Timequakes Released!

Since guilds have begun research projects in response to the temporal disturbances recently plaguing the Basin of Life, the new Timequake System has been released! Several times throughout a Lusternian month, a timequake may suddenly hit the Basin of Life. You will need to seek out the temporal rift that has opened and you can…

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Challenge of Death

There can be no life without death and, on the 7th of Vestian, 524 years after the Coming of Estarra, the Challenge of Death would choose its Sealbearer, the one who could spread the gift of the final sleep furthest throughout the land. Many challengers took to the field to drench the earth in blood,…

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Challenge of Life

On the 5th of Vestian, 524 CoE, the Challenge of Life was held. It was Malarious who cured the first diseased furrikin from its ailments, followed by Steingrim. Soon after Avurekhos appear as the third challenger. Poihala, Lorina and Eliron eventually joined the ranks. By the halfway mark of the Challenge it was these six…

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Challenge of Knowledge

The Trial of Knowledge took place on the 7th of Dioni, 524 CoE, and continued late into the night. The start was slow, with the initial questions proving to be a greater challenge than would have been expected. But slowly, little by little, the competitors have emerged. Once Kalaneya Shee-Slaugh of Glomdoring took the lead,…

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Helllooooo, Dolly d’Amour!

Ah, love is in the air and, once again, Madame Sylvie’s famous mother, the charming Dolly d’Amour, has returned to the Basin of Life to help the wandering lovelorn find love! Greet the lovelorn and then seduce them for love letters. If you get a love letter, bring it to Dolly, and if you give…

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Challenge of Nature

An artwork of a river through a lush jungle.

Early morning of the 16th of Juliary, 523 CoE, saw challengers gathered at Avechna’s Peak to take part in the Trial of Nature. Receiving a peculiar bioengineered plant, they have set off to cleanse the Basin of Life from remainders of Lyraan presence to strengthen the Seal of Nature. The first to find a clue…

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Challenge of Harmony

After Chaos, the Seal of Harmony came under contention. Contestants throughout Lusternia rose up with their voices to win hearts and minds of the denizens of the land. Though Jolanthe of Gaudiguch was the first to make her voice heard, Yendor, Enadonella, and Leticia of Glomdoring soon overtook her, followed by Ixion and Vatul of…

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Challenge of Chaos

The crash of the Lyraa Ey Rielys aetherbubble into Lusternia and its subsequent ripping away by Queenie of the Gnafia caused the fabric of reality to fray once more. Again the Nine Seals that held back the Soulless Kethuru were weakened. Thus the Trials to reinforce the Seals begin once more. The first Seal was…

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February 2019 Newsletter

Ascension 2019! Ascension 2019! During the Elder Wars, the Goddess Kaenalye was hidden in a bubble of alternate reality known as Lyraa Ey Rielys, which was out of phase from the rest of reality; thus, hiding her from the Soulless Gods. However, this secure zone also became her prison, as she was trapped there through…

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Ascension Events 2019

During the Elder Wars, the Goddess Kaenalye was hidden in a bubble of alternate reality known as Lyraa Ey Rielys, which was out of phase from the rest of reality; thus, hiding her from the Soulless Gods. However, this secure zone also became her prison, as she was trapped there through the aeons. Like many…

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January 2019 Newsletter

New Year Updates 2018: Year in Contemplation Rather than a typical year in review, the Producer of Lusternia shared the trials and tribulations that Lusternia faced in 2018, including a candid look at the reduced player base. However, no one is giving up on Lusternia, the staff remains, and the future holds many big changes,…

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January 2018 Newsletter

Year in Review; Ascension 2018 Year in Review 2017 Each year, the Producer of Lusternia looks back on the prior year, reviewing past events, including the Saga of Ghani which spanned almost the entire year, new areas and quests, and the retirement of a Lusternia founder. Also, a major project is announced going  forward into…

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Ascension Events 2018

When the High Prophet Ghani n’Rotri was corrupted during the Taint Wars just before the Fall of the Holy Celestine Empire, he was captured and held in a dimensional prison by the Illuminati of Gaudiguch. For centuries, he was maintained there by the immortal guardians of the prison, but then finally escaped. Using his powers…

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Watchers Wake to Fight the Fears

Safely ensconced in the Tosha Monastery, Constance Walker was not idle. She had assured her allies in Serenwilde that they could work on curing Elsa without needing to return to Duum, a message that had been passed through the commune’s alliance to reach Tekora Windwhisper. Ably assisted by the more knowledgable Avalni D’Varden, they began…

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Founding of the Tessenchi

Dearest honoured mother, It fills me with joy to write you once again and communicate the duties of my life since last we met. As ever, I am a servant of the Queen of Queens and carry my discretion with dignity, but though it is a fell day that brought me back to you, I…

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Bad for Business

(as heard from the mouth of Deotathi Miim) Oh, sure, city of Freedom, where anyone is FREE to muscle in on my market. What’s this Kahn Lucas got that I haven’t anyway? A sob story and magic potion? Hmph. No, tried and true wares is what I got. Countess Dys Mzithrei at least understands that,…

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How Servants Pass the Time

Roarkian 14th, 480 CE: Getting lost while trying to find help is bound to make anyone a frustrated, weeping mess, right? Poor girl, this Moana Cracy, she arrived in quite the state of upset already. Things were uncertain when our own Heart of the Crescendo, Marquessa Xeii Shevat, could not calm the woman but as…

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Wish you were here – love, Nirena

Dear uncle, How’s yer leg? I hope my cousins aren’t giving ye too much trouble lately. Anyways, ye wouldn’t believe the things that have happened to me since the beginning of the year! I know ye always shook yer head at my hunting and tracking ways. “Settle down to a real business”, ye always said,…

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