Fun Times After the Gala
Fun Times After the Gala
Created By Luce at 02/10/2025 in HallifaxIn which Luce discusses Beauty with his not-a-boyfriend Rheiss after the Ascension Gala in 2017
Rhiess, a classic trill musician exclaims to you, "Ah, Chairman!" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Provost Zyphora Windwhisper says, "That is quite the bouquet of aromas." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say Indeed, one mustn't allow sweat to stale. You say, "Indeed, one mustn't allow sweat to stale." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Provost Zyphora Windwhisper smiles and says, "Please pardon me, everyone. Thank you for your delightful company and... colourful stories." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Zyphora curtseys gracefully. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Polaris): Auriella (from Celestia, Plane of Light) says, "Cutting I believe." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-em leans back and props himself up with his tail. You have emoted: Luce leans back and props himself up with his tail. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belr- You have recovered balance on all limbs. (1.066s) 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Polaris): Faeie says, "How can you tell?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Orventa nods, smiling assuringly to Lavinya. "There, you've got it". 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Lavinya reaches gingerly towards her cascading, fiery red curls with one hand and, scarcely touching it, carefully ensures that everything is flawlessly coiffed. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says to you, "I understand that you are a Dramatist, yes?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Lavinya d'Murani, Chosen of Legion says to Orventa, "Thank goodness, how terribly embarrassing that may have been." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Lavinya glances askance. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Orventa shimmers into existence before you. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say You open your mouth but say nothing. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say I have produced and acted in plays, if that is the inquiry You say, "I have produced and acted in plays, if that is the inquiry." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Showing that he understands, Rhiess, a classic trill musician nods his head slowly. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Thoughtfully, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Have you ever written them?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Returning with a tray filled with champagne glasses, a well-dressed, slender waiter enters from the kitchens. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Lavinya d'Murani, Chosen of Legion says, "Do excuse me." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician eaglerly strides towards you, his countenance expectant. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Lavinya inclines her head politely to those around her. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Orventa inclines her head politely to those around her. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks out to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Falmiis says, "Doot doot got ~7 hours to make 33k esteem to keep my 60k/day target." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-em nods. "My first foray into the stage was a reproduction of a few scenes that I relayed via illusions. I was working on another pair of smaller projects, but the muse and time were never around together." You have emoted: Luce nods. "My first foray into the stage was a reproduction of a few scenes that I relayed via illusions. I was working on another pair of smaller projects, but the muse and time were never around together." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belr- You have recovered balance on all limbs. (1.052s) 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Delighted, Rhiess, a classic trill musician exclaims, "Lovely! Perhaps I shall retell some tales that have been told to me - mayhap you can even bring them to life!" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- A new post has been made to the Public board. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- The crystal-clear voice of the announcer rings across the room: "Please welcome to the Ascension Gala the stealthy Madame Alharya, of the Mutt Squad." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks in from the north. A well-dressed, slender waiter says, "Would anyone like something to drink?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Distractedly, Professor Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect says, "Pardon me." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Orventa curtseys gracefully. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Voice replete with remembrance and hopefulness, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "There are tales my distant friends from the Czigany Coast that have always enthralled me. I long to see them come to life one day." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Professor Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect says, "I must attend to one of my students." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician bows respectfully to Orventa. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says to Orventa, "Go well, Professor." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Returning with a tray filled with champagne glasses, a well-dressed, clumsy waiter enters from the kitchens. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Professor Orventa Trueflight, Dreamer's Architect says, "To Rhiess Fairest of winds to you." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Orventa coughs softly. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Orventa leaves to the north. A corpse white nightmare rears up and sends a bank of white fog rolling to the north, galloping away upon it. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Queen's Own Torturer, Shango D'Cente, the Shifting Blade echoes, "I take offense to that post. For numerous reasons that may surprise you." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say (smiling) I'd love to hear your stories Smiling, you say, "I'd love to hear your stories." