Initial Progress of a Magnagoran Serf

Initial Progress of a Magnagoran Serf

Created By Sefrillir at 02/20/2025 in Magnagora

Kailanna and Tzshalgoth introduce a new Magnagoran serf to guild and city, including the value of progress.

Log session starting at 15:39:53 on Thursday, 20 February 2025.

[HINT]: You have access to a list of tasks to help you get started in Lusternia. See TASKS LIST.

(College): A viscanti assistant says, "Welcome to the College of Tainted and Necromantic Research,
Sefrillir! Take a look at CGHELP WELCOME to get started. Other helpful scrolls are found in CGHELP 
INDEX. If you have questions, citizens of Magnagora will hear your words if you speak on the 
collegium aether using CGT ."

(College): Kailanna says, "Welcome to Magnagora, Serf."
-cgt My humble thanks
(College): You say, "My humble thanks."

(College): Kailanna says, "Do feel free to ask here, in the College aether, should you have any
questions. You may also seek me out personally if you have anything else you would like to discuss."

(College): You say, "Thank you. Would it be your esteemed recommendation to declare a class first,
or a guild first?"

(College): Kailanna says, "A choice of class will be more important for your growth and studies, but
the two are not necessarily going to interfere with one another. Your guild will depend more on your 
own goals and preferred methods of reaching those goals. Each of the Magnagoran guilds will welcome 
members who practise any discipline."

-help infernals THE INFERNAL MANDATE

                         [GUILD LEADERS]
       Primarch of the Scourge: Shango
        Chaplain of the Damned: (Nobody)
                  Grim Reapers: Malayn and Ruiku
      Aspects of the Dominator: Malayn

                    [CURRENTLY IN THE REALM]
   Able to inguild and promote: (Nobody)

Nil-born and tempered in the fires of its deepest pits, they have but one mandate from the Supreme
Master: "Damnation and Dominion over All". The Midnight Legion, the souls damned to Nil for eternal 
torment, must swell in number and the Infernals have been tasked with reaping the souls of the Basin 
to empower the Dominator himself. Luciphage is eternally patient and so are his Infernals - they 
embrace the revered undeath that they may fall and rise, no task too perilous, no obstacle too grand 
for the undying. Cunning and manipulation are their weapons, but so is brute strength when the 
situation calls upon it. Power is its own reward but by empowering themselves, they also empower the 
Supreme Master.

                         [GUILD LEADERS]
                     Lady Grey: Sapphira

                    [CURRENTLY IN THE REALM]
   Able to inguild and promote: Kailanna

Known primarily for their philanthropic work and patronage of the arts, the Iniquitous Society
advocates for scientific and cultural progress of Magnagora. Composed of the most devious and 
competitive, it is no place for the weak of heart or those prone to black and white morality. The 
Society scoffs at no man's ambitions and desires as every pursuit is to the betterment of the Engine 
- every challenge a test of character, every experiment a valuable lesson. There is no tool too far
fetched or method too daring for their members as here the ends really do justify the means.

  TASKS LIST [ALL] [] - Show a list of your tasks
  TASKS [SHOW]            - View a task
-tasks list
***********************************[ Tasks ]***********************************
C?  ID              Name                                                       
    malacoda        Remembering Malacoda Manor
    gloriana        Remembering Gloriana Forest
    arysian         Remembering the Arysian Isles
    collegium       Collegium Graduation
    newton          The Quests of Newton Caverns
Personal Development
    class           Choose your Class
    guild           Join a Guild
    lessons         Learn new skills
Getting Help
    mentor          Accepting a Mentor
Items and Rooms
    glance          Glancing into adjacent rooms
Basic Hunting
    influence       Engaging in Ego Battles
About Your Character
Type MORE to continue reading. (67% shown)
You continue reading:
    score           Your score and status
    honours         Finding Out About Other Players
Your Inventory
    weapons         Weapons and Armour
Interacting with Items
    info            Using INFO HERE
    shops           Shops and Wares
Interacting with Other Adventurers
    tells           Sending a TELL
-task tells
(#30): tells - Sending a TELL
Category: Interacting with Other Adventurers
To complete this task, tell someone something. To make a private message to
another player, you can TELL (player) (message). Only that player will hear
that message and you do not need to be in the same room as that player.

(College): You say, "In considering guilds, would it be an overreach for a serf to consider the

(College): Kailanna says, "Not at all, the Society has a use for Serfs as much as it has a use for
Marquessas and Countesses. The Society also places value on those who would seek to raise their own 
political and social standing."

