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Politics News Post #9104

Orc-Furrikin Wars

Written by:
Date: Monday, July 8th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

The war cries of orcs rise up in Acknor, as their blood lust for furrikin slaves can no longer be contained. In response, the singing of the furrikin in Estelbar rises up in a protective enchantment. No longer caring about the politics of the Basin, the orcs of Acknor declare themselves free and no longer under the sphere of influence of the Grand Dominion of Magnagora, and the furrikin of Estelbar declare themselves free and no longer under the sphere of influence of the Free Alliance of Serenwilde.

The Village of Estelbar has called down a temporary spell of peace to protect its borders, declaring that it does not ever wish war within its borders at any time.

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