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Public News Post #1996

Boons of the Avenger

Written by: Disciple Irumagni, First Among the Pilgrims
Date: Monday, August 26th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Nations of the Basin of Life, we are the Disciples of Avechna, His most devoted who support Him in protecting the Nine Seals. In times of danger, such as during the Ascension, we gather donations of wealth and resources, and cultivate the boons of the Avenger so that we may bestow them upon the worthy who aid in keeping the Almighty Kethuru in His prison.

Every nation of the Basin rose to the challenge and put forth brave challengers who competed in the Nine Challenges and the Final Ascension itself. Councils, await our missives and consider which of the boons you wish bestowed upon you.

Disciple Irumagni,
First Among the Pilgrims

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Avechary, in the year 687 CE.

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