-class select ninjakari
You have classflexed into Ninjakari.
As you have had no class, no insult intended, this classflex instance has had its cost and cooldown
-cghelp guilds
**********************[ THE GRAND DOMINION OF MAGNAGORA ]**********************
Citizen         Class           Rank                Position         CT  OffP
Freja           Ur'guard        Countess            Iron Council     On    No
Kailanna        Nihilist        Marquessa           Minister of E    On    No
Sefrillir       Ninjakari       Serf                                 On    No
Tzshalgoth      Nihilist        Master                               On   Yes
Currently, there are 4 Citizens on visible Planes and 1 on other Planes.

You tell Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals, "Then, may this serf humbly seek your
patronage as an aspirant of the Iniquitous Society, Marquessa...?"
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
You have completed the 'TELLS' task. You have gained experience as a reward for completion.

(College): Tzshalgoth (from the Tainted Plane of Nil) says, "Belated, but welcome Sefrillir, to the

(College): Tzshalgoth (from the Tainted Plane of Nil) says, "May your name be a sour taste upon our
enemies tongues in the years to come."

Caressing your ear, the voice of Kailanna whispers, "Oh, now patronage is a large request. I can
certainly grant you membership to the Society, but if you wish my sponsorship for your advancement, 
we will have to have conversations to discuss your interests and give me a chance to see if you are 
worthy of my effort and attention."

You tell Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals, "Ah. Then this serf shall endeavour to
prove themself worthy of such esteemed patronage after they have completed their basic education as 
a member."

Caressing your ear, the voice of Kailanna whispers, "Very good then. I can admit you to the Society,
but such things must be done in person. I can meet you at the Megalith when you understand how to 
reach the city, or you can find me at my family's estate in the city if you are feeling particularly 

You tell Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals, "May I ask what direction the estate would
be from the Megalith, or what banners to keep an eye out for?"
-teleport nexus
You tug upon the aether strands around you, searching for one that connects to the Megalith of Doom.
You teleport along the aether strands to the Megalith of Doom.

Centre of the Necropolis.
It is difficult to detect any features of the room, due to the powerful field of energy that is put
out by the Megalith of Doom, absorbing all but the darkest of colours and dominating everything else 
in the room. The architecture of the room is designed to accommodate the Megalith of Doom with a 
high dome that forms the entire ceiling. A circular series of steps descends three tiers down to the 
indentation in the centre of the room where the Megalith stands. Four archways lead out of the room 
to the other areas of the Necropolis, where candles and other illumination can barely be detected 
through the powerful force of the Megalith. A glory of marble and ruby, a chandelier emulating the 
Weeping Amaranth sheds its trembling light from high overhead. Filling the room with its presence, 
an ebony chest adorned with taint wyrms has been placed on the ground with its top lifted up. Rising 
up from cracks in the floor, the Megalith of Doom towers above everything here, polluting the air 
with its foul fumes. The Keeper of the Megalith stands here radiating a tainted presence. Swirling 
eddies of chaotic ether dance around a marble shrine to Morgfyre that holds a crystal model of the 
planispheres. A painting of the crucified corpse of Alexandria is proudly exhibited on a nearby 
wall. There are 20 ur'Guard Grand Marshals here. There are 20 illithoid reavers here. Surrounded by 
domothean death energies, an enormous map of the Catacombs of the Dead stretches across the open 
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
An ur'Guard Grand Marshal says, "I am ready for any encounter, Sefrillir. Just tell me when and
An illithoid reaver says, "State your business, serf."
-l megalith
The Megalith of Doom is a massive rock that fairly vibrates with pent up power. Like festering
wounds, cracks cut deep into the rock itself, bleeding a thick viscous oil that coats its roughly 
hewn surface. The oily substance swirls with dark, miasmic colours that cause putrid fumes to rise 
up into the air, turning the atmosphere dingy and foul. Bright colours bleed and cannot survive 
around the Megalith, for it is the nexus of pure taint and its magnetic power sucks in all life and 
clarity around it.
-l marshal
With two large horns adorned in necromantic runes, this scowling taurian death marshal looks at all
with disdain. Sworn to do her job to protect Magnagora, despite the large amounts of non-taurians 
within the populace, this colossal ur'Guard wields two massive flails to destroy any enemy of the 
Engine. Her rune covered full plate glows with an intense aura warning any who would try to compete 
against her while she is in an enraged state. Her general state of unlife exhumes itself around her, 
giving everything in her vicinity an unique stench of death.
An ur'Guard Grand Marshal looks to be crushingly strong.
-l reaver
Standing at a statuesque 6 feet, 4 inches, this illithoid is wrapped in a loose fitting cloak of
dark, sturdy cloth, which flares noiselessly about him as he moves. Concealed with the cloak's inky 
folds, only the occasional stray glint betrays the weaponry and iron studded leather armour worn 
within. His hood raised, the reaver's features are shadowy and indistinct: gleaming, red eyes in a 
face of taut, purple-tinted grey skin, and a mouth set in a perpetual snarl. A simple amulet hangs 
about his neck, inscribed with the head of a serpent and he carries a jakari chain in tightly wound 
coils in one mailed fist.
An illithoid reaver looks to be crushingly strong.
-l keeper
Warped by his close proximity to the Megalith at all times, the Keeper is the sole guardian of the
Megalith and invariably watches its fluctuations closely. Tied to its power, his life is one of 
servitude granted to him by his obeisance to its power. Darkened wings like those of a bat 
powerfully flutter from the edges of his shoulders and hardened scales seem to cover those areas 
uncovered by his long black robe.
Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith has an air of extreme strength.

