Townhall Meeting – 7 September 2024

Townhall Meeting - 7 September 2024

Created By Uilani at 09/16/2024 in Miscellaneous

OOC Town Hall Log session from Saturday, 7 September 2024, focusing on the topic of Lusternia moving into Legacy Mode. A follow-up townhall to the first one. Originally logged and tidied up by Kethaera.

--[ OOC ANNOUNCEMENT ]--------------------------------[ 2024/09/07 15:17:56 ]-- A townhall is about to commence at the Junction of Realities. Which is south of the Portal of Fate. You can get there by path tracking to the PORTAL landmark or send Uilani a tell to get you here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raising Her hand in greeting, Uilani says "Hi!" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Think that might be everything, least for the moment!" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Welcome all once more!" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Joining us this time are three of our four mortal coders. Giane, Jeannie, and Rova." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Please say hello to the menace that they are." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Mortal coders generally do not classify bugs, we do." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "And then they pick it up from the right categories." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "What category something is in determines rewards for the mortal coders too, for example a bug categorised high is worth more than a typo." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "It's that too, it's also difficulty, sometimes part of it is also determining if something is a bug or isn't." Jeannie says, "It differs, some categories are priority-based (high/medium/low), while some are what it's about (typos, artifact-related, etc.)" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "So just because something is filed does not mean it must be fixed." Rova, Reality Mender says, "Classification doesn't tell you if someone is working on it." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "There's 747 code bugs in the system, that's not vanishing anytime soon. Some bugs take 2 minutes, some 3 hours, 2 people, and a lecture on bitwise operators." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "More to the point though! Legacy questions first if anyone has some?" Uilani tilts Her head curiously.
Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Taking questions from the top then." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "I guess the best first question is to ask what's changed since the last townhall?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Khnemu, "What's changed? Nothing much, all the changes we'll be tackling are huge and it's not something we can do in a day. We also have a large team, even if some of them we might only see for 2 hours a week sometimes, and liaising with all of them is a task in and of itself. This was big news for admin too so a lot of my time has been spent informing people, discussing how they feel about it, discussing what plans they may have in the future. Everyday things still continue on too. As I mentioned before, we're unlikely to have new things to tell you at the townhall, this second one was intended for anyone who could not be there on Tuesday." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star asks Uilani, "You said you might have a road map of top priorities and wht you wish to tackle ffirst after this meating. is that still true or are you all still prioritising?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "But that brings me to Faragan's question." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "I was not really expecting one til october."
Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Faragan, "Top priorities are: daily credits get doubled as an interim measure till we have a proper outline for progression in place. Doubling is the easiest and fastest thing we can do. I am calculating lesson costs right now to see how much we need to increase per lesson gains to make progression viable. Starmourn increased theirs to 75 lessons per level. This won't be enough here but that is once more an easy thing we can throw in immediately. I will be starting on both the doubling and lessons soon as townhall is done." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "When it comes to progression, we want to strike a balance between people having what to work for, but it not being a chore obviously. Things being too easy -is- a concern as well so numbers need to be crunched and all that fancy lingo." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Ok." Huskii Myeras says, "I will mourn the loss of my easy 1 dailycredit quests." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "You value what you work for." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Once you ahve done the others I have a followup not question so much as a sujestion if it would be plausable." Huskii Myeras says, "There have been some concerns that without the credit market, character progression is going to be difficult for a while, specifically around artifacts and lessons. I have heard a concern that with our recent little bump in player activity, retention may be a problem if credits are not accessible. Is there a plan to re-open the credit market?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Huskii, "That answers your question in part too. Regarding the credit market, there's a lot around credits that is related to IRE code, we can't do a lot about those bits. I'm still trying to figure out what we can actually do. One interesting thing I have learnt from Starmourn is that they have added a credit shop, where you literally buy credits at a fixed gold price. So not so much a market, which can have many dangers, but a shop." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "A credit market, with the amount of credits that will come from daily credits and such, could destabilise gold production/prices a lot."
Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Faragan, "Ask away." Uilani urges Her companions onwards. The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Going off of the credit shop and given stuff in the way way past other stuff was sold for gold. curio crates mixed with iron coins I guess it would now be..they were czigany back then. would that be a possability for a gold sink? Also a followup a if you are still planning to do aways with goop and make everything credit based that might even be better for curio packages a a hole." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Faragan, "That is precisely a thing we need to consider still. Goop is a whole job to produce so new players have problems with it. I think a thing we could do immediately is make sure that anything that is priced ONLY in goop is also priced in credits. I can add that to my todo for right after the townhall. On the other hand, some players have SO MUCH goop, that they don't need or want more, and have no use for it. Ideally, I think additional currencies might not be needed at all, now for different reasons than when I originally wanted to abolish goop." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Oh ok." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Faragan, "On the other hand, sometimes an additional currency is useful as a thing to limit access to something and with credits to become very prevalent, we might want an additional currency for something. It might not be goop though. We'll see." Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "Dingbats, obviously." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "I have two, but going to ask them one at a time to make them easier to log and answer." Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Mortaltears." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Bring back dingbats!" The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says to Manteekan, "That is a step backwards. dingbats became tgoop heh." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Though I loved that name better than aethergoop." Huskii Myeras says, "I know it's not often used, but are we going to lose the test server?" Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says to Huskii, "Not to speak over Uilani, but that's owned by Ais, I think? And we probably won't lose it." Kalikai shrugs helplessly. Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Got me, I'm ill informed. Pretty sure we won't lose it." Rova, Reality Mender says, "We won't lose test servers., there are multiple. It would take a change in IRE policy.... also not speaking for Uilani." Kalikai nods Her head emphatically. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Test server is here to stay. It's my test server, I need it to be able to code. I've been paying for it, not IRE, so do some of our coders. IRE does not provide test environments for coders, we always handled it on our own. A lot of IRE's coders run things on their own machines but for any number of reasons that is not always the best idea. For example, in my case when I was starting out it was helpful for someone to easily be able to jump in and fix something I broke without needing to be screenshare/give over control." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "So it's hosted, not ran on my machine, that's why it's always up." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "I have another question to answer before I get to other ones after Faragan's which was asked anonymously."
Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "The questions are: Did IRE force Lusternia to become legacy? If so, why? If it is to save money, why not just stop paying the producers (2?) without all the other changes?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "The answer to that is yes, it's not our choice to go legacy but as we have stated, we not just don't mind, we embrace it. The reason why we are going legacy is that the game was not earning enough to pay producers and for server maintenance. Now for the second part of that question, why not just stop paying producers? Because if monetization exists in the game, it carries with it expectations of customer service, a certain level of quality, and ongoing development. IRE is not guaranteeing that for legacy games, if anything they are outright saying it is NOT there. So you cannot keep monetization in a game that has no people paid to run the game. Of course, in our case we are retaining our entire admin staff and it's business as usual. Customer support, development, all those things are staying but they are not guaranteed by IRE but by us." Huskii Myeras says, "If more lessons re being rewarded on levelup, will lesson rewards be awarded retroactively?" Uilani hurls Huskii away from Her, exclaiming, "YEET!" Kalikai, the Crimson Eye whispers to Huskii, "No lessons for you!" A wry smile spreads across Kalikai's face. Suurae giggles happily. The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "A credit ship. more money for bob. I am still planning to overtake him to become th premir merchant in the basin. Gues that dream is shot all to nil." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "I'm pretty sure your shop's inventory is worth more than Bob's right now anyway." Kalikai nods Her head emphatically. Kistan n'Kylbar, the Iron Muse says, "Will we ever get anything back for families? Or is that low down on the list? It seemed a shame it was just deleted." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Kistan, "It's a real shame re: families yes. Love the system, it was just no longer viable in the format it was in. This is not something we'll be circling back soon, unless Ais miraculously finds lots of time to tackle that as she had some specific ideas on what to do there. We have too many immediately code projects to tackle first. We will get back to it though." Giane says, "I may or may not have blacked out and woken two years later after going into family code." Kalikai pats Giane in a friendly manner. Giane says, "Hopefully we'll have time to circle back to making more cool systems." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "Just out of curiosity, how beholden to IRE policy are you all, now that we're in Legacy mode?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Mellori, "Re: IRE policy. That's a difficult question and the answer is really something I could tell you on a case by case basis than wholesale. We are part of IRE. The game is owned by IRE and hosted by IRE. There are still expectations that those who stay on follow general IRE rules. We did not a list of rules to follow or anything like that, it is more expected that I, as the person with the kind of contract/NDA that I had, supervise and ensure we do things a certain way. Like for instance, if all our admin suddenly started also playing as players, giving themselves free stuff, showing bias and favouritism en masse, as is known to happen in some MUDs where the admin are powertripping, I am sure an email would be sent to IRE eventually, complaining about us being terrible and making IRE look bad. They might come in then and say to cut it out or outright shut the whole thing down if it is not salvageable? I am honestly not sure because such a thing did not happen so far in other legacy games."
Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Mellori, "There are a lot of things where I think we are fine making the rules on now though. But again, you'll need to ask me about something specific because what falls under the IRE umbrella and what doesn't is not exactly overt." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "Fair enough. I asked the question not really knowing what IRE policy even is, only that it had been mentioned which had me curious." Kaewa says, "Lots of rules are also for admin-protection." Uilani nods Her head at Kaewa. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "The thing with admin/players thing might be a good example. There's a lot of things we're keeping also because as Kae says, it's a good thing and protecting us." Kalikai acknowledges the point with a grave nod of Her head. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Huskii, "Starmourn did not do anything retroactively to my knowledge. That said, I think to think about it." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star asks Uilani, "Without server maintenance what happens when we have troubles on that side of things?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Faragan, "Re: server maintenance. We will be on a server shared by other legacy games. That server will be maintained and we'll still get any Rapture or IRE code updates others are getting. IRE is just not guaranteeing game-specific development." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Oh ok." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Faragan, "If something breaks, it's 99.99% of the time something we fix, not IRE. Right now I have full access to the Lusternia server to grab what I need or do what I need. I do not know how that will work once we are on the shared server but I assume the same way." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Faragan, "I'll ask." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Faragan, "I assume so because server access is often necessary to fix the game if something explodes." Comprehension flashes across Uilani's face. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Starmourn said they retained server access." Uilani taps Her fingers together and murmurs, "Excellent..." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Great." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Khnemu, "Your question now."
Revelrous Drastrath says, "Did we decide not to give current character the lesson difference?" Revelrous Drastrath says, "Characters." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "At 40 credits a weave that is." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "280?"
Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Will there be a possibility for certain 'upkeepy' things to be toned down or pared back once we get more underway? Examples are things like research upkeep costs, commodity-heavy designs, statues, Marani being immortal, etc." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Khnemu, "Things that require upkeep, least specifically the ones you have listed, have never been tied to monetization. Those are all related to the economy and that is not changing because monetization is gone. The systems are unrelated. Research is its own beast and difficult to tackle because it is not something you must have, it is something you want to have. That said, there are numerous difficulties surrounding research upkeep, such as not enough access/visibility, or ability to take money from banks, etc. We can look at that but it won't be as part of the process we are going through now. Designs are already getting slashed in terms of commodity costs wholesale, it's not fast or easy but it's happening when I have the time to do it. Statues last forever, upkeeping them is cheap is dirt and there are now new tools to review them too. As for Marani, not sure how she is an upkeepy related thing or something that needs changing?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Drastrath, "I was saying that Starmourn has not done anything retroactively, whether we will, we'll see." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "More questions?" The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Sorry 240 lessons a eave. I did math wrong. been ages since I converted credits to lesons." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "I haven't had much sleep, Marani will need more explaining later. I swear there was logic, though."
Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Khnemu, "I believe in you." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Khnemu, "Message me when it comes to you." Kistan n'Kylbar, the Iron Muse says, "Is there anything Starmourn has done that seemed a good idea for here going forward?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Kistan, "A lot of what they're doing is not applicable because our systems are very, very different. The immediate thing they did was more lessons for levelling and slowly making gated things available through credits." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "The cuio/coin crates for gold. will that wait to see if hte credit shop is a big enough gold sink?? I think it was 15 pieces each and 15 coins for 1.5 million gold." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star asks Mellori, "Ithink I recall if you bound credits alone you got lessons too or did that go away?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Faragan, "Not going to make ASHOP work with gold immediately, if at all, because it is not set up at all to handle gold as a currency. Will make the goop-only things available for credits though." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Ok, there are some that do that now so yo uhave a converssion rate already." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says to Faragan, "Yes, you get up to 2.5 bonus lesson for each credit you bind, up to 2500 lessons for binding 1000 credits." Kalikai nods Her head at Mellori. The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "'oh ok I could not remember the exact numbers. like I said been a while." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says to Faragan, "No worries!" The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says to Uilani, "As I recall it was jeremiah that sold then it was not a artifact shop thing but, I guess he is gone too. i guess itwas like a regular mob shop." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Faragan, "Regarding Jeremiah and gold, yes, that used to be a thing but we would not be going back to using standard shops for artifacts because all tracking, refunding, and other parts of the environment surrounding artifacts is in ASHOP and we should not go back." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd asks, "Without monetization, is there a reason to keep things bound/unbound? Or was that not necessarily tied to monetization?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Mellori, "I believe bound/unbound was tied to monetization. I am of the belief that -ideally- we should not have bound and unbound because it is a relic and would be confusing for new players. There won't be a source of unbound in theory, but unbound is also the only ones you can share with someone. Not being able to, say, reward people for participating in your contest with credits might be an issue. However, if there is a gold to credit shop, then you could award gold and they could buy the credits themselves. I would ideally like us to stick to bound, but I am unsure how much of that code is IRE and not something we can touch. So unclear if we can fully remove that language or hide them. Also, have some ideas on how to handle the share with others issue but it's too early soon."
Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "I know we're a long, long way from 'solid plan', but which of the limited artifacts are you considering making generally available, and which are you considering retiring or toning down?" Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Just so we know generally where the lines are aiming so we can give proper feedback and suggestions if you ask for them." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "And, like start to set our expectations."
Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Khnemu, "Way too early to tell. I need to sit down with, probably, Orael, as he made many of them. That specifically relates to auction artifacts. Now for things like macarons, very powerful, we may want to make them very sporadically available through some sort of daily credits shop/milestones. There are also a bunch of artifact Ais is salivating at the thought of nuking altogether for the sake of combat balance. Whether we will or won't is still up in the air. Now, even if we did, if said artifact had something that was useful to it, we could always transfer that to a different artifact/system so any nuking does not necessarily mean something would go away for good. Take for instance Solstice artifacts. The fact they required such a limited currency as they do was always an issue and split the game more into have and have-nots. Some of the powers are useful though. But even if we made them very available, a lot of them were still made with monetization in mind and some powers should probably be nixed." Kalikai nods Her head in agreement. Kistan n'Kylbar, the Iron Muse says, "Are there any plans to change player visibility? You can log on with 20 players and all 20 be cloaked or in aetherways or off continent making the game seem , well, empty." Someone powerful looks skeptical and says, "Hasn't cloaking been addressed?" The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "That hole cloak cahnge yes." Kistan n'Kylbar, the Iron Muse says, "Oh, I must have missed that." Kistan n'Kylbar, the Iron Muse says, "Sorry!" The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Tough lately in my opention you have a large qw list an you never know if hteyr'e attentive or mindless idiets." Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "CHANGELOG 2791 and 2802. Possibly some others." "No problem," Manteekan says offhandedly to Kistan. Smirking confidently, Manteekan and Kistan casually bump fists. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Kistan, "Yes, there has been a big change to that about a year ago or so. But the system still has some issues and I think it could be further improved in terms of visibility." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "We have been a bit lax on idle checks. We might need to resume poking people a bit more because some have really been idle for a long while at times in very visible places." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "I do not want us to become Aetolia where, at least in past experience, it was super hard to find people not afk." You say, "Hey now, it's not like that anymore." Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow says, "It doesn't look great for an org to have people afk, but I wasn't sure if it rose to an issuable offense." Kalikai nods Her head at you, showing Her acceptance.
Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to you, "Like I said, past experience." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Xiran, "It is yes." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "If someone steps away, even for 10-20 min and is just sitting in some hidden corner of the land, I don't personally mind. They might be in the kitchen. But if you're at the nexus afk an hour, that is an issue." Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow says, "Thanks. My main worry has been newbies coming and asking for help, and I feel being ignored comes off worse than being empty in a particular timezone." Kalikai nods Her head at Xiran, showing Her acceptance. Nocht nods solemnly. Uilani nods Her head at Xiran. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Xiran, "Reaching out and being met with what feels like indifference is rough." Revelrous Drastrath says, "One concern I do have, if the decision is made to make everything unbound then can we get clarification on if credit farming on mains for seconds would a violation of the seconds policy? I know without the decision having been made that this may be a mute point." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Drastrath, "The other way around, everything will be bound, not unbound. And no, no seconds policies are changing. You still cannot just transfer things between alts that you gain in-game, not through OOC gains." Revelrous Drastrath says, "For clarification on the seconds policy, moving forward an argument could be made that there are no OOC means of earning credits. Is that the view of admin?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Drastrath, "Yes and no. Artbard contests are OOC." Revelrous Drastrath says to Uilani, "You answered my next question." Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says to Drastrath, "More reason for players to start doing artbards." Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow says, "Since orgs also run their own credit sales (which can be given bound or unbound currently), what might be intended use of the credit shop? If it's not too early to talk about such game design." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Xiran, "Unclear how that is supposed to work just yet. Need to trace through all sources of unbound to see if there would be enough to warrants keeping it, or if we just really want to have bound (but let orgs have sales with bound)" Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel asks, "With goop looking for discounts with Charon, will the goopcrafted items be shifted to another currency, or just made less available?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Khnemu, "No decision yet." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Khnemu, "Since goop is technically still existing and those craftables are non mandatory but fun extras to have, not as urgent as some other things." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "More questions?" Uilani urges Her companions onwards.
Manteekan, the Nightmare says to Uilani, "You and I talked about like. Showing off what we do." Uilani nods Her head emphatically. Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "Do we want to talk about that at all?" The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star asks, "Like in the godblogs?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "What we'd like to show or what we can't really show." Uilani gives a trillingly melodic laugh. Manteekan, the Nightmare frowns and says, "Both." Voice muffled by his mask, Warlord Uzriel d'Vanecu, Demagogue of Dissonance says, "Completely unrelated question to legacy mode. Should CL's be expecting letters about boons before submitting any requests?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Uzriel, "They should be expecting them but it's a me thing because how war gets handled still needs a decision due to how different it was from general setup for everything else." Voice muffled by his mask, Warlord Uzriel d'Vanecu, Demagogue of Dissonance says, "I just want to make sure its not a case of admin waiting on us to decide." Voice muffled by his mask, Warlord Uzriel d'Vanecu, Demagogue of Dissonance says, "Not really in a particular hurry just good to know whose ball the court is in." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Probably Bob's, nobody else can get everyone to be civil under the same roof." Revelrous Drastrath says, "One thing that I have thought about that may be an issue with IRE policy, in Dragonrealms at one point they had quests that you pay for that had an Admin running the quest. In the terms of bring pizza to the DND table, is there a way that maybe we can repay our admins when they work things or run things we truly appreciate. Like a donation for their dinner that day or something." Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "I mentioned at the last townhall, and maybe in the legacy thread that I'd like to stream things. Having discussed it, thats not really feasible, but I see paths for pre-records, or possibly god blogs with still screenshots. What kinds of things would actually be interesting to see?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Drastrath, "Not doable, we want no money at all, and there's really no way that would work while the game is owned by IRE. We're happy to work for your raves." Kalikai nods Her head in agreement. Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "All the raves. And roleplay, for those of us that are released." Kaewa says, "We thrive on your appreciation." Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "Do people know that SAYTO when directed at a denizen notifies admin (if we have that enabled)?" Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "That's awesome! I did not know that." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Yeah, that s in help something or other I read a long time ago." Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "Like, its not a promise that anyone will show up and direct that denizen, but y'know." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel exclaims, "I did, it makes me suuuuuuper anxious about using it!" Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow says, "I did learn that from my early days. I could put it in Serenwilde's OOC clan to encourage interaction." Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "It doesn't mean we'll respond. Sometimes we're busy." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Espeshaly in the moths to come you'll be buisy." Revelrous Drastrath says, "That is awesome. I didn't know that either. A follow-up could the player know if that NPC is being monitored as a hint for quests or RP opportunities?" Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "Yeah, also I'm not going to go out and touch Hallifax's nexus person or whatever." Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow says, "I read in a godblog that about 15 minutes is a respectable time to wait before moving on?" Kalikai shakes Her head at Drastrath. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Drastrath, "Generally no because sometimes we do it for reasons not related to wanting to roleplay as that mob." Revelrous Drastrath says, "Understandable." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Drastrath, "Sometimes they are possessed so we can be alerted of people entering and then doing the quest and we want to watch for bugs." Voice muffled by his mask, Warlord Uzriel d'Vanecu, Demagogue of Dissonance says to Manteekan, "I've had experiences frustrated with a quest cursing out the npc and them getting possessed to respond heh." Kalikai winks conspiratorially at Uzriel. The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Ok, that is funny." Manteekan laughs out loud. Revelrous Drastrath says, "Kephera are the worst." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd laughingly says, "Cursing out the NPC has been an urge once or twice." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Uzriel, "We'll jump in to help where possible." Manteekan peers about Himself unscrupulously. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Uzriel, "But also, very few people can just jump into an entirely random quest/prog they have never seen and make sense of it fast enough for it to matter and help." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "But we try." Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "As a player, that happened to me with the drunk in the Wailing Woman Inn, in Magnagora. At one point, he'd give you gossip if you give him booze, and I think the admin got tired of me trash talking the drunk." Kalikai looks about Herself, rubbing Her chin thoughtfully. Voice muffled by his mask, Warlord Uzriel d'Vanecu, Demagogue of Dissonance says, "The experience I'm thinking of was more to respond with "suck it" heh." A wry smile spreads across Uilani's face. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Anyone had any suggestions for Manty's question re what you might like to see from our admin view?" Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow says to Manteekan, "I'm not sure if the screenshots would help illustrate the point, but I would be curious what mob possession is like, and perhaps how much information there is incoming when you are possessing multiple, and how mortal players can adjust their roleplay for a better experience for all involved?" The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "I liked the day in the life you did as drusilla back years ago sortof game a clue to hte buisy you all have." Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "Ohhh, thats an interesting one." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "Hmm. I'm not much of a programmer, so I'm not certain what I'd be able to glean from a peek behind the scenes." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Bugfixes are always neat, and generally are for already-released areas." Voice muffled by his mask, Warlord Uzriel d'Vanecu, Demagogue of Dissonance says, "While not sure how much yall want to save to reuse, it can be fun to get event post mortems and see what some of the other planned for paths or what surprises jumped out to you." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says to Xiran, "I was just thinking mob possession!" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Mellori, "The question was more admin work than coding I think." Sugary Savant Tikki, Chair of Hallifax says, "Being an avid FFXIV nerd, I think Godblogs with stills makes for a great idea, similar to how they do it over there. Maybe for certain topics having a pre-records as required." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says to Uilani, "Ah, I misunderstood. Thank you!" Voice muffled by his mask, Warlord Uzriel d'Vanecu, Demagogue of Dissonance says, "The bugfix streams are also fun yeah." Rova, Reality Mender says to Uilani, "So no code along?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Rova, "Can you code?" The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "I also like the idea of an event run and how the mortals twisted it from what you though or planned it to be." Rova, Reality Mender says, "Nil I hope so." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Rova, "I thought you're just decoration hung from the kawhe pot in coders room!" Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel asks, "Maybe if someone consents, working on a custom item or pet?" Sir Inagin La'Saet says, "If I can code, can I fix my own reported bugs?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Rova, "We're talking about Manty's idea for admin though for the moment." Uilani nods Her head at Rova. Rova, Reality Mender says, "No plan survived first contact with players......." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "GM's mantra, that." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says to Kalikai, "Greentea from you. I am d disappointed." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Inagin, "Coders are generally not allowed to work on their own bugs." Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow says, "Seconding Uzriel, I love reading post-mortems too." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Inagin, "Unless directed to do so. This ensures nobody is filing stuff they think is a bug (which maybe it isn't) and then doing with it what they think is right." A look of understanding crossing His features, Manteekan nods His head slowly. You say, "Can I fix the quests?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Wanna be an Eph? Then yes." Giane says, "Mortal coders don't work on quests, so it would require applying for ephemeralhood." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Uzriel, "I have notes on some... including entirely random snippets." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Uzriel, "Such as." Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "So, for example, some of you may be involved in a very, very long combined bug involving Climanti/Icewynd. I'm working on that. Maybe it would be interesting to see screenshots of some of the issues I've found, if Uilani approved of those. One thing we want to be mindful of is not criticizing someone else's work product." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Uzriel, "Ideas for weather lines: yo dawg, clouds be roiling, lightning be ba-ba-booming." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Uzriel, "Which is funny in context." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Uzriel, "Coven names: Marinating Nereids, Suicide Squad, Let's Get Kraken, The Calypso-oops. That is before the Sea Coven was made." Laughing heartily, Lupisentia says, "I'd love to see that actually in game." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "I'd love to know how much you can see as an admin without log-checking. For instance, if you're observing nearby (like possessing a mob or similar) can you see every command, not just the ones that go through? If you possess a mob do you still get all the divine abilities to read tells or thinks?" Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "I still remember the time I thought you had to be above the Pool of Stars to get Altaira's prophecies, so I completed my last beacon and dashed away before I could be given a plot-critical prophecies, and the Havens apparently had to stop laughing long enough to figure out an alternative." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd whispers, "Do you see all of my typoed whoheres and the like?"
Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "To clarify, that's the kind of thing I'd love to see in a god-blog type peek, not necessarily answered now." Voice muffled by his mask, Warlord Uzriel d'Vanecu, Demagogue of Dissonance says, "Let's Get Kraken is great." Voice muffled by his mask, Warlord Uzriel d'Vanecu, Demagogue of Dissonance says, "Marinating Neraids sounds like a cooking recipe." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "To mellory If we're possessing a mob we only see what is happening in THAT room. Only see relevant things: emotes and says, enter/exit, giving things with SPECIAL EYES (that is really what it says). Possessing is mob is not becoming a mob, we have all our abilities. It's more like attaching your eyes to them." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Damnit, why do I insist on an y in Mellori's name." Rova, Reality Mender says, "Post event or roleplay write ups could be fun and include the hidden jokes of what people said or thought, without naming who." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Mellori, "If we're possessing a mob we only see what is happening in THAT room. Only see relevant things: emotes and says, enter/exit, giving things with SPECIAL EYES (that is really what it says). Possessing is mob is not becoming a mob, we have all our abilities. It's more like attaching your eyes to them." Sir Inagin La'Saet says, "I hate moving away from a room resulting in not completing the quest or getting the objective/prize." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Inagin, "The lines often feature the person being there, so you must be there for that part of the quest to fire." Sugary Savant Tikki, Chair of Hallifax says, "Clearly the solution is to give every quest NPC that requires you being in the room to progress something that yanks you back in the room with an 'As I was saying...'" Voice muffled by his mask, Warlord Uzriel d'Vanecu, Demagogue of Dissonance says, "I may have completely broken and disabled quests leaving the room after getting DCs but before the npc finished talking/handing me gold." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd laughingly says, "Sometimes it isn't even on purpose! Sometimes I move habitually, or I was ready to move and hit enter too early." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Caltrips." Kistan n'Kylbar, the Iron Muse says, "Plot doors that slam behind you." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "And drop a mono." Revelrous Drastrath says, "NPC casts Barrier." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Super-carcer." Sir Inagin La'Saet says, "Or they can chase me down to thank me for helping them." Rova, Reality Mender says, "..... you will all regret this request one day." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Or take up the matto pashents is a virtue and wait a bit to mak sure htey are done." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "I do think it is very funny when an npc will give you gold from five+ rooms away because you accidentally (or not so accidentally) ran off." Giane whispers to Rova, "There's an existing bard ability that swaps you with them. We can use that as a basis for le yoink." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "The dwarf in Carver of Mountains regularly tosses me gold from Hallifaxish to the Eternal Flame. Good arm, that man." Rova, Reality Mender says, "Dramaturgys? mhm." Rova, Reality Mender says, "Give every quest mob quick sand in room on finish." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Some ideas for streams or pre-recorded videos, or blogs that I have on the table include: 1) designing an event together with players and then taking you step by step through everything that prep for that involves; 2) designing some non lore feature that uses prog and showing you the whole process of design/writing/testing of that, something not critical and just for fun (like a nail salon, spa, whatever, just for laughs); 3) more producer ride-alongs." Kaewa says, "Some quests have checks to see if the player is still in the room, and if not, they respond accordingly." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Does any of that sound worthwhile?" The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says to Uilani, "Wht about th seasonal solstice, lost lovers and such likethat will we til have those on the skedual? minus the stockings being sold?" Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Was about to ask about the Wayfaire." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "All three sound great to me." Revelrous Drastrath says, "And Wayfaire." Rova, Reality Mender says to Kaewa, "Please tell me they respond rudely and boo one is just there to hear them." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "I really loved the solstice certifacte this year where you could go and buy things." Kaewa says to Rova, "They do." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Faragan, "Regarding seasonal proms, sure! We'll just more name it: seasonal events." "Ok!" Uilani exclaims at Freja. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "So we have some ideas. Any more questions for us?" Huskii Myeras says to Uilani, "I'ld join all three. The first sounds especially fun though." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says to Freja, "It's like a Kohl's gift certificate, except you can use it on stuff you actually want." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "If not I have one question for those here and one request." Uilani tilts Her head curiously. The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star asks, "Yes?" Voice muffled by his mask, Warlord Uzriel d'Vanecu, Demagogue of Dissonance says, "They all sound cool. I do think more focused items that are shorter are best. Not that the ride alongs are bad, but focused on one topic makes it easier to follow." Uilani nods Her head emphatically. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Ride-alongs are more: this is all the producer nonsense and it's everything everywhere all at once." Voice muffled by his mask, Warlord Uzriel d'Vanecu, Demagogue of Dissonance says, "And going back to see something that's an hour long instead of 4 is more palpable heh. The ridealongs end up going on as background noise." Sir Inagin La'Saet says, "Xiran, please note down the promise that things will be deleted. Like solstice. Solstice artifacts." Voice muffled by his mask, Warlord Uzriel d'Vanecu, Demagogue of Dissonance says, "Oh one more topic for fun to add - admin say how they pronounce all the lusternian words and names." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "The question from me then. If someone is still formulating a question, we can circle back." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Suddenly picturing an entire lecture series on Nebula for ephs. 'How to Code an NPC', 'Deep Lore of the Undervault', 'Mobprog and You'" Lupisentia says, "Uzriel, love that." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Khnemu, "We do have slideshows for Ephemeral training for some of that." Uilani looks about Herself, rubbing Her chin thoughtfully. Manteekan nods His head sagely. Rova, Reality Mender says, "Time for a codeingame prog puzzles, then!" Giane says to Rova, "We're going to gameify progging?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "I received a suggestion regarding progress updates which has made me think about perhaps adding a separate Updates newsboard. Specially for periodical update posts which state what we're working, how's progress on other things, what's on the horizon, including things we can just hint at. And which could contain collated changelogs, for example an entire month of them split into categoires (Artifacts, Quests, Combat, etc). The reason to keep it separate from announcements is that announcements are generally about everything and nothing, so updates get lost. And also changelogs are sometimes small and incremental, so anyone returning wanting to catch up will not read 300 separate changelogs. Any thoughts?"
