(see also HELP ARTIFACTS, HELP ARTIFACT_TRADEINS, HELP ARTIFACT_TRANSFERS) ---------------- WEAPON ARTIFACTS ---------------- Please note that runes must be attached to the weapons they are intended to modify in order to take effect. For more information on runes, please read HELP ARTIFACTS. ---------------------------------- GREAT RUNES FOR MONKS AND WARRIORS ---------------------------------- Great Rune of the Elite Weaponsmith (300 credits) - This rune may be attached to any knighthood weapon, and will increase the available enhancement slots on that weapon. - Multiples of this rune may be applied to a given weapon. - Up to three enhancement slots may be added to a weapon using these runes. - Each rune attached to a one-handed weapon increases available slots by one. - Each two runes attached to a two-handed weapon increases available slots by one. Two runes are necessary for the first new slot to be gained. ------------------ OTHER WEAPON RUNES ------------------ The following runes may ONLY be attached to the following items: mage staves, druid cudgels, wiccan athames, guardian symbols, illuminati gauntlets, institute instruments and bard instruments. Great Rune of Gripping o This will make your rune act as though you had the knight ability of the same name, causing you to grip your item so that it is difficult to drop. o 150 credits. Great Rune of Shielding o Grants a 5% damage reduction shield. o 350 credits. Great Rune of Superior Enchantment o This rune will allow the object to be enchantable for up to 75 charges. o NOTE: If this rune is placed on a staff and charged with an enchantment you need to POINT, remember you need to POINT STAFF AT <target> to use the enchantment and POINT STAFF <target> to use the normal staff attack. o 100 credits. Great Rune of Musical Enhancement o Attaches to bard musical instruments. o Increases song length on that instrument by 50%. o 350 credits. SPECIAL FOR GUARDIANS: If you are a Nihilist or Celestine and rune a symbol, you must still be deep bonded with a cosmic lord to be able to use that symbol. However, the symbol will transform to whatever cosmic lord to whom you are deep bonded. NOTE FOR BARDS: Attaching any rune on an instrument will automatically raise it to maestro-level. NOTE: The special weapon runes do not transfer between summoned items except in the case of changing a cosmic lord with a symbol (while in the same guild). Thus, if you change from being an Aquamancer to a Geomancer, or Mage to Druid, your rune will _not_ transfer to the new summoned weapon. Please note that any permanent item with one of these runes can be customised normally for a further 50 credits - see HELP CUSTOMISATION). ---------------- COMMANDANT ITEMS ---------------- These artifacts are used for squad leaders. Commandant's Shoulderknot: 125 credits - A squad led by the wearer will generate 5% extra gold when divided. Commandant's Medal: 125 credits - Any squad led by the wearer will generate power at a much faster rate. Commandant's Sash: 200 credits - Any squad led by the wearer will generate 5% extra xp.