Caressing your ear, the voice of Kailanna whispers, "It is in the northwest of the city, just north
of the Bonehoard, between the i'Xiia tower and the Northern Gate, on Gorgaliel Boulevard."

Gorgaliel Boulevard.
A crimson mist accompanies the sound of a burbling fountain as it moves and shifts as it flows in
from a healing shrine of Fain nearby. The cold cobblestones of Gorgaliel Boulevard wind through a 
residential area here, the clicking of bootheels on stone audible at all times as citizens come and 
go from their homes. The buildings that line the streets are small and for the most part very 
humble, and all are stained black by the filth that floats through the air of Magnagora. Small 
alleys run between the buildings, serving as passages to less desirable housing hidden away from the 
main road. To the west, the large i'Xiia Tower rises into the sky, an impressive pillar of black 
marble. A shuttered glass gas lamp lies dark and unlit atop a tall, ornately gilded post. A statue 
of Ixion stands here, memorialising his noble spirit.
You see exits leading north, east, and west.
Entry hall of the n'Kylbar Manor.
The extravagant, spacious interior of the manor proper exhibits both impeccable taste and not a
small measure of affluence; the floor is fashioned of black marble, overlaid with thick, crimson 
carpets edged in gilt embroidery. Golden chandeliers hang from the vaulted ceiling at regular 
intervals, studded with glittering rubies and casting flickering golden highlights upon the 
tenebrous environs. A pair of curving stairways arches upward, disappearing into the smooth obsidian 
of the ceiling high above, while twin doorways at the rear of the entry hall offer only inky 
blackness as indication of their contents. There are 2 wights here.
You see exits leading north, northeast, south, and northwest.
Comprehension flashes across your face.
-tell kailanna My apologies for the dust I have tread into your grand courtyard, Marquessa n'Kylbar
You tell Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals, "My apologies for the dust I have tread
into your grand courtyard, Marquessa n'Kylbar."
An opulent courtyard.
Shrouded in perpetual twilight, the grand manor of the House n'Kylbar looms over this sprawling
courtyard. The grounds are well-kept, and tendrils of foul mist drift lazily about the area. The 
elaborate black marble statues spaced throughout are well-maintained, polished to a high shine so 
that they reflect any ambient light-- though none are as painstakingly well-maintained as the 
magnificent statue of Saverian n'Kylbar. Located directly in the centre of the courtyard, the 
obsidian eyes of the statue stare unseeingly onwards, features fixed in a stern expression. The 
manor itself is similarly built of obsidian, burning torches illuminating the path that leads to the 
entrance with a dim flicker of light. The massive double doors are painted a deep blood-red and bear 
a magnificent representation of the n'Kylbar crest: a golden jackal set against the crimson wood and 
circled with black trim. On either side of the doors are a pair of imposing jackal statues carved 
from black marble that is cool to the touch. Their eyes, carved from fist-sized rubies, stare coldly 
at anyone who approaches.
You see exits leading north and south.