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-rn PUBLIC NEWS #1786 Date: 2/25/2017 at 03:34 From: Chixieya Ninchi, Editor in Grief To : Everyone Subj: Special Gala Edition of the Gaudiguch Gossip Welcome to a special edition of the Gaudiguch Gossip! Brought to each of you, free, by our sponsors for this important event! I managed to snag myself a special invitation to the Gala at Trader Bob's mansion where several sealholders were present for the revelries. I just managed to snag a few choice interviews with the sadly small number of applicants, and here is what the Gossip has confirmed for our readers, new and old alike! Falmiis has confirmed the existence of a new Hallifaxian superweapon they intend to use during the Ascension, nicknamed Unity. Reports are it is simply a reskinning of Project Guardian, which while devestating, can only seem to hit the broad side of a volcano and there is no cause for concern. Aramel of Serenwilde has confirmed, in a surprise twist, her intent to enslave Hallifax as servants of Serenwilde. She has personally stated she wishes to see Sealholder Falmiis of Hallifax in chains, collared, and muzzled personally. As well, Sealholder Veyils has chosen to reveal her secret love affair with both Sealholder Shango and Sealholder Falmiis. While this is interesting, we have also received confirmation from Sealholder Ixion that he is also in a secret love affair with Shango, establishing Shango as both the Basin's most eligible non-bachelor and quite the power grabber as well! We will leave it to the reader's imagination what else he may be attempting to grab. In our sports news, oiled dwarven wrestling made an appearance once more, and as before, led to an upset by way of cheating and accusations of corruption. We did not get a chance to speak to any of the contestants, but the competition this year was fierce. In the end, Korgrim Gulnor won by default as Lairin Borruk was disqualified for cheating. I'm sure however that the judges were taking bribes, and should be commended for their dedication to their mercantile roots. And I hope they will consider these kind words and refund my bet on Tock Jawnston. Finally, we come to our headline. Trader Bob and Bob Jr. were caught in scandal when they were found attempting to drag their guests into their more scandalous interests. While we respect privacy here at the Gaudiguch Gossip and intend to keep the details quiet, one might say their proclivities might be considered for an expose in a black, leather-bound tome. That's all for this one, folks. This has been Chixeiya Ninchi, bringing you the Gossip. Penned by my hand on the 6th of Klangiary, in the year 467 CE. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Blushing, Rhiess, a classic trill musician exclaims, "Oh dear, I misspoke - I was too eager!" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Ayisdra (from the Aetherways) says, "I love how the admin just make a post revealing their fanfics to us." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Nodding eagerly, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Yes, yes - one day! I hope to tell them to you. I must pen them down first so we don't miss out anything." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- An austere blue glow fills the room, fading away to reveal Bleuu coming in from the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- A sudden flare of an austere blue glow blinds you momentarily as Bleuu leaves to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks out to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Anonymous): Ejderha says, "Is there still a hunt going on?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks in from the north. A well-dressed, tall waiter says, "Would anyone like something to drink?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say (ears slipping a little) Oh, certainly. I look forward to reading and adapting them. Ears slipping a little, you say, "Oh, certainly. I look forward to reading and adapting them." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks out to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Alharya arrives from the north. Swathed in dramatic billows of fog, Alharya appears atop the stairs and takes her sweet time down the steps, glittering confetti swirling in the air about her figure. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say the original storyteller will, of course, be credited with the source, but often adaptation for viable stagework is an undertaking in and of itself. You say, "The original storyteller will, of course, be credited with the source, but often adaptation for viable stagework is an undertaking in and of itself." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- With a knowing smile, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "They have told me many tales of the Ocean and of distant lands - it is simply impossible to recount everything by word of mouth now, Chairman." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Wistfully, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Ah, how I miss them so." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Nodding, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "That would be greatly appreciated, Chairman - though the credit lies with them - it is their tale after all." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-agree You nod your head in agreement. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician blinks. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say it's a good sign that you miss them so. It means that you share a positive bond. You say, "It's a good sign that you miss them so. It means that you share a positive bond." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says to Alharya, "Salutations - my apologies for the delayed greeting. I'm afraid I failed to notice your presence while I was caught up with my memories." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say after all, you'd hardly miss a bully or someone you didn't know well. And even nostalgia and longing can be fuel for Beauty. You say, "After all, you'd hardly miss a bully or someone you didn't know well. And even nostalgia and longing can be fuel for Beauty." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-ah Comprehension flashes across your face. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say to Alharya (blushing a little and standing up straight) My apologies as well. Blushing a little and standing up straight, you say to Alharya, "My apologies as well." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-i You are wielding a delicate crystal staff in your left hand and a functional steel spatula in your right hand. You are holding: a triangular vial of windswept amethyst irises, a glowing pipe, an energy cube, a box of wax lips, a box of rock candy, a crystalline belljar encasing a radiant trill, 2 star-etched garnet pipes, a star-etched diamond pipe, a bag of jelly baby candies, a figurine of a wild boar, an amethyst vial, a soot-blackened tinderbox, 4 frost-blue vials of sapphiric sky lilies, a delicate dreamcatcher, a stately Shevat notepad, a bag of fireball candies, 6 shot glasses, a monolith sigil, a master's paint palette, an ostentatious letter of invitation, shimmery butterfly stationery, a set of glyph covered dice, a diamond-carved champagne glass. You are wearing: a clover-etched bloodstone brooch, a diamond encrusted onyx ring, an iridescent white fractal flower brooch, navy boxers of soft cotton, a clover-etched emerald brooch, 2 round escutcheon brooches, an iridescent white ring of twining feathers, an etched garnet ring, a pellucid wreath of cygnine plumes, a crimson-banded pin, a jade-furred nose, a russet-banded pin, a clover-etched onyx brooch, a violet velvet pack sewn with moonglory, a bright purple scarf with an embossed violet, a formal suit of lavender muslin, 2 beryl aerial studs, a teardrop pendulum of starlit quartz, a cool tulip of dusk, a delicate iris. You have 74 types of item in the rift and 20 types of fluid in the liquid rift. You possess 56 items and are carrying 83,249 gold sovereigns. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Returning with a tray filled with champagne glasses, a well-dressed, tall waiter enters from the kitchens. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Alharya inclines her head, murmuring "I hope I am not intruding, I was merely looking about as it seems I missed the festivities." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says to you, "Quite so, quite so. The pursuit of Beauty is one of the most fulfilling pursuits in life." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say to Alharya Nonsense, there is still company to be had. Good company, at that. You say to Alharya, "Nonsense, there is still company to be had. Good company, at that." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-ql A breathtaking, mirrored ballroom. Draped in white silks, an ornate table stands here, various platters, bowls, and trays stacked high upon it. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Its ears raised, a playful desert fennec fox sits here, surveying the area around it. A hamster peers about from behind the bars of his cage-wheel. There are 6 inconspicuous platters of fruits here. There are 2 bottles here. Clad in midnight velvet, Rhiess strikes strikes a sleek silhouette against the vibrant palettes of the Ascension Gala. There are 2 well-dressed, clumsy waiters here. Penitent Alharya is here. You see a single exit leading north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-thirdeye You already possess the thirdeye. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-ql A breathtaking, mirrored ballroom. Draped in white silks, an ornate table stands here, various platters, bowls, and trays stacked high upon it. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Its ears raised, a playful desert fennec fox sits here, surveying the area around it. A hamster peers about from behind the bars of his cage-wheel. There are 6 inconspicuous platters of fruits here. There are 2 bottles here. Clad in midnight velvet, Rhiess strikes strikes a sleek silhouette against the vibrant palettes of the Ascension Gala. There are 2 well-dressed, clumsy waiters here. Penitent Alharya is here. You see a single exit leading north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- One finger tapping thoughtfully upon his cane, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "It is such a delicate road, little different from a blade's edge." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Alharya takes a step forward, and gives a slight bow. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says to Alharya, "This mansion has proven to be quite something - I should think that with fewer people around, you could appreciate everything much better." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Returning with a tray filled with champagne glasses, a well-dressed, short waiter enters from the kitchens. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says to Alharya, "Consider visiting Ember at the very least." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Penitent Alharya says, "Where might that be?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-em waves a hand in a non-committal sort of gesture. "A blade's wound is easier to comprehend, and faster to heal at times." You have emoted: Luce waves a hand in a non-committal sort of gesture. "A blade's wound is easier to comprehend, and faster to heal at times." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belr- You have recovered balance on all limbs. (1.063s) 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-rn You have no further news to read. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-scent You snort and snuffle at the air, sensing through a jade-furred nose upon your face the faint traces of others in the surrounding area. You make out the scent of Bleuu coming from a relaxed beachfront terrace. You make out the scent of Alharya coming from a breathtaking, mirrored ballroom. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks out to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Your karma falls to keep up the karmic blessing of harmony. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Thoughtfully, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "One who totters upon the edge of a blade is beset by dangers at all sides." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Alharya murmurs a soft apology for interupting, and wanders off. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Alharya leaves to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say are social dangers any less dangerous, though? A wound to one's spirit or reputation are hard to recover from. You say, "Are social dangers any less dangerous, though? A wound to one's spirit or reputation are hard to recover from." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Thoughtfully, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Oh yes, indeed, though I did not mean to discount them - for indeed I spoke in the figurative, and thus hoped to vouch for all sorts of dangers and wounds that beset those vested in the pursuit of Beauty." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Delighted, Rhiess, a classic trill musician exclaims, "It not unlike a mandala - where new designs are ever unfolding!" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- The sky becomes clouded by winged creatures as they dive downwards towards the Skarch Desert, accompanied by streams of flame and bloodcurdling screams which pierce the airwaves. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- As the manifold rocs tear at the inhabitants of the Mesa Compound, a great roar of celebration rises up from the Nomad Camp and the city of Gaudiguch. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rising up from the city of Gaudiguch, the Guardian Drachou skims elegantly across the skies over the Skarch, its magnificent, swirling wings of prismatic colours easily cutting through the air. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- The Guardian Drachou swoops low over the Skarch and offers an awesome roar, the energies of the Mirror of Tzaraziko lancing across the skies in curving ribbons of colourful energies, of which the Guardian Drachou drinks greatly. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- As the Sacred Guardian of the Eternal Flame returns to the volcanic city of Gaudiguch, the revelries resume, though all chant the name of Rolan loudly through the streets as they celebrate in his honour. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say both within and without. You say, "Both within and without." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-rn You have no further news to read. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-ponder You ponder the situation. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Voice thick with passion, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "I resonate with that pursuit the most." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician flashes you a joyous smile. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Indeed, indeed." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-softsmile You smile softly. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-cough You cough softly. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Inquiring, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Am I keeping you, Chairman??" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician exclaims, "Please do not tarry on my account if you have duties that await!" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician smiles softly. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say starts to say something, then stops himself. You say, "Starts to say something, then stops himself." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-no You shake your head. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-erm You look up into the air for divine inspiration. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-em starts to say something, then stops himself. You have emoted: Luce starts to say something, then stops himself. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belr- You have recovered balance on all limbs. (1.06s) 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Comprehension flashes across Rhiess, a classic trill musician's face. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say No, I've nowhere I'd rather be at the moment. You say, "No, I've nowhere I'd rather be at the moment." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Showing that he understands, Rhiess, a classic trill musician nods his head slowly. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say I may create a painting based on that allegory, though. You say, "I may create a painting based on that allegory, though." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Excellent news. Due to the same pursuit, it is not often that I leave my chambers or break habits long set." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Surprised, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Oh, truly? That would be wonderful. I am eager to see what you make out of it." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say That's unfortunate, your input is certainly appreciated. You say, "That's unfortunate, your input is certainly appreciated." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Market): Gero says, "Silver cookies, an experience worth having. Now available in aethershop Auto! Also ad 449." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say (ears drooping) Though I should likely finish that promised recipe for Volucer. Ears drooping, you say, "Though I should likely finish that promised recipe for Volucer." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say Fish based tea, of all things You say, "Fish based tea, of all things." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Oh, I would gladly provide them if I can - but then would I not be the impetus behind your hands? I am quite interested in your interpretation of the idea I presented." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Ah, Volucer would love that." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say Although, the fish is going to be cooked, for a given definition, which may ruin the experience in his estimation. You say, "Although, the fish is going to be cooked, for a given definition, which may ruin the experience in his estimation." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say hopefully not You say, "Hopefully not." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Hallifax): Kaetina says, "Did I miss the party?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- An easy smile on his face, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "I think certain things can be arranged to that end." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician winks conspiratorially at you. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina arrives from the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina inclines her head politely to those around her. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-perk You perk your ears up as an errant topic catches your interest. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician exclaims, "Greetings!" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Hallifax): Doman (from the Aetherways) says, "Alas, you did." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say (coughing and blushing) to kae Good evening. Coughing and blushing, you say, "To kae Good evening." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina greets Rhiess, a classic trill musician with a sincere smile. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Hallifax): Doman (from the Aetherways) says, "The mansion is still open however, if you'd like to feel important by having Sergio announce you. It made me feel important." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Zephyr Kaetina says to you, "You seem quite lost in thought for the surroundings." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-stat + Luce Shevat, Jade Chairman ---------------------------------------------+ | Rest : fully rested Lessons : 5 | | Hunger : utterly satiated Lesson Pools : 0 | | Sobriety : sober and in control Credits : 0 | | Tolerance : intolerant Bound Credits : 0 | | Sanity : completely sane Dingbats : 22 | | Warmth : a bit underdressed Sticky Dingbats: 10 | | Prestige : opulent Reincarnations : one | | Rooting : poor Timeout : 30 min | | Aethergoop: 8,184 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Played : 68 days, 19 hours, and 50 minutes Vote Wgt : 8 | | This Week : 0 days, 23 hours, and 27 minutes Mindset : Cautious | | Family : Shevat Campaign : Crusades | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Pose : Luce is here, pondering thoughtfully. | | Shout : An overpoweringly strong male voice shouts, "Blah." | | Motto : None (SET MOTTO or SET WARCRY to learn more) | +-------------------------------------------------------------- ENEMIED TO+ | Castellan | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-stand You stand up straight. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Returning with a tray filled with champagne glasses, a well-dressed, red-haired waiter enters from the kitchens. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Hallifax): Kaetina says, "I was there for a bit earlier. He called me Sparkling, I believe. This time I believe I will forgo that risk." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks out to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Returning with a tray filled with champagne glasses, a well-dressed, slender waiter enters from the kitchens. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say (ears flat and cheeks managing to look red beneath his tinged fur) I, um...was feeling a bit inspired and was considering execution for an artistic project Ears flat and cheeks managing to look red beneath his tinged fur, you say, "I, um...was feeling a bit inspired and was considering execution for an artistic project." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says to Kaetina, "I believe the Chairman is adrift amid ponderous thoughts, Lady Zephyr. We were discussing Beauty and its pursuit." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician claps a gloved hand to the other that rests upon the gold cap of his cane. Delighted, he exclaims, "I thought so!" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician smiles softly. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- It is now the 7th of Klangiary, 467 years after the Coming of Estarra. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina knits her brows together in thought as she gazes at Rhiess, a classic trill musician. "Beauty? Alas, I am sorry to have interrupted. It is an interesting idea." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Vivet says, "Well. That was an entertaining public post." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-rn You have no further news to read. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Zyrthog says, "Oh my, you're right. Who knew Dwarf Oil Wrestling was so corrupt." