February Envoy Report
Written by: Morgfyre, the Legion
Date: Saturday, March 15th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone
The envoys have been discussing Night Choke for a few months now, and
have floated several interesting suggestions that we have decided not to
implement for one reason or another. However, I do realize that in the
interim it can be frustrating to have to deal with avatar-level mobs
being choked, so I have implemented a temporary stop-gap measure until a
more permanent solution can be found:
- You can no longer choke a room with an avatar-level mob
- The same holds true for the Domoth thrones
Without further ado, here is the February envoy report:
- Mages and Druids have a new skill in meld: Dampen
- Dreamcatchers no longer decay
- Wiccan nymphs will not try to pacify shielded NPCs
- Mushroom circles can be summoned at nexi
- Moonburst and Nightkiss can be cast with 1 broken leg
- Puissance will not increase the damage of ripostes or coules
- Psychometabolism's Biocurrents has a slightly increased base damage
- Kata forms will terminate when you kill your victim
- Psychometabolism's Pheromones effect will occur more rapidly
- Music's Sustain is no longer considered aggressive
- WildArrane's Bluemoon now affects focusing body and spirit as well
- NPCs engaged in an ego battle will not wander
- Knighthood's Engage will throw the victim off-balance if it blocks
them from leaving
Penned by My hand on the 18th of Juliary, in the year 200 CE.