Caressing your ear, the voice of Kailanna whispers, "Oh, the servants will deal with that. We would
not want them to be bored. You may find me in the solarium, past the audience hall."
Entry hall of the n'Kylbar Manor.
-gl n
A crimson dining hall.

You see exits leading east and south.
-gl ne
An elegant ballroom.

You see exits leading southwest and west.
A massive athenaeum.
A sprawling library occupies most of this wing of the manor, which is filled with innumerable and
huge wooden bookshelves packed with tomes and scrolls from across the Basin. A number of burning 
torches line the walls, while crimson candles occupy the long tables here, lending enough light to 
allow for reading to be done. In one corner of the library, a marble bust of a stern-looking man - 
Saverian n'Kylbar - watches over the accumulated knowledge of his descendants. To one darkened 
corner of the athenaeum, ancient rituals of power, grimoires describing the darkest of magics, and 
obscure histories of the Basin of Life are all collected here for reading pleasure.
You see exits leading north and southeast.
-gl n
A luxurious audience chamber.
An opulent throne rises from a pool of gold here, borne on the backs of lesser races.
You see exits leading south and west.
A luxurious audience chamber.
Every aspect of this impressive audience chamber bespeaks opulence and splendour, testament to the
affluence and power of House n'Kylbar. Each wall of the massive hexagonal chamber is decorated with 
elaborate tapestries depicting the glories of various members of the House. Elegant couches and 
armchairs provide visitors and hosts alike with comfort and peace of mind. The entryway is flanked 
on either side by impassive jackal statues, seemingly chiseled out entirely from ruby, shimmering 
softly as the light plays along their facets. An opulent throne rises from a pool of gold here, 
borne on the backs of lesser races.
You see exits leading south and west.
-l throne
Quintessentially n'Kylbar, this gleaming symbol of authority rises from
a solidified pool of molten gold. The grand construct has a harsh,
angular exterior and a gracefully curved interior. The seat itself is
piled with opulent silks and cushions, all in bloody scarlet embroidered
with gold thread. The wide armrests bear stylised jackals staring
disdainfully from ruby eyes, while the upper edge of the backrest shows
the Magnagoran skyline with the n'Kylbar manor at its centre. Eschewing
the lesser simplicity of base or legs, this throne is borne upward on
the subjugation of the lesser races. Preserved corpses coated in gold,
the anguished figures of elfen, merian, and kephera sunk hip deep into a
pool of the same unforgiving metal support the seat on outstretched
arms. The larger kephera hold the arching, ruby-encrusted back, while
merians brace the sides upon bowed shoulders. The elfen, bent with
elbows resting on rippled gold, serve as steps to the throne, a long
swathe of scarlet silk trailing from the foot of the throne across their
It weighs about 600 pounds.
It bears the golden seal of Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals.
The beauteous craftsmanship of Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals radiates throughout
It is attuned to Kailanna.
It has been stamped with the seal of The Jackal's Artistry.
-gl w
An antiquated solarium.
There are 2 burnt pearl chairs inlaid with jackals here. Bearing the crest of House n'Kylbar at its
centre, a low table of black marble veined with silver stands on clawed feet. Gleaming with golden 
threads, a comfortable couch nested with black brocade pillows rests here. Rakkan, the Crowned 
Jackal sits here, watching disdainfully. A fiendish gilt-armoured archdemon stands at attention 
here, leering sadistically through a haze of red mist. Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of 
Jackals befouls the air about her with a translucent haze that sours your nose with its sterile, 
lifeless scent. She wields the Choir of Anguish in her left hand and a disciplinarian's long-handled 
flaying whip in her right hand.
You see a single exit leading east.

You have recovered equilibrium.
An antiquated solarium.
This high, airy chamber extends from the western wall of the n'Kylbar estate, fashioned entirely of
glass walls reinforced with aged bronze framework, touched in places with streaks of dark tarnish 
from the unforgiving environs of Magnagora itself. The enormous windows of the octagonal chamber 
offer a stunning view of the city in every direction, while the ceiling is formed of spiralling 
metallic tendrils, rising from the vertical struts in the walls to spin together, forming a small 
circular aperture at the very apex of the chamber. The smog of the Engine swirls languidly in the 
sky above, testament to the constant progress of industry, while the solarium itself is rather 
sparsely adorned; a low divan and two faded armchairs offer repose, while a small table betwixt 
these bears a singular crystal vase boasting a bouquet of wilting carmine roses. There are 2 burnt 
pearl chairs inlaid with jackals here. Bearing the crest of House n'Kylbar at its centre, a low 
table of black marble veined with silver stands on clawed feet. Gleaming with golden threads, a 
comfortable couch nested with black brocade pillows rests here. Rakkan, the Crowned Jackal sits 
here, watching disdainfully. A fiendish gilt-armoured archdemon stands at attention here, leering 
sadistically through a haze of red mist. Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals befouls the 
air about her with a translucent haze that sours your nose with its sterile, lifeless scent. She 
wields the Choir of Anguish in her left hand and a disciplinarian's long-handled flaying whip in her 
right hand.
You see a single exit leading east.

