Which Herb Will You Stripharvest?
Written by: Minister Mboagn Lunarose
Date: Tuesday, December 8th, 2020
Addressed to: Everyone
Let's do something simple and fun. Herbs are a very important commodity in the Basin of Life, especially with its dangers. Herbalists from all nations know this and have taken individual steps to ensure that such precious treasures are properly utilized. However, if things get dire, no doubt the swords (and harvesting gloves) will be drawn and war will commence. In such a scenario, Which Herb Will You Stripharvest?
This will be a simple, single elimination competition. The herbs have all been randomly paired together, and you, dear participant, will send me a message choosing which herb of that pair will you be more likely to harvest completely out of existence. Sparkleberry has been exempted from this competition due to its lopsided importance. Sorry, sparkleberry!
The first round of voting will be thus:
1. juniper VS chervil
2. tea VS weed
3. merbloom VS galingale
4. kombu VS mistletoe
5. horehound VS yarrow
6. pennyroyal VS sargassum
7. calamus VS marjoram
8. coltsfoot VS earwort
9. faeleaf VS kafe
10. flax VS arnica
11. rosehips VS colewort
12. reishi VS sage
13. wormwood VS myrtle
You can send an entry for each pairing for this round. You need not vote in every pairing. To vote, simply send me (MBOAGN) a message. For example:
MESSAGE MBOAGN 1. this-herb, 2. that-herb, 3. these-herbs, 4, those-herbs...
Or, if you don't want to vote in a particular pairing:
MESSAGE MBOAGN 1. this-herb, 2. that herb, 4. those-herbs...
Simple! Fantastic! At the end of the whole competition, everyone who ends up voting for the winning herb will be awarded with ten thousand gold!
The first round will end on KIANI 25, 577 CE. Send your votes in before then!
Penned by my hand on the 10th of Estar, in the year 577 CE.