Log Archive

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10

A collection of Lantra's Memories in the Fonts

Created By Cheliyi at 03/10/2025 in New Celest

This is a collection of every memory I could find the in the Fonts that Lantra had available to Her Order. Given that I'll likely leave said Order soon, I didn't want such beautiful writing to go unseen since no one else could join the Order.

Plus, there's that sweet, sweet toxic relationship with Malmydia. Who could resist?

Initial Progress of a Magnagoran Serf

Created By Sefrillir at 02/20/2025 in Magnagora

Kailanna and Tzshalgoth introduce a new Magnagoran serf to guild and city, including the value of progress.

Fun Times After the Gala

Created By Luce at 02/10/2025 in Hallifax

In which Luce discusses Beauty with his not-a-boyfriend Rheiss after the Ascension Gala in 2017

Galleria Mysteria

Created By Tridemon at 10/20/2024 in Event

Vandalism! Accusations! Licking things that aren't meant to be licked? What could have possibly happened to this painting donated to the gallery?!?

2020-08-22 Sunrise Through Nialla

Created By Xiran at 09/17/2024 in Roleplay

Watching the sunrise with wildewood Nialla.

Townhall Meeting - 3 September 2024

Created By Uilani at 09/16/2024 in Miscellaneous

OOC Town Hall Log session from Tuesday, 3 September 2024, focusing on the topic of Lusternia moving into Legacy Mode. Originally logged and tidied up by Xiran.

Townhall Meeting - 7 September 2024

Created By Uilani at 09/16/2024 in Miscellaneous

OOC Town Hall Log session from Saturday, 7 September 2024, focusing on the topic of Lusternia moving into Legacy Mode. A follow-up townhall to the first one. Originally logged and tidied up by Kethaera.

Lisaera: Mortal Testimony and War of the Circles

Created By Xiran at 11 Tzarin 610 02/01/2022 in Event

Hidden above the gathering of pilgrims, Lady Lisaera listens to mortal testimony regarding the actions and judgement of Lady Li-Varili. A potential case study of Lisae Compassion.

Tea and Hypothericals

Created By Xiran at 5 Roarkian 590 05/31/2021 in Roleplay

Xiran gets invited to tea. Gurashi speaks of how they are doing.

Of Brother Crow and Crutches

Created By Xiran at 11 Urlachmar 575 11/14/2020 in Roleplay

Faelorna and Xiran have a brief conversation in aethertells.