The hiss of pressurised air precedes the rush of blood through the tubes wreathing the Choir of
Anguish, flowing toward its heart before being drawn hungrily into the porous volcanic stone.

You have emoted: Sefrillir bobs their head before gracefully bowing to Kailanna.

The acrid stench of burning ozone permeates the air as the great engines of industry and planar
science march ever forward.
-l chair
The blackened lines of this delicate chair have been carved from burnt
pearl that shines with a restrained lustre of dove grey and ebon.
Blood-red garnets and ruby form the eyes of the curving jackals that
adorn the frame of the chair, shining alongside lines of tarnished gold
inlaid into the smoothly muscled form of the cavorting dogs. Black
cushions embroidered with the crest of House n'Kylbar are tethered to
the seat and back of the chair, gleaming with golden embroidery and
inlaid gems.
It has 110 months of usefulness left.
It weighs about 20 pounds.
The beauteous craftsmanship of Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals radiates throughout
It has been stamped with the seal of The Jackal's Artistry.

Kailanna sets a book of sketches aside, looking up as you enter. She takes a moment to look at you
appraisingly before giving a short not of greeting. "Good day, Serf." She gestures to a nearby 
chair. "You may sit if you would like to stay awhile and talk, but if you have business to be about, 
I can see you added to the membership of the Society and send you on your way."
-l kailanna
The soft clatter of chimes and chains accompanies a pair of slit-pupiled eyes as Kailanna notices
your attention, lambent crimson irises flicking over you appraisingly before returning to her 
business, paying no further heed to your continued scrutiny. She is a fiendish archlich master 
viscanti aristocratic demigoddess of noble bearing and striking beauty. Immaculate porcelain skin, 
high cheekbones, gracefully arched brows, and an elegant jawline attest to the quality of her blood. 
A quartet of obsidian horns spirals back and upward from her forehead, adorned with gold and rubies. 
Her pale skin contrasts sharply with the lurid bloody scarlet of her hair, which is further 
ornamented with a fist-sized golden brazier capping the end of each braid, burning with a heady mix 
of incense, coal, and dragonsblood and giving off a scent both industrial and exotic. Her expression 
remains imperious and controlled, but for the faint hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of full, 
ink-black lips.

Her deep scarlet hair is woven on each side into three intricate braids falling in thick cords to
her hips, while the top is drawn back into a tail falling nearly to the ground. In artful tribute to 
the entwined aspects of beauty and pain, the braids are bound with golden rings and hung with chimes 
and bells, as well as barbs and razor-sharp hooks. Any movement results in soft clinking, chiming, 
and a number of deep, bloody slashes and punctures.
She is wearing:
viridescent prayer beads of the Mother of Plagues woven into one of her braids
an ornate signet ring of House n'Kylbar
an elaborate wedding band of jackal motifs
a matriarch's crown of n'Kylbar bloodlines, meticulously assembled to display the lineage of her
noble House
an imperious gilded clockwork collar
an amaranth armband of gold-wrapped bone at her right bicep, chains dangling from it wrapping
loosely about her arm before connecting to
a bracelet of the imperious jackal, the lower portion held to her hand by thin golden chains
reaching from
a chain-linked amaranth ring and four others of its kind, one of each finger.
a blood-scribed sari of flayed angelskin, lurid scarlet ink racing across the carefully draped
artistically heeled hierarchal sandals supporting her weight on the backs of her lessers
an iron cog and gear brutally branded into the back of the hand
the Iron Key to the Infernal Machine affixed to a thin chain woven into one of her braids

You say, "Ah. I doubt not the skill of your servants, but I would be ashamed to ruin the

With a dismissive wave, Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals says, "Servants incapable of
cleaning the furniture find themselves disciplined. Those who do not learn quickly are put 
to...other uses."

