of Solstice Court have rolled up their sleeves and are preparing for the holiday season! Supplies, packages, and mail are all being carried back and forth over the Iceburn Plains by husky-drawn sleds. You might know one of their drivers already, Sarora Bowtail! But the holiday season requires more, much…
Read More‘Tis the Season of Giving!
For the month of December, Ironbeard and the Gnodfather are once again competing for Solstice domination! But this time you don’t have to buy stockings to participate, you will be getting a stocking every time you complete all of your dailies for the day throughout December. And during the holidays themselves, HAPPYHOLIDAYS will be active…
Read MoreDays of Gratitude
While not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving – either at all or does so earlier in the year – we wish those of you who do a happy one. We are grateful for the time all of you spend with us so if you are spending this time with family or friends (Or yourself! Everyone needs a…
Read MoreThe Haunted House
The Haunted House is now open with lots of attractions provided by the business savvy of Trader Bob and his Merchant Peak’s Coterie. It is located on the Stairs of Death on Avechna’s Peak and can be reached by the temporary landmark – hauntedhouse. It appears Trader Bob has been cursed by Cimtri, the Oracle…
Read MoreLusternia’s 20th Anniversary
Lusternia is now 20 years old and the festivities are upon us! Agwesha is back, selling festival wares at Avechna’s Peak at the handy FESTIVALWARES landmark. Among them, you will find area-wide fireworks, decorations, suspicious chocolate chickens, and more. The Chicken Rebellion is not far behind, plotting vengeance and rallying the troops. The Menestrean Wayfaire…
Read MoreLusternia’s Twentieth Anniversary Events
Lusternia has turned twenty years old! By Creatrix, that is certainly an accomplishment and we’ll continue to go strong! As always, we’re holding a series of games, contests and more to celebrate this momentous milestone, with the in-character celebration known of the Festival of the Creatrix. All contests bar the Great Hunt and Battlechess award…
Read MoreTrader Bob’s Marvellous New Stock
As mentioned in Update post #2, we wish to immediately implement a way to purchase credits at a fixed rate. This has now been done and you can buy bound credits from the already fabulously wealthy Trader Bob at 15,000 gold per bound credit. Should Bob be out of credits, unlikely as that is to…
Read MoreLegacy Roadmap
After last month’s legacy mode news, we have been working hard to figure out what that means for the game as a whole. We’ve made some immediate changes to lesson, wondercrystal, and credit gains, but those barely scratch the surface of how deep monetisation has been woven into the fabric of the game. The reality…
Read MoreThe Future of Lusternia
Dear Lusternians, We know that news of the game going into legacy mode is bound to elicit distressing emotions among many because technically it means no more support from Iron Realms and no more paid staff. But we want to reassure you that as far as we are concerned it is business as usual here.…
Read MoreLegacy Mode
This is going to be a big announcement and a big change in many ways but we want to emphasise that you should read all of the upcoming announcement posts carefully before forming an opinion. This first one is a general announcement and explanation of the immediate changes, and the second one will be a…
Read MoreHorizon Walkers Treasure Hunt
Tessie Snapfuse is hosting another treasure hunt (see Public News #1997) and as this one is slightly different than we usually do, here’s a breakdown of how it works: BASICS: DETAILS: Good luck!
Read MoreAscension of Abraxin
With the Nine Challenges complete, Avechna, the Avenger declared that Ascension begins for Almighty Kethuru could not be held back any longer without the Nine Seals whole. Magnagorans were first to reach the Staff of Ascension, with Warlord Uzriel d’Vanecu, the Sealbearer of Life, to pick it up and pass it on to their chosen…
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