Rova, Reality Mender says to Giane, "I show the seeds of such wickedness." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star asks, "How would you subcatagory a news section?" Rova, Reality Mender says, "I like the idea of a monthly update." Revelrous Drastrath says, "I completely agree that Legacy/Development Updates should be stand alone from announcements." Sir Inagin La'Saet says, "We used to get collated changelogs as announces, and then the changelog resets right? Hmmm." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Not the news section, the post itself would have headings." Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow says, "That would be neat. Could it perhaps reuse the old Overhaul board--oh." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "I think that would be great." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Oh ok sure it would be like the overhaul board." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Inagin, "Yes, before changelogs sytem existed it all went to announcements and usually in bigger batches as it was Roark or another coder working on it in big batches. We do a lot more incremental work now." Manteekan nods His head sagely. Revelrous Drastrath says, "I hate wasting an admins time because of ignorance. This would help that." Huskii Myeras says, "Keep changelogs. I agree that visibility into development and behind the scenes work has been a problem, and 'seeing' those changes, either through up update board, or a road map, or something like that, would be nice. I think an announcement posts would be great; the system already exists, they're already searchable, and they are easy to access." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Not me suddenly remembering Changelog exists, and going through three months of them..." Sir Inagin La'Saet says, "Oh, found one. I meant like announce 1954." Rova, Reality Mender says, "Changelogs let you know if a fix or change, these update posts would be the larger collection, I believe." Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "Huh." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Yes, that was being done briefly, but not much longer because it is extra work." Uilani nods Her head at Rova. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Huskii, "That doesn't address the problem of all of those posts getting lost in announcements and returnees not reading them because there's too many. that is why I am suggesting a separate board." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "I would like old people waking again." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "People could just use newssearch for keyword "Update" for example, but experience tells me that they will /not/." Rova, Reality Mender says, "Related... do we need a NEWS CATCHUP to mark all posts read?" The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "I think readnews last dos taht." Huskii Myeras says, "No. You can readnews latest, and it already does that." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Nstat markread all?" Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Something like a trello board might be nice too. A page somewhere on the website with a general 'This is what the admin are focusing on, these are our planned goals for the week/month' that gets updated periodically." Uilani shakes Her head. Elathir says, "Nstat markr...yes, what Uilani said." Nocht stares implacably at Uilani. Nocht, the Silent whispers, "I never knew about this..." Uilani shakes Her head at Khnemu. In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "Wait, there's a readnews last?" Nocht, the Silent says, "All that RN spamming..." Revelrous Drastrath says, "Maybe a readnews last all function would be nice." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Read announce last for example." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Ithink." Lendren Starfall says, "Very useful, that one. You notice it all the more when you're in another MUD that shall remain nameless that doesn't have it. Ahem." Sir Inagin La'Saet says, "There also used to be adminmessages similar to citymessages. Maybe for those coming back and dont read important news." Giane says, "Whoops. Time to submit a helpedit." Rova, Reality Mender says, "Learned something new today." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "What was adminmessages?" Rova, Reality Mender says, "Adminmessage as in the promotions?" Sir Inagin La'Saet says, "Same as citymessages/guildmessages. Shows up when you appear." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Khnemu, "No, no, no. We absolutely cannot add on even more things to maintain. We already have our admin wiki, webolc (where prog is), and for coders bitbucket, and then also add Discord. Wiki tracks todos for us, and we also have an in-game todo system as needed. Whenever we tried using yet another tool, like Asana, it resulted in half the people using it, half hating it, and work being all over the place and if you wanted to find something, it was a nightmare. It does not work." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Likethe ironkey pieces thing last month." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Adminmessages are used by us for our things now, basically like citymessages." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Faragan, "Those are now their own login messages for special events." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Ah ok." Lendren Starfall says, "All those on-login messages are pretty challenging when you're also spamming up things like a defup. I kinda wish there was a command you could do at the end of your login script that says "show me the stuff you show me on login" like adminmessages, citymessages, reminders, that there's a new changelog, etc." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "Ah, gotcha. Which makes sense." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "We do have a TODO system as I mentioned, which we could use for some of that." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "I meant more something player-facing as a transparency thing." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "You can all see it." Revelrous Drastrath says, "Oh wow. That's cool." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "It has various categories, some are visible only to us." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "We have been aiming to revamp that for our own use." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Oh. Yeah, today I learned." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "And we could try to use it more for you too." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "It's one of those obscure things, like calendar notes."
Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Any chance of that getting added somewhere on the site via webhook, like messages and news is?"
Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Wordpress willing." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Worpress might not be willing." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "And we don't have access to playing around with the website outside of the Wordpress interface." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "So the answer is: maybe." Lendren Starfall says, "Wordpress is very often unwilling and no amount of Marvin Gaye and white wine will change its mind." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "Oh, that reminds me. Chrome extension, is that still going to exist or will that go away?" Uilani nods Her head sagely at Lendren. Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Completely understood. I keep forgetting the site uses Wordpress." Lendren Starfall says, "My pride center is just working on moving away from it to Squarespace." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Freja, "I have no idea who made it so cannot say to how it's going to keep working. I could have sworn last I heard it was no longer maintained as a project altogether?" In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "I thought I heard that too, but it still works. So, I'll keep using it!" Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Squarespace is a good alternative. Less likely to get absolutely scuffed because a user registered with a non-English characacter in their bio ten years ago." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Freja, "Ditto." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Freja, "Still works for me." Wyrden Haruspex Esei Shee-Slaugh, of the Ascending Dusk says, "Dare I ask what the Chrome extension is for?" In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "Has all the IRE games, you can read the news, city/commune logs and messages." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "Even delete messages too because I like to keep receipts except for my daily credits."
Revelrous Drastrath says, "Wasn't there an app for that as well?" Wyrden Haruspex Esei Shee-Slaugh, of the Ascending Dusk says, "Oh! I've always used the Android IRE helper for that, myself, but I know it won't work for everyone." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "I only knew of the Nexus app, I could never get that to work." Wyrden Haruspex Esei Shee-Slaugh, of the Ascending Dusk says, "And I'm fairly sure that the deleting or sending message function just straight up doesn't work, but it does keep updated on what your messages are." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Okay, onto my request then." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "The request is: please really engage any newbies and returnees you see. Especially the newbies because newbie retention has long been an issue. And part of it is something we can try to fix up with better intro, guides, tasks, quests, etc, but you all are the main reason newbies stay. None of us here can engage a newbie nonstop individually, or we'd never get anything else done. Newbies stay for the players, not the admin. And engaging newbies often comes down to answering a few questions and leaving them be, or powerlevelling them and then leaving them be. Neither of which truly engages them or lets them know what to do next. Remember the days of sitting down with a newbie and teaching them their first skills, about their org's history and roleplay, about their guild? That is what we really need. And I know it takes forever and many of you have been here for years so doing this for the 300th time with no guarantee the newbie will still is, frankly, a huge investment with no return. But it's still really needed and we will have been seeing many newbies since the announcement." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "There is a lot we can do to help you with that too, for example Achaea has a cool system of org specific guides, you essentially earn credits for spending time with newbies. We can take on more normal guides. We can make tutorials for Pools quests so you can advise them easily. We can put together cross-org newbie help files that list what each class/guild wants them to do upfront." Manteekan, the Nightmare says to Uilani, "What about Mentor rewards?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "And we have been seeing, not will have been seeing." Uilani coughs softly. Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "Sorry that just reminded me." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "I think it is worth while you have so many that help someone become a demigod and htey have no idea about the world around them or what to do wit hthe power htey have gained. I did that with a resent newbie and htey wree really appreciative of the knowledge and help verses the um, powerleveling." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Manteekan, "We can redo mentors however we see fit, but mentoring is not something people get into immediately too." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Manteekan, "Has the same odd vibes as pouncing someone for family immediately." Sir Inagin La'Saet says, "I agree but also, times have changed. Lot more things to explain (bloat that I hope will be deleted) and a lot less class RP." Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "No, right but Mentors always got a portion of whatever the person they mentored bought in credits." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Faragan, "Precisely. This is not an MMO where you never ever see the earlier areas you went through, everything here is part of the game going forwards except Newton/Pools." Rova, Reality Mender says, "Milestone system maybe for proteges." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Manteekan, "Oh you mean in that sense, yep, needs looking at." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "Would it be possible for older people to have access to the newbie areas? That way we can go and help newbies." Uilani tilts Her head curiously at Rova. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Rova, "Spill." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says to Manteekan, "Sadly none I mentored did that. I am relaly getting complex. none mentor credits and the peopl I adopted left lusternia. I finaly wondered if it was me. but, that can not be right because I am obviously awsome." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Inagin, "Remaking of guilds is something I will never stop mourning, huge mistake, but here we are. I have some ideas on how to make classes still be meaningful without overshadowing guilds." Rova, Reality Mender says, "Instead of credits for sales. When proteges reach say markers like guild rank 5, level 80 and 100, etc... we borough and reward the mentor? we can expand potential things." Revelrous Drastrath says, "One of my fondest memories in Lusternia come from guild tasks. I remember writing a sermon to advance guild ranks. It is one of the ways to engage newbies. I wish we had more of that across the board, but I think that is on us for giving favors." With a dream-like echoing resound, Enflamed Gabe Ladyn, The Not-So-Silent One says to Faragan, "You are awesome." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Freja, "Yes, especially if we did something like org guides/mentors/something, we could give them some extra training and they could be allowed to go on/do more in that regard." Manteekan, the Nightmare says to Faragan, "I very rarely saw dividends as a player as well." Manteekan laughs out loud. Comprehension flashes across Uilani's face. Manteekan, the Nightmare says to Uilani, "It you." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "I will die mad that my squire alt will never be allowed to be a proper Paladin." Uilani tilts Her head curiously at Manteekan. Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "Oh, I assumed that was something you did." Veldrin D'Cente says, "A suggestion, Allow Mentors to be changed with some long cooldown now that there will not be as much of a monetary benifit. I know i've come back to some places and being able to take on a new "mentor" to help me reajust to the game helped and they liked the extra 10% exp or what ever they got out of us grouping." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "If we revamp the mentor system, would it be possible to open up mentors for those who missed out due to RL purchases or the like?" In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says to Khnemu, "Good way to get Romaan or Inagin (don't kill me Inagin) to RP." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "I too miss the old guilds. thaey had history and everything the new guilds can not seem to get a handle on." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Rova, "Gotcha. I thought you meant something like mentors being able to set up something like guild tasks for themselves/their proteges." Lendren Starfall says, "I don't know if it would help but maybe time spent talking to newbies could count towards daily credits in some way. I imagine the worry is it'd be gamed, but I'm not sure if we have to be as paranoid about that as we used to." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says to Lendren, "Tell them of the recignition system." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Khnemu, "I could have sworn OG Paladins still have and do the ceremony?" Uilani gives a horrified gasp. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Veldrin, "That makes sense, yes having to lock in was not great to begin with." Lendren Starfall says, "Sure, but that's a pretty big amount of step in -- asking a newbie "hey can you recognize me for trying to explain to you how to do very basic things" feels a bit too heavy a lift." Rova, Reality Mender says, "Hypothetically, could celest propose a formal paladin process and have it be quested in if we have supporting code? An honour's for earning your class recognition?" Uilani nods Her head at Mellori. Sir Inagin La'Saet says, "I don't mind the new guilds (if RP is fleshed out more, some need more help). But um, it seems like class RP is frowned upon which is weird. Also feels terrible when they ask me stuff about my guild I cannot answer." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "Same." Rova, Reality Mender says to Uilani, "I want that now, too.... be the hardest mentor! but with game tracked...." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Lendren, "That is precisely that yep! Don't have to hunt with them, roleplay is equally if not more important." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "I'm kind of clueless about the Heralds. I just have what Kennian did and what Ilthilior has told me and sent me." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "Veldrin is my go to person." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "That's why you have to have a dozen alts, so you know what the guilds and classes are all about." Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow says to Lendren, "I tend to recognise them first if they ask questions or roleplay a bit, as a way to introduce them to the syntax. And they may recognise in turn but I leave it to them." Huskii Myeras says, "It's always fun finding reasons to recognize newbies." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "And non-newbies, honestly." Wyrden Haruspex Esei Shee-Slaugh, of the Ascending Dusk says to Xiran, "This, for sure. Though I keep forgetting." Manteekan laughs out loud. Lendren Starfall says, "I'm not sure if incentivizing helping or engaging with the young will really change much. I feel like people either are already going to do that or already not." Revelrous Drastrath says, "Is there a way for newbies to mark themselves of trubies, returning players, or seconds? I know this is a can of worms." Huskii Myeras says, "I'ld prefer not." Sugary Savant Tikki, Chair of Hallifax says, "Class based guilds have always piqued my interests more than 'generic' ones, for lack of a better word. Feels like they have more identity. And Tikki doesn't really fit into any of Hallifax's just for example lol." Lendren Starfall says, "Maybe something like RPWHO but for identifying "I want to have interactions with helpers/helpees"." Rova, Reality Mender says, "Form the paladin council, let them dictate the requirements... then patronrequest. This is non binding, as I'm not a patron." Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow says, "I think it's better to treat them all as true newbies, and if they want us to ease off a bit on the tutoring, that's fine.." Wyrden Haruspex Esei Shee-Slaugh, of the Ascending Dusk says to Lendren, "NWHO exists already, I think." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "I feel like newbies are pretty good at telling me they need help or saying they're good when I ask them." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Basically, we never should have done the guild switch without first having the entire new guild system finished, including built guildhalls, interim progression designed, very strong roleplay set for them, including numerous fancy stuff in guildhalls. But all of that was not done at all, we were forced into a deadline and signals that we were not ready were all ignored." Lupisentia says, "I need to finish the tutorial, I think. Then it'll make more sense or I'll know what I don't know." Lendren Starfall says to Esei, "Yeah but this is meant as a thing everyone can opt into or out of to say "hey, I am a newbie who wants to find someone to interact with" or "hey, I'm an established player who is open to helping and interacting with newbies",." Rova, Reality Mender says, "Le sigh." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "We have RPWHO too." Lendren Starfall says, "Alternately since hardly anyone uses RPWHO, cough cough, we could try to use that for it..." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "Plus, getting past level 30 can be very easy. Especially if you're getting recognized." Lendren Starfall says to Freja, "That's where I started, 'a thing like RPWHO but for...'" Wyrden Haruspex Esei Shee-Slaugh, of the Ascending Dusk says to Lendren, "Pretend I'm nodding. This is fair to say - and I swear it used to make mention of possible mentors, but maybe I completely dreamed that. Maybe it could be repurposed?" Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "I've had a couple who were clearly getting frustrated about not knowing how to do things." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "I guess a lot of this is just stuff we either forgot about or never knew about. I haven't made a new character in a hot minute, does the Discord come up when they create a new one?" Uilani nods Her head emphatically. Lendren Starfall says, "I'd be anxious about using RPWHO for it because so many people, especially newbies, are shy of a "wait I'm promising to do hardcore RP? but I don't know anything!" We're trying to get the people who were going to get lost, after all. A mechanism that's going to help the newbies we were going to retain anyway isn't the point." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "It does not, nor does the fact that most orgs have at least one OOC clan." Uilani shakes Her head at Freja. Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says to Freja, "Not to my recollection." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Freja, "I do not believe so, emails don't mention it either." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "Maybe add that in? Because if they can't get an answer in game they can get it on discord. I know people have access to discord on their phones as well." Uilani nods Her head emphatically. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Speaking of." Revelrous Drastrath says, "Also, is there any reference to QOL addons for mudlet/mush users? I believe healthbars, map, and chattabs are so vital it could lead to better retention." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "We can make the newbie channel send to Discord." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "It took me a few months before I joined the discord because I saw someone mention it off-hand and checked for a helpfile." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "And back." Huskii Myeras says, "That would be great." Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow says, "I'm not sure how friendly Discord is to screenreaders- -oh, that would help greatly." Revelrous Drastrath says, "Didn't we do that before?" In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says to Drastrath, "Llani has made some stuff for mudlet and I know Ayisdra had a few things for MUSH. Forums has a few things too." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "We already do that with our own admin channels." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "In fact, we also have some channels send to our Discord that you would not think do that. Fellowship and Academy send all messages to a channel one-way." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "I have never tried it. I have had people tell me about it and it sonds buisy." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "Ah, yeah. I recall Aetolia has that. It made it a lot more likely to get an answer." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "So we don't miss anything." Lupisentia says, "Sounds like Lusternia is strong as ever, and I'm very glad to hear it! Have to go for now, but thank you for hosting this second round of talks, Uilani." Revelrous Drastrath says to Freja, "Oh for sure. There are a ton of things for free Ashira's github being a treasure trove. The only way a newbie can get the info is forums/discord/clhelp I believe." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "I actually miss that part of the old, old, old intro, where the Fates rather explicitly said 'Hey, I know you might be lost and confused because of the Portal, but take your time, no one will judge you for not remembering things.'" Lupisentia says, "Imagine a polite wave and inclination of the head, if you please." Uilani nods Her head emphatically. Uilani nods Her head at Khnemu. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "That would be useful to re-add, sure." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "An entire newbiehelp might be in order too." Huskii Myeras says, "A gamewide CGHELP sort of deal?" Rova, Reality Mender says, "I just felt an inner screaming....." Revelrous Drastrath says, "Another mud I played had a bell that could be rung and a mentor would come to you." Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow says to Faragan, "Yes. It is possible to mute Discord channels if there's only a particular one you wish to listen to. But it can still be a lot. Are the forums a better place?" Wyrden Haruspex Esei Shee-Slaugh, of the Ascending Dusk says to Khnemu, "This was not something that was mentioned in the intro for me, but I distinctly remember other players telling this to me, too, when I first started. Which really reduced pressure for my anxiety- prone self, definitely." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "I really don't remember the newbie quests, might be time to make a newbie and run through the quests and write up a little walkthrough for them." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says to Faragan, "Yes, you can mute channels on discord." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Accessible with newbiehelp, but maybe part of the helpfile system still. Or more orghelp style." Uilani nods Her head at Freja. Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Does HINTS still remind newbies about how CLT/CT/NEWBIE/TELL work." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Think so, that would not have been removed." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "No, uilani asked me this earlier. I have trouble navigating the forrums but, if I could mute what I did not want in discord it might work I mut a lo lot of channels and clantells here." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "The entire system really needs review." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "And it might need to be moved way higher in priority." Wyrden Haruspex Esei Shee-Slaugh, of the Ascending Dusk says, "I think it mentions it once when you first see someone talk on that channel, and never again. Or I might be misremembering." Rova, Reality Mender says, "I'm suddenly very nervous..." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says to Esei, "That sounds about right?" Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "I'm definitely willing to help test it. Lord knows I've got experience being an alt." Uilani nods Her head emphatically. Wyrden Haruspex Esei Shee-Slaugh, of the Ascending Dusk says, "But in Nexus and probably the game itself, most channels have a hyperlink that do tell you how to use them! Won't work in every single case, but." Giane says to Rova, "I thought this was the part you liked!" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Rova, "Make me all the things." Uilani hurls Rova away from Her, exclaiming, "YEET!" Silver Regent Xiran Stormcrow smiles and says to Drastrath, "I actually have a bell sound play for tells and birdsong play for when my proteges log in, through Mudlet triggers." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says to Esei, "I thought it was once a day/once a login, but it's actually been A Hot Minute." Seriously, Wyrden Haruspex Esei Shee-Slaugh, of the Ascending Dusk says to Xiran, "That is the cutest thing I have heard the entire week." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "And here I have my priorities with a talk announcement for timequakes and nodes.." "Awwwww!" Uilani says to Xiran. Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "If there's no more questions, I think we'll send the coders back into their server hole, which even has kawhe, so don't feel bad for them. And I'll get started on the things I mentioned." Huskii Myeras says, "Thank you." Revelrous Drastrath says to Xiran, "That is awesome!!! The bell option was really cool from the mud. It could be at the Portal. The newbie rings a bell and alerts seasoned players. The seasoned players can accept the answer." Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Are there donuts?" In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "So basically: off to work, peasants." In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "I love you all, please don't beat me." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star says, "Thanks for the town hall again for the second time." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Khnemu, "There are no donuts, they live on kawhe." Nascent Mellori Stormcrow, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "Yeah, thanks again!" Rova, Reality Mender says, "As an aside, Uilani. will there be more town halls, potentially with specific hosts and topics, to focus on these larger topics?" Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Rova, "Yes/no/maybe. Depends on the thing. I think these townhalls are showing why they used to have value very clearly, break down the barriers, talk things out, but if someone can't be here, their voice might not be heard, so for discussion of specific topics, sometimes forums or Discord might still be better, depending on what it is." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says to Rova, "Or, like in some instances, reports." Rova, Reality Mender says to Uilani, "That wasn't a trap, I swear." The Ivory Dove, Faragan Ladyn, Merchant of The Star asks, "Reports might be intresting explain why a report was denied insted of it was just deined?"
In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "That would be nice, just for better understanding of reports." Rova, Reality Mender says to Drastrath, "Be careful what you wish for." Wyrden Haruspex Esei Shee-Slaugh, of the Ascending Dusk says to Faragan, "Usually they do, though I think some are kind of vague, just "not at this time". Is that what you mean?" Resplendent Khnemu Dahyu, Representative of Revel says, "Celestine with Astrology so you can, like, totally tell people they're giving Twin Censer energy." Uilani, the Loom Mistress says, "Okay then, thank you all for coming! And off we go to make things happen!" In a light, sing-song brogue, Kalas Freja, Harbinger of Dark Ascendance says, "Thank you!" Kistan n'Kylbar, the Iron Muse says, "Thanks." Giane says, "And thank you!" --[ OOC ANNOUNCEMENT ]--------------------------------[ 2024/09/07 17:48:51 ]-- The townhall has now concluded and the meeting room will be closed soon. Thank you all for your time, ideas, and thoughts! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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