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say to kae (tail thumping a staccato rythm behind him) I wouldn't say interrupting. You could join the discussion. Tail thumping a staccato rythm behind him, you say to Kaetina, "I wouldn't say interrupting. You could join the discussion." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Pale seafom plumage rustling as he shakes his head, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Nay, you did not interrupt, Zephyr." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-snicker You snicker softly to yourself. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say we, heh, seem to be of a mind. You say, "We, heh, seem to be of a mind." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "After all, who are we to hoard Beauty?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "We are simply its eager students: powerfully ensorcelled and willingly so." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks in from the north. A well-dressed, red-haired waiter says, "Would anyone like something to drink?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina inclines her head thoughtfully, "Thank you, Chairman. I will try, though I am hardly knowledgeable on the topic." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Orventa says, "I'm trying hard here but so tired @.@." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician grins and nods at you. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina ponders the situation. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina greets a well-dressed, clumsy waiter with a sincere smile. A well-dressed, clumsy waiter says, "Welcome to the party, Kaetina, what can I get you?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Portius (from the Aetherways) says, "Seals!" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina greets a well-dressed, red-haired waiter with a sincere smile. A well-dressed, red-haired waiter says, "Welcome to the party, Kaetina, what can I get you?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Portius (from the Aetherways) says, "More seals!" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Orventa says, "<3." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Falmiis says, "I'm still loling at that post." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Bemused, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "But is that not one of its beautiful ironies? At its core, one does not need to be knowledgeable to even recognize Beauty." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Kaetina says, "I can't figure out how to order a drink." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- A flurry of prismatic butterflies briefly swirls above Gaudiguch as a vengeance game is initiated within the Time of the Taint Wars. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- A well-dressed, red-haired waiter hands a very large blueberry cheesecake topped with a frosty white star to Kaetina. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina sniffs a very large blueberry cheesecake topped with a frosty white star, trying to decipher just what that smell emanating from it is. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Market): Breandryn says, "Vengeance game in Gaudiguch! All are invited to play!" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Knowledge on the other hand - one must possess greater - or simply sufficient - knowledge to recognize or refute it." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Zyrthog says, "If you need help, Orventa, I could always jump in!" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say Even blind pursuit of Beauty can yield breathtaking contributions. You say, "Even blind pursuit of Beauty can yield breathtaking contributions." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Zyrthog says, "Since you said you were tired, I mean." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Thoughtfully, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "As much as Beauty is subjective, at the core of all that beautiful, there is a certain sense that they cannot be denied. Truly beautiful things can neither be refuted nor denied." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say (eying one of the available platters) or phruit. Eying one of the available platters, you say, "Or phruit." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks out to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Orventa says, "That would be appreciated, he might need some help hunting xp." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Orventa says, "And navigating joules." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician chuckles softly at the witticism. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Orventa says, "She rather." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Orventa says, "-flails at misgendering." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says to you, "And you speak the truth, Chairman." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina's eyes dodge back and forth between you and Rhiess, a classic trill musician as she tries to follow the conversation. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "Doot." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "Is the gala over." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Zyrthog says, "Oh shoot. Those are the two things I'd be little help with ._." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-clt If you hurry you might get to see Luce propose because OH MY GOD TIS IS ADORABLE (Ad-Hoc): You say, "If you hurry you might get to see Luce propose because OH MY GOD TIS IS ADORABLE. " 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician folds one arm across his chest, the other raised to cup his face in deep thought. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "Is it Rhiess." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Returning with a tray filled with champagne glasses, a well-dressed, tall waiter enters from the kitchens. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks out to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say to kae Think of it like this, I suppose. Have you ever seen something that caught your breath and made you feel as if the moment or the sight was perfect?? You ask Kaetina, "Think of it like this, I suppose. Have you ever seen something that caught your breath and made you feel as if the moment or the sight was perfect?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Thoughtfully, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "That is not to say they are entirely separate, too. As much as they are vastly different, they can both be wielded to enrich the other." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "Yeesh." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "What a horrible deathsight xD." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-deathsight You shut your eyes and concentrate on the end of life. A moment later, you feel inextricably linked with the strings of fate. You are now protected by the deathsight defence. 6060h, 8890m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Blrx-(-50m, 0.6%) You have recovered equilibrium. (2.115s) 6060h, 8890m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician nods and, with a wave of a gloved hand, motions for the Chairman to continue. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-(+50m, 0.6%) Kaetina ponders your question before replying shaking her head and replying, "I do not think so. What is is. All views have something to be observed." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-chin You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "I guess I'll check back in with the festivities." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- In an inquiring tone, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Nothing has ever moved you to an appreciation for its form or a thousand other characterisits, Zephyr?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks out to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Venturing further, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Or even beyond appreciation - has nothing ever illicited a response from you from simply viewing or experiencing its stimuli alone?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-scent You snort and snuffle at the air, sensing through a jade-furred nose upon your face the faint traces of others in the surrounding area. You make out the scent of Bleuu coming from a relaxed beachfront terrace. You make out the scent of Kaetina coming from a breathtaking, mirrored ballroom. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-who You sense the following people: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ansakta - before the Eternal Flame Auriella - in the waters of New Celest harbour Kaetina - a breathtaking, mirrored ballroom Lorald - before the Matrix Luce - a breathtaking, mirrored ballroom Lynnie - Grand Junction Maxwell - the Pool of Stars Orventa - before the Matrix Shaddus - centre of the Necropolis Shintar - the Twisted Stairs Sorrell - the Pool of Stars Zyrthog - before the Matrix ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (*) Currently, there are 12 Lusternians on this plane and 42 on other planes. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Thoughtfully, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Please do not take these questions negatively. " 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician smiles softly. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-clt Doooo iiiiiit. (Ad-Hoc): You say, "Doooo iiiiiit." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Zephyr Kaetina says, "To rhiess Surely there are instances of intriguing plays of light or color. The contrast, symmetry. lines." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Zephyr Kaetina says, "To magician Surely there are instances of intriguing plays of light or color. The contrast, symmetry. lines." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- With a flap of glittering emerald wings, a gorgeous manticore with a lush mane entangled with flowers soars in from the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Zephyr Kaetina says to Rhiess, a classic trill musician, "Surely there are instances of intriguing plays of light or color. The contrast, symmetry. lines." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Maligorn peers at you unscrupulously. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say then perhaps for you Beauty comes from order. And for you, a perfect fractal?? You ask, "Then perhaps for you Beauty comes from order. And for you, a perfect fractal?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Ice grey eyes twinkling, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Splendid - these are experiences of Beauty, Zephyr." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina takes a deep breath as the crystal surface of her face softens and shifts in colour, a muted glow appearing within. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Softly, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Do you realize now why we are so enamoured? We consider ourselves its students? As Seekers?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say If one focuses on the feelings you experience in those instances, you can learn what evokes those higher emotions in you, and in turn how to evoke them in others. You say, "If one focuses on the feelings you experience in those instances, you can learn what evokes those higher emotions in you, and in turn how to evoke them in others." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Nodding in agreement, Zephyr Kaetina says to you, "Certainly fractals can contain the elements of art as readily as any painting or natural scene." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Clapping his gloved hands together upon the gold cap of his cane, a smile upon his face, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Such is the potent power of Beauty, Zephyr." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician murmurs softly to himself. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-greet Maligorn You greet Maligorn with a sincere smile. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Blinking, as if noticing the Commander for the first time, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Ah, my apologies Commander. We were caught up in the discussion, I failed to notice your arrival." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina inclines her head respectfully to Maligorn, "Mentor. A pleasure to see you again." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician bows respectfully to Maligorn. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Maligorn ponders the situation. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Force Commander Maligorn Shevat says, "Yes. I do like to listen sometimes, believe it or not." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Kaetina says, "But do you like to watch?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "<_<." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Bemused, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "And listen we must, if we are to seek Beauty in sound." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- A well-dressed, short waiter blinks and shuffles about impatiently. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Continuing, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Which is yet another intriguing study of Beauty: is something beautiful because of what is said or because of how it is said? Need anything be said at all?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- His velvet suit remaining uncreased as he shrugs elegantly, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Mayhap we may never truly know. Perhaps we are meant to marvel alone and never find the answers." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks out to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say Marvel, perhaps, but we are strongest together. You say, "Marvel, perhaps, but we are strongest together." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say as one collective. You say, "As one collective." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-clt someone start the national anthem. Glowing softly, Zephyr Kaetina says to Rhiess, a classic trill musician, "I suppose, the wonder is part of the charm as well." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): You say, "Someone start the national anthem." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Ayisdra says, "How would you guys view a design that referred to a possible object? Something like "With a large gold brooch near the top of the suit..." and having 'a large gold brooch' as a separate object that you are wearing." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Ice grey eyes gleaming, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Which brings me to this: is knowing beautiful because it allows us to understand beauty as measured and defined in varied rubrics? Or is knowing beautiful because, in strange ways, it is empowered by beauty." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks in from the north. A well-dressed, slender waiter says, "Would anyone like something to drink?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "Umm." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "Are you designing a suit?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Ayisdra says, "It was just an example." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "Cuz there are brooches in Jewelry." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "Oh." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Thoughtfully, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "What gives meaning to the quest? The quest itself or the ends envisioned?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "With a large gold brooch near the top of the suit... is a passive voice, I think." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "You want to avoid that." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Smiling, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "I delight in the ponderance and expression of these things." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "I could be wrong, been so long since I've taken any English classes." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Ayisdra says, "Hmm. I don't think you are getting the question." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks in from the north. A well-dressed, tall waiter says, "Would anyone like something to drink?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician exclaims to you, "We are strong together, indeed!" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "Probably not." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks out to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Maligorn pats you in a friendly manner. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Force Commander Maligorn Shevat says to you, "I will leave you to mingle more." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Maligorn gives the world a smart salute. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Maligorn, riding a gorgeous manticore with a lush mane entangled with flowers, dissolves into a bank of fluffy clouds which drift off to the north. Tossing a lush mane entangled with flowers with a snarl, a gorgeous manticore launches off to the north with a flap of glittering emerald wings. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says to you, "Are we strong because of difference with which we marvel Beauty? Perhaps, perhaps." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-clt Charites usually reject them, I think. (Ad-Hoc): You say, "Charites usually reject them, I think." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician's eyes twinkle enchantingly. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks out to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say We're strong because we share our differing views, and in doing so both of us are enhanced. You say, "We're strong because we share our differing views, and in doing so both of us are enhanced. " 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-ql A breathtaking, mirrored ballroom. Draped in white silks, an ornate table stands here, various platters, bowls, and trays stacked high upon it. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Its ears raised, a playful desert fennec fox sits here, surveying the area around it. A hamster peers about from behind the bars of his cage-wheel. There are 6 inconspicuous platters of fruits here. There are 2 bottles here. A handsome waiter stands idly here as he balances a tray for champagne in one hand. Clad in midnight velvet, Rhiess strikes strikes a sleek silhouette against the vibrant palettes of the Ascension Gala. Kaetina stands here, a muted glow within her crystal body. She wields a delicate crystal staff in her left hand and a golden whip of the pious in her right. You see a single exit leading north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Ayisdra says, "If a clothing design talked about a brooch being in the design itself and then having a separate design for the brooch (for example, it can be any jewelry item really)." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Returning with a tray filled with champagne glasses, a well-dressed, clumsy waiter enters from the kitchens. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Ayisdra says, "If that makes more sense, Mali." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina glances down at a very large blueberry cheesecake topped with a frosty white star in her hand and takes a step back to try to quietly consume the sweet. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina consumes a very large blueberry cheesecake topped with a frosty white star leisurely, seeming to enjoy every bite. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says to Kaetina, "Consider the fractals you hold dear, Zephyr, is our collective not like one: with our differences and similarities reinforcing and informing each other?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says to you, "Much agreed, Chairman." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-clt Yeah, they'd be treated as two seperate brooches, if the admin were to acknowledge them. (Ad-Hoc): You say, "Yeah, they'd be treated as two seperate brooches, if the admin were to acknowledge them." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "That almost certainly wouldn't fly." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "The suit and brooch would have to be separate and not refer to each other. " 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Returning with a tray filled with champagne glasses, a well-dressed, red-haired waiter enters from the kitchens. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "You could potentially bypass that with a custom design, though." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks out to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says to Kaetina, "It is an endless cycle. An endless pursuit. It is definitive of who we are - as individuals, as individuals within the Collective, and as a Collective. " 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician beams broadly. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Nodding her head in agreement, Zephyr Kaetina says, "It is often the case that examining multiple solutions can help us find the best one, and often inspire something that was not thought of before, with only individual input." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Nodding, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Precisely Zephyr. Precisely." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "Whoa." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "Nice knowledge seal thing." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Maligorn says, "I don't think I've ever seen that." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician lightly caresses a cuff depicting the Seal of Beauty with a gloved hand as he says, " It is precisely these things - and many more - that are the reasons why I resonate the most with that Seal. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician lightly caresses a cuff depicting the Seal of Beauty with a gloved hand as he says, " It is precisely these things - and many more - that are the reasons why I resonate the most with that Seal." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician closes his eyes and inhales deeply, absorbing the scent of his surroundings. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say And the Lady, I imagine. You say, "And the Lady, I imagine." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "And the Lady Isune and Her Sister, indeed." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician murmurs softly to himself. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina flickers curious shades of light green, her head tilting slightly. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Ayisdra says, "Any of you tarot users want paint palettes before I dump them?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Orventa says, "How many is required for a guild rite? It's the most I've seen in institute in a while...<.<." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Market): Lynnie says, "Looking trademaster help." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Orventa says, "Not that we have a gero handy." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Ice grey eyes lit with profound happiness, Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Ah, this has been quite the discussion. I am glad I returned to visit the mansion and chanced upon both of you." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "Regrettably I must go - there are matters I must attend to for the Company." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Aagasa says, "Think it was five. But the last couple of guild rites I have attended was more ppl." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Ad-Hoc): Zyrthog says, "He must be off building cloud powered androids." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say (smiling softly) As am I Smiling softly, you say, "As am I." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say Walk in Dawn, Rhiess. You say, "Walk in Dawn, Rhiess." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says to you, "I shall the tales from the Czigany Coast once I have penned all of them down, Chairman." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Rhiess, a classic trill musician says, "And you, go well. Chairman. Zephyr." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-nod You nod your head emphatically. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- With a flourish of his arm, Rhiess, a classic trill musician bows deeply. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-bow With a flourish of your arm, you bow deeply. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-ql A breathtaking, mirrored ballroom. Draped in white silks, an ornate table stands here, various platters, bowls, and trays stacked high upon it. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Its ears raised, a playful desert fennec fox sits here, surveying the area around it. A hamster peers about from behind the bars of his cage-wheel. There are 6 inconspicuous platters of fruits here. There are 2 bottles here. Clad in midnight velvet, Rhiess strikes strikes a sleek silhouette against the vibrant palettes of the Ascension Gala. A handsome waiter stands idly here as he balances a tray for champagne in one hand. Kaetina stands here, flickering with curious shades of light green. She wields a delicate crystal staff in her left hand and a golden whip of the pious in her right. You see a single exit leading north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Zephyr Kaetina says to Rhiess, a classic trill musician, "A pleasure." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Gaze intent upon his course, Rhiess's slender figure disappears, accompanied by the soft tapping of his walking cane. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina inclines her head politely to those around her. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-em hums in twitterpated contentment. You have emoted: Luce hums in twitterpated contentment. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belr- Zephyr Kaetina says to you, "I hope I did not slow you down too much." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belr- You have recovered balance on all limbs. (1.134s) 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say Hmm? Oh, uh. You say, "Hmm? Oh, uh." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Returning with a tray filled with champagne glasses, a well-dressed, short waiter enters from the kitchens. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say no, no, it was probably for the best. You say, "No, no, it was probably for the best." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Market): Ayisdra says, "Selling aethergoop candies." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Carrying a tray for champagne in one hand, a handsome waiter walks out to the north. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Hallifax): Orventa says, "Farewell Hallifax." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Polaris): Faeie (from the Nexus World of Celest) says, "PS Sorrell (a novice, friend of mine) started laughing when I told him about the Taint and I didn't know why and then he explained and ruined everything for me forever." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Zephyr Kaetina asks, "How so?" 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- (Polaris): Bleuu (from the Nexus World of Celest) says, "Yeah, my boyfriend can't it seriously when I talk about it." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-ct Walk in Dawn (Hallifax): You say, "Walk in Dawn." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-no You shake your head. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say It's...not important. You say, "It's...not important." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-whistful That is not a valid command. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-whistfulsigh That is not a valid command. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-wsigh That is not a valid command. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Looking at Luce dubiously, Zephyr Kaetina says to you, "If you say so. It was a pleasant conversation." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Returning with a tray filled with champagne glasses, a well-dressed, tall waiter enters from the kitchens. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-em nods emphatically and says "Indeed it was." You have emoted: Luce nods emphatically and says "Indeed it was." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belr- You have recovered balance on all limbs. (1.005s) 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Your karma falls to keep up the karmic blessing of harmony. 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx-say should probably get back to the City soon though, it's late in the weave. You say, "Should probably get back to the City soon though, it's late in the weave." 6060h, 8940m, 6540e, 10p, 25360en, 25360w Belrx- Kaetina inclines her head politely to you.
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