You have emoted: Sefrillir bobs their head and carefully perches their large form in the offered
chair, shoulders drawn inward, electing not to question what other uses might be found.

You say, "Then this serf thanks you for your invitation, Marquessa n'Kylbar."

Kailanna smiles faintly, giving a nod of acknowledgment as she crosses her legs and reclines against
the couch. "So then, you wish to join the Iniquitous Society, yes? What is it you believe we can 
provide to you, and what can you provide to us?"

You have emoted: Sefrillir pauses, considering the earlier threat of other uses.

You say, "This lowly serf might not provide much, but I would be willing to be trained and
instructed. It is... a challenge to find employment when there are those who have been gifted with 
undeath, who can work without tire."

Exhaling a hot blast of steam, clanking pipes shake violently to life before stilling once more.

Kailanna chuckles softly. "Oh, no, little one. We may be an entirely different city were we handing
out the blessing of undeath to the working class. No, the living are a self-replenishing resource 
and are excellent factory workers and labourers. Of course, not all the living easily find their 
place." She looks you over appraisingly, as if inspecting livestock. "You speak as though you are 
lowborn yourself, in need of employment. You seek to serve within the Society then, rather than use 
it to fuel your advancement?"

The electrifying shimmer of arcane magics fills the air, accompanied by structured High Magic
chanting from nearby.

Mechanical clankings rumble from deep beneath the ground, as though some great clockwork engine lay
beneath your feet.

You say, "My apologies for my mistake, Marquessa. The Portal has quite muddled my memories. I do not
know from where I came. But it was oft a broom or rag in my hands, preparing some station or 
laboratory for others, and lacking the means or connections to handle more interesting tools or 
educated pursuits."

Smiling faintly and giving a slight shake of her head, the motion causing the clatter of chains,
Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals says, "No apologies necessary. The Portal plays 
havoc with all our memories, to the point where we know little of our prior lives, and forget even 
our families. The only embarrassment is if one chooses not to learn and repair what they have lost."

Kailanna pauses, musing. "You are touched by passage through the Portal of Fate, and thus are by
definition of slightly more value than the beggars roaming our streets. I ask questions of you to 
learn where we may best put you to use, so understand there are no wrong answers. What can you tell 
me of yourself, and what you want?"

Kailanna waits patiently, one hand idly stroking the head of the large jackal at her feet. The
animal eyes you alertly, as if deciding whether you are a threat, a meal, or simply to be ignored.

It is now the 12th of Klangiary, 701 years after the Coming of Estarra.

Mechanical clankings rumble from deep beneath the ground, as though some great clockwork engine lay
beneath your feet.

You say, "To have passed through the Portal might mean there some use for me, I hope, though I know
not what it would be. But. I should have liked to make less silent contributions to society. To have 
furthered some research, to assist or perhaps one day be considered a scholar or scientist."

Giving a short nod, Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals says, "Good goals then, and well
-aligned with the Society's interests and resources."

You have been enrolled in the College of Necromantic & Tainted Research. See HELP COLLEGIUM for more
Kailanna welcomes you into the Society.

(Society): Someone says, "Welcome to the Society, Aspirant."

You have emoted: Sefrillir slumps in a silent sigh of relief before quickly righting their posture
in the presence of the head of the estate and her jackal.

Kailanna leans back against the couch once more, head tilted and eyes narrowed in thought. "You are
still quite young, and have a great deal of adjusting to do. I would recommend you see to your 
studies in the College first, and turn your eyes to the Society after you graduate. You are indeed 
an odd little bird, I look forward to seeing what comes of you."

You say, "My humble thanks for granting this one membership, Marquessa. I shall do as you say."

Kailanna nods once more. "Then you are free to go about your business. Or, should you have questions
or matters to discuss, you are welcome to stay."
-p jackal
Larger and nobler than his common cousins in the blasted lands, this handsome animal radiates a
nearly palpable aura of arrogance and scorn. His coat, perpetually groomed and gleaming with health, 
is a deep bloody scarlet, brushed with stygian black across the ears, back, tail, and paws. Easily 
reaching the height and musculature of a large warhound, though notably sleeker and more angular in 
shape, the haughty jackal is a menacing guardian. Pointed ears swivel at the slightest sounds and 
lambent golden eyes assess possible threats and dismiss those beneath his notice. Rather than a 
collar, his neck is adorned with a heavy torc of solid gold, wisps of Tainted darkness flowing 
across the baroque Magnagoran script etched into its surface, rubies stamped with the crest of House 
n'Kylbar capping each end. A spectral golden crown floats between his ears, just above his head, 
alluding to an origin outside the natural order.
Rakkan, the Crowned Jackal has an air of extreme strength.
He weighs about 243 pounds.
His feedbag is nearly empty! He is looking well-fed.
He is wearing Veryan's Roughshod Saddle of the Regal Ur'Guard.
He is loyal to Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals.
You cannot see what Rakkan, the Crowned Jackal is holding.
It has the following aliases: rakkan, jackal.

