Klangratch Exercises

A battlefield with sword-wielding warriors

As Avechna has announced the Klangratch Exercises (Public Post #1909), we’d like to give you a bit more info on this event. Driven in part by reports that there were lag spikes during Chaos, but also a general desire to do some extra testing before the Final Ascension, we would like to field test a…

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September Wheel Spins

Spinning Wheel of Light in a canvon

For the month of September, we have Iron Coins available to purchase from the website! You can spin these coins at the Wheel of Tzaraziko found at the Cave of Chaos. Additionally, everyone will get one free spin per day by using SPIN WHEEL FREE! Check out HELP IRON COINS for more information. IMPORTANT NOTE:…

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Challenge of Chaos

The month of Urlachmar was chaotic indeed, as the Avenger rose into thefirmament to issue the Trial of Chaos to all mortals. The challenge,known to many, is a hamster hunt; but rather than simply collecting thefurry rodents that proliferate across the known world, the truer trialis to keep one’s grip tight around the Purple Hamster…

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Challenge of Nature

The September 2019 Artisanal winner, by Esei

In Estar, the Avenger awoke to call all of Lusternia to the Challenge of Nature, the third trial for the ultimate prize of Ascension. Mortals from across the cities and communes ascended the mountain known as Avechna’s Peak to see if they knew the lands best, hoping to take the title of Sealbearer of Nature.…

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Challenge of Knowledge

A pile of old books with the top one left open.

In Tzarin did the Avenger rouse mortalkind, for it was the Trial of Knowledge that was now at hand. Bearing the honour of Inquisitor, Avechna began to ask questions of ancient and modern histories to all who dared to become the Sealbearer of Knowledge. 20 questions were asked overall, and in the beginning it appeared…

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Challenge of Death

A battlefield with sword-wielding warriors

On 24 Avechary did Avechna’s mighty voice resound through the heavens once more, decreeing that Death should once more fall across the land in an effort to repair the Domothean Seals. On 25 Avechary did He release His vigil over the land to all those who would partake in the slaughter, beginning the Trial of…

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Ascension Times

A picture of a pocketwatch on several old hardback books.

Please keep in mind that the times listed below are in GMT, in accordance with the Lusternia time and date as seen on TIME. While these event times are not perfect for everyone across the globe, we have tried to include as much variety as we could to account for various timezone scenarios. We hope…

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Summertime Skins II

A beach seen from above, clear waters, starfish on the sand

As mentioned in Announce #1350, we are releasing the final round of summertime skins mid-month. Check out ASHOP LIST KEYWORD SUMMERTIME for the expanded list and please remember they will only be available until the end of August (but will return next August). While adding those in, we also made artifact pipes (like 561) skins…

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Ascension 2021 Dates

Each year in Lusternia, the Vernal Seals come under threat and must be defended, with a challenge to every Seal collecting those Nine who are worthy to stand in the Final Trial and hold aloft the Staff of Ascension.

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Of Magnolias and Fireweed

Red fireweed on the left, white magnolias on the right

The world watched with anxious uncertainty over the cocoon of light bearing the Lady Li-varili within Daeiv ma’Mornhai, resting upon the healing mound of Lantra, the Empyreal. Taking on the solemn duty that the Hamadhi had borne within the Elder Wars, Lantra tirelessly focused Her energies upon healing the grave wounds that had been inflicted…

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Summertime Artifact Adventure

A wave arcs over itself against a sunset

Throughout all of August, there is a sale on -all- artifacts within the Artifact Shop (ASHOP). Absolutely everything is 20% off for the entire month of August. On top of that, when you purchase credits on the website, you’ll also get Aethergoop!

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Curio Packages

A treasure map and coins sit upon a wooden table

All through this month, you are able to buy curio packages from the website – a number of curio packages that were previously only available in limited edition promotions, including race curios (for the sileni and nagasith races) and every kind of trade curio are once again available. And this month, every Wednesday is Shanth’s…

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June Promotion

Upon a black background, a lone censer sits, smoking faintly.

For the month of June, when you purchase credits on the website, you’ll
also receive one wonder crystal for every 50 credits purchased!

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Auctions Week 4 – Additions

We will be adding a few extra items to the last week of auctions. We know it’s a bit late to announce it, given you have made decisions about what to bet on ahead of time, but we’d rather not sit on some of those cool last-minute ideas things till the next auction season. One…

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Economy Revamp

A pile of gold coins sits upon a table surrounded by trinkets.

We have posted an updated economy proposal in the Ideas section of the forums and invite you all to check it out.

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May Auctions

An auctioneer's gavel against a black background.

For the month of May, we’ll be having a 30% credit sale and running auctions for both gold and credits.

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Position Change

The silhouette of Ianir gazing off to the left.

Effective today, Ianir is stepping down from the position of Assistant Producer and will be transferring to a strictly roleplay-focused godmin role.

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