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Announce News Post #1047

Domoth Changes and Misc. Bug Fixes

Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Thursday, March 27th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone


- During the third stage, only the challenger may enter the
Domotheos area. The spawning rate of guardians is greatly
reduced during this third stage.

- Demigods may only claim one Domotheos, and Ascendants may only
claim two. However, if one holds a Seal of a Domotheos, that
Domotheos does not count towards the maximum held.

- The rate at which counters go up during stages 2 and 3 have
been adjusted as follows:
- True Ascendants at their Ascended Domotheos: Double Rate
- Ascendants: 33% faster
- Demigod Seal Bearers at their Seal's Domotheos: 33% faster

- The time period that Domotheos are held have been adjusted as
- True Ascendants at their Ascended Domotheos: +100 days
- Ascendants: + 50 days
- Demigod Seal Bearers at their Seal's Domotheos: +25 days

- Being mounted is no longer enough to bypass shrine Gravity.

- Aethersights should detect summons again.

- You should be able to squint during games of Slippers.

- Those disguised as trees or statues (Glamours) won't be
revealed by targetting them with emotes.

- Probing a forge or oven will reveal if it's lit.

- Refreshing your Stag medicine bag will reset its usable months.
A note about medicine bags: The maximum number of uses of a
fresh bag isn't a flat 50, but depends on your skill in Stag.

- Divine fire will no longer cure balance/equilibrium.

- Nexus objects will only prevent movement if in loyal territory,
so summoning people to astral nexii will once again work.

- Trueheal (Sacraments) now usable while pinlegged.

- Shrine powers will not hit inside a maze.

- Twirl staff (Geomancy) has been fixed and is aggressive again.

- NEXUS STATUS will now show real room names for guard positions.

- There was a bug where pinleg would be removed if certain pacifying
afflictions were given to the Blademaster. This has been corrected.

- Dispel (Illusions) is only usable by Illusionists. Oops!

Penned by My hand on the 6th of Juliary, in the year 201 CE.

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