You have emoted: Sefrillir half-lurches up from the chair, freezing briefly to eye the Rakkan, the
Crowned Jackal's reaction to the sudden movement. They quickly bob their head at Kailanna.

You say, "Would, would there be any recommended texts to study to better understand the Society,

Kailanna clicks her tongue, tapping a lacquered nail against her lip in thought a moment. "You know,
there is not a great deal of published literature about the Society, given our newness relative to 
the age of the city." She glances up at you. "My best recommendation would be to read the GHELP 
scrolls, particularly those in the 'Welcome' category and the 'Aspirants' and 'Paths' categories to 
gain a better understanding of the Society. The guild tower, to the west of the Megalith, is also 
now open to you on both the ground and upper floors, and is worth exploring."

Musing, Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals says, "After you have exhausted those
materials, your best course would simply be to speak with other members."

You have emoted: Sefrillir nods in understanding.

You say, "Thank you again, Marquessa. This serf shall see themselves out."

Kailanna retrieves her book, turning her attention back to it and paying you no further
consideration. The large jackal lays his head on his paws, but keeps an eye on you as you depart.

Your nostrils fill with the musky scent of amaranths enveloping Kailanna, its deeper notes
distinctly reminiscent of the smell of blood.

The beautiful yet mournful, stirring notes of a violin solo reach you, at first a molto crescendo to
a subtle intensity before being joined by a second, and then a third, eventually fading from your 
hearing entirely.

You have emoted: Sefrillir turns their head as if at last seeing surrounding finery and how out of
place they are, dazed as they bumble their way towards the exit.

You have been recognised by Kailanna for: For being a good sport about a fun bit of introduction to
the city and the Society.

A ragged beggar shuffles off to the west.

The dark, striated clouds overhead swirl slowly around the twisted spires of the Necropolis,
churning and smothering the light.

You have recognised Kailanna for: Granting an audience to an odd bird in her jackal-sleek n'Kylbar

A filthy gutter mutt arrives from the east, sniffing about.
-teleport nexus

Sinister ritual chanting echoes faintly from afar, as shadowy, cloaked figures slip across the
corner of your eye.


You tell Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals, "This ignorant Serf had not realised
Sponsorship a particular right of passage within the Society. My humble thanks for the correction 
and guidance."

Caressing your ear, the voice of Kailanna whispers, "Of course, none outside the Society are privy
to our inner workings. Fear not, my Lady considers ignorance to be the only plague not of Her 
making, and thus we who serve Her are charged with stamping it out whenever possible."

Animated Corpse Tzshalgoth says to you, "Aspirant, it is a pleasure."

You have emoted: Sefrillir bobs their head in greeting at Tzshalgoth.

Animated Corpse Tzshalgoth says to you, "I trust you are finding your way well enough?"

-honors tzshalgoth
Animated Corpse Tzshalgoth (Male Archlich Human).
He is 30 years old, having been born on the 6th of Tzarin, 671 years after the Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 150th in Lusternia.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Master in the Grand Dominion of Magnagora.
He is a Professor in the College of Necromantic & Tainted Research.
He is a Valleyrunner in the Fellowship of Explorers.
He is a graduate of the College of Necromantic & Tainted Research (honours).
He is a member of the clan called 'The Midnight Legion.'
He is a member of the clan called 'IronHeart Corruption.'
His warcry: 'Taint empower me!'
He is considered to be approximately 34772600% of your might.
He is not currently active in any family.
See HONOURS FULL TZSHALGOTH to view his 4 special honours.

You say, "Yes, Professor."

An ur'Guard Grand Marshal says, "I am ready for any encounter, Freja. Just tell me when and where."
Without a backward glance, a white wolf pads to the east.

You say, "Though this Serf is unaccustomed to the ways of the city yet... Is it common to see white
wolves and shadowy, cloaked figures?"

