Vernal Ascendants
Written by: Morgfyre, the Legion
Date: Saturday, March 1st, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone
Cities and Communes may now raise Vernal Ascendants. The Syntax is thus:
- CITY ASCENDANT <person> - nominate an ascension candidate
- CONFIRM ASCENDANT - confirm your support for the candidate
- UNCONFIRM ASCENDANT - rescind your support (if already given)
- CITY RAISE ASCENDANT - raise the Ascendant, once you have the full
support of the ruling council
Remember that raising a Vernal Ascendant will drain your City or Commune
of 1,000,000 power, which is totally and irreversibly non-refundable! If
the Vernal Ascendant leaves the City or Commune to which they are tied,
they will lose their Ascendant status and become a Demigod.
If a Demigod is raised as a Vernal Ascendant, they will keep 1/3rd of
their essence (whereas a new Ascendant will have no real essence to
speak of).
In other news, the LISTCONSTRUCTS syntax has changed to CITY/COMMUNE
CONSTRUCTS [construct]. All citizens may now use this command, excepting
that only Power Ministry aides may view the specific details of a
construct's status. Additionally, it will also in the general view
indicate whether or not a construct is built, being built, disabled,
Penned by My hand on the 14th of Klangiary, in the year 199 CE.