Happy Hearts Hoedown!
Written by: Minister Mboagn Lunarose
Date: Wednesday, September 9th, 2020
Addressed to: Everyone
Goodest greetings, Basin of Life!!
We are going to play a short and fun game/survey. Here's the deal. I will present you with four pairs. You, the players, will send me your opinions on who is the dominant force in that particular relationship. Whichever half of the relationship gets the most 'votes' will win 10 credits...and all their supporters will get 5,000 gold sovereigns each.
Here are the relationships that we are going to vote on:
1. Aknarin and Snald Stormcrow
2. Auriella and Kreon Zayah
3. Kistan and Yinuish La'Saet
4. Caleb and Kyalrhin Luminaire
Keep in mind, you can vote once for each pair. This means that, if you're really good and lucky, you can win up to 20,000 golds! Wow!!
Simply MESSAGE MBOAGN with your entry. There's no set format, and you can be very brief with it. For example:
It's that simple! Let's get to it!
Penned by my hand on the 12th of Juliary, in the year 569 CE.