Return of Charune

The Elder God Charune, the Horned One, returned to Lusternia after a long absence. He immediately entrapped his mate, the Elder Goddess Lisaera, and created strange sea creatures known as quinotaurs. It became apparent that he was entranced by powerful magics. Lisaera was eventually freed by mortals led by the Elder Goddess Maylea, and Lisaera…

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The Mosquitoes of Tolborolla

In the usually tranquil Tolborolla Valley, giant insects plagued the peaceful furrikin and tae’dae there. The root of the problem was traced to Bavarro Flatfur, the tae’dae caretaker of the caves, who let the mosquitoes breed uncontrolled because of his increasingly bizarre superstitious behavior. Adventurers were quick to dispatch the mosquitoes and help Bavarro overcome…

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Awakening Isune

Trapped in the dreams of the Wyrden Forest for many decades, the Elder Goddess Isune finally was able to break free from her trancelike slumber, with the help of mortals. This also brought the Elder Goddess Viravain back from her deep meditations. As both goddesses had initially created the Wyrd of Glomdoring, they were still…

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The i’Xiia Asylum

House i’Xiia delved deep into their ancestral history and uncovered the i’Xiia Asylum, sealed away during the Taint Wars. This horrific site survived as an endless cycle of pain as the undead patients are forever tortured by their sadistic undead wardens. However, this did not deter the i’Xiia viscanti family from attempting to exploit the…

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Kryden Valik

An amnestic aslaran was found wandering with the undervault, apparently never having seen the world above. It was later discovered that deeply hidden underground was an entire community of underground aslarans worshipping mysterious gods, calling their cavernous abode the Kryden Valik.

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Maylea, Bloom of Serenity

A strange bard wandered into the Basin, and in her wake a strange breed of wildflowers sprouted up among the mountain paths. She seemed oblivious to the fact that these wildflowers began interfering with the routes of travellers and eventually the strange bard agreed to help remove these plants. It was later revealed that the…

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Racial Updates

Many of Lusternia’s 20 unique races have been tweaked and rebalanced with new abilities and statistics. Dwarves now officially possess alcohol tolerance, which includes the gift of reducing damage the more inebriated they are! Other new abilities include advantages in influencing, ranging from the sinister illithoid’s prowess in intimidation to the seductive charisma of the…

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Pierre Merau

Fleeing from an imminent marriage and meddling mother, Pierre Merau left his native Delport to set up business as a fur trader in the Razine Mountains. He is quite happy now, as adventurers frequently visit him in his hut, trading furs and stories.

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Nekotai Guild Opens

The Nekotai Guild officially opened to the public in the Commune of Glomdoring! It is the fourth monk guild in Lusternia, which specializes in the nekai claw, a handheld weapon with three long blades. Mastering the scorpion style of combat, these monks are stealthy and rely on fast attacks and poisons.

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Wydyr Glade

The Well of Souls was drying out and it was uncovered that there was a hidden place known as the Caoimhe Dell, which held a community of elfen were caretakers of the source of the waters of the well. This dell was also a crossroads into an ethereal pocket known as the Wydyr Glade.

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Sacrifice of the Loving Radiance

As was prophesized, archangels trapped in the body of the Soulless God Muud were discovered, and Holy Supernal Raziela the Loving Radiance sacrificed herself to Muud in order to free them. Taking advantage of her being bound by Muud, Faethorn bound Raziela so she would never be able to convert fae to cherubs, and the…

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Prophesies cropped up throughout the Basin of Life, arising from the Star of Celest, the Necromentate of Magnagora, the Ancestral Spirits of the Serenwilde, and by Mother Night in Glomdoring.

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Weeky Peedia, the furrikin savant of the World Library, had summoned his niece, Nia Peedia, to help him take care of the World Library. However, Nia was determined not to settle down but instead experience life first hand through travelling. Eventually, however, she was convinced to settle down and help her poor uncle mind the…

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Nocht the Silent

Terrible fires plagued Glomdoring and eventually erupted on the Manifestation of Mother Night. It turned out these were unwanted overtures of Father Sun and his minions, the sun fae. Eventually, the fires were put out though Mother Night was left badly hurt. She called out in pain, and her cries were heard by her creator,…

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Shallach River Tragedy

A kinswoman in New Celest reported that Lileira Teldale, her cousin and a prominent researcher, was missing. Apparently having disappeared while researching life within the Sea of Despair, Lileira Teldale was discovered on the banks of the Shallach River, taking care of her sick husband, Kreer Teldale.

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The Hyfae of the Undervault

When the kephera of the Undervault began searching for a cure, it was discovered that they were treating a race that had kept hidden with the Undervault. This race was called the hyfae and were cousins to the fae. Their ailment turned out to be a much more serious affair, coming from an ancient evil…

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