You are a newbie from the time you complete the introductory journey through the Portal of Fate (HELP JOURNEY), until you are level 30. Communication: o SAY - Syntax: SAY <message> Example: SAY I'm new here! Most common form of speaking to everyone in your room. o TELL - Syntax: TELL <player> <message> Example: TELL BOB Hello! Method of speaking to a person privately. o NEWBIE - Syntax: NEWBIE <message> Example: NEWBIE Can anyone help me? Public channel for new players to ask questions. o CGT - Syntax: CGT <message> Example: CGT Hello! Who do I learn my lessons from? City or Commune collegium channel, like NEWBIE. o CT - Syntax: CT <message> Example: CT Where do I buy food? City or Commune channel. o GT - Syntax: GT <message> Exampled: GT Where do I find the guildhall? Guild channel within your city or commune. Movement: o To move, type in the standard compass directions for movement: NORTH (or N), SOUTH (or S), EAST (or N), WEST (or W), NORTHEAST (or NE), NORTHWEST (or NW), SOUTHEAST (or SE), SOUTHWEST (or SW) o There are some non-standard directions: IN, OUT, UP and DOWN. o POOLS - A special movement that allows you to return to the Garden of the Moirae with many exits to places in Lusternia. Syntax: POOLS Attacking: o ATTACK/KILL - Syntax: ATTACK <target> KILL <target> Example: ATTACK fink KILL fink Will use your default class-attack skill (as below). o KICK - Syntax: KICK <target> Example: KICK fink One of your first newbie attacks. It is recommended to use your class skills though. o PUNCH - Syntax: PUNCH <target> Example: PUNCH fink One of your first newbie attacks. It is recommended to use your class skills though. o NATURE CURSE - Syntax: NATURE CURSE <target> Example: NATURE CURSE fink Wiccan/Druid novice attack skill. o SWING/JAB - Syntax: SWING/JAB <target> Example: SWING fink/JAB fink Warrior novice attack skill. o COSMIC FIRE - Syntax: ABJURE COSMICFIRE <target> Example: ABJURE COSMICFIRE fink Guardian novice attack skill. o BLAST - Syntax: CAST BLAST <target> Example: CAST BLAST fink Mage novice attack skill. o MINORSECOND - Syntax: PLAY MINORSECOND <target> Example: PLAY MINORSECOND fink Bard novice attack skill. o KA PUNCH KICK- Syntax: KA PUNCH <target> LEFT|RIGHT KA KICK <target> LEFT|RIGHT Example: KA PUNCH fink LEFT Monk novice attack skills Your Skills and Status: o SCORE - Syntax: SCORE This will show you detailed information about your character. o STATUS - Syntax: STATUS This is another means to show more information about your character. o AB - This will bring up the list of skills you currently have. There are three formats to this command as listed below: Syntax: AB - Lists your skillsets Syntax: AB <skill> - Lists skills in a skillset Example: AB environment Syntax: AB <skill> <ability> - Gives detailed information on a skill. Example: AB environment swimming