A rousing beat sends shivers down your spine, its notes like the clacking of bones.

Animated Corpse Tzshalgoth says, "It is indeed."

Animated Corpse Tzshalgoth says, "That is the passing of Countess Freja."

Comprehension flashes across your face.

Animated Corpse Tzshalgoth says to you, "You are not expected to be accustomed to anything just yet.
The Portal is known to take away all memory."

The elegant chords of chamber music reach your ears from nearby, the rich notes each stately and

You have emoted: Sefrillir nods their head slowly.

Animated Corpse Tzshalgoth says, "The only thing that matters is progress. Make progress in your
tasks, in your experience, in your collegium duties, and you will be rewarded."

A bloodhound pants heavily, his tail wagging enthusiastically.

Animated Corpse Tzshalgoth says, "Progress drives the Engine, and its citizens, ever forward."

You have emoted: Sefrillir adjusts their posture, straightening a bit as they listen to Tzshalgoth.

You say, "Thank you for your guidance, Professor."

You tell Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals, "Your Lady, Marquessa? They sound like a
patron of science?"

A hideous archdemon sucks a clot of dried blood from one of his enormous talons.

An ur'Guard Grand Marshal says, "For the glory of our great city, and the taint that sustains it."
Here are landmarks useful for young adventurers:
            Newton - Newton Caverns

Notable locations within the City of Magnagora are:
           Cityzoo - City Zoo
          Megalith - Megalith of Doom
      Bloodtheatre - Theatre of Bloody Threnodies
      Necromentate - Pit of the Necromentate
      Necrocollege - Entrance to the College
      Necrolibrary - Library Atrium
   Necropostoffice - Postal Office
         Necrobank - City Bank
         Necronews - Literary Archives
    Necrowarehouse - Commodities Warehouse
          Midnight - Midnight Coliseum
         Bonehoard - Bonehoard
        Ixiiatower - I'Xiia Tower
      Dmuranitower - D'Murani Tower
   Silentcathedral - Silent Cathedral
     Marketcomplex - Market Complex
Type MORE to continue reading. (24% shown)

-path find necrocollege
Distance to 'Office of the Lord Chancellor': 11 Steps.
Path: e, e, e, e, e, d, n, in, n, n, in
Use PATH GO to travel there.

Caressing your ear, the voice of Kailanna whispers, "Indeed so. I am sworn to the service of Lady
Malmydia, known as the Chiurgeon. She is also called Vivisector, and Lady of Needles, among other 
titles. She is the most brilliant and innovative of the Elder Gods, and is the only healer among 
them to understand that a cure should correct and improve a being, rather than look backward to 
simply restoring a prior state of weakness."

Animated Corpse Tzshalgoth says to you, "Before I get back to exterminating vermin, is there
anything you need?"

You say, "No, but thank you Professor. I was just consulting the way back to the College. I think I
found it."

You have emoted: Sefrillir bobs their head gratefully.

Animated Corpse Tzshalgoth says to you, "You can TELEPORT COLLEGE."

Animated Corpse Tzshalgoth says to you, "Or use the PORTALS to get there."

Comprehension flashes across your face.

You say, "I shall do that, thank you."

Tzshalgoth nods his head emphatically.

Tzshalgoth inclines his head politely to those around him.

Tzshalgoth places his hands on the Megalith of Doom and disappears in a fountain of pulsating
A hideous archdemon departs, trailing black mist.
You lack the ability to teleport to that.
Realizing that you have absolutely no clue where you are, you call on the power of the Gods to
rescue you.

You tell Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals, "Oh... Professor Tzshalgoth was just
educating me on the value of progress. Which made me think Your Lady has an applicable philosophy to 
various bodies, including society."

Caressing your ear, the voice of Kailanna whispers, "Quite so, yes. My Lady's Tenets are Necessity,
Innovation and Precision, which are all very Magnagoran values. Should you have interest, I would be 
happy to discuss them with you some time when you are not otherwise engaged."

-recognise tzshalgoth encouraging a Serf lost in a big city of progress
You have recognised Tzshalgoth for: Encouraging a Serf lost in a big city of progress.
You have recognised 2/3 people this weave!

It is now the 13th of Klangiary, 701 years after the Coming of Estarra.

You tell Proctor Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals, "I would very much look forward to that,
Marquessa n'Kylbar. I shall see to my college tasks in the meanwhile."
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