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Announce News Post #1090

Changes to Size, Stun, Music and Some Race Updates

Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Sunday, May 18th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone

As many of you know there, has been discussion on the forums regarding
the impact of size on combat and game balance. (Also see HELP SIZE.)

- Size no longer impacts tumbling.
- Size no longer impacts writhing.
- Size no longer impacts stun.
- Smaller size now is now faster through special exits that you need to
- The larger the size, the more health one has (this is very small,
though has more noticeable impact on lower levels).
- For every three points your size is larger than your racial norm, you
receive +1 str buff/-1 dex buff. For every three points your size is
smaller than your racial norm, you receive -1 str buff/+1 dex buff.
- You will have a hard time blocking those who have a larger size than
- The smaller the size, the more food nourishes you. (Note: changing
size now makes you slightly hungry.)

- The formula for damage from music has been somewhat changed so it now
relies on charisma as well as intelligence.
- Performing music now consumes ego rather than ego and intelligence.
- Vileblood has a new side effect--viscanti who hear this song receive a
+3 charisma buff

- As you may know, there is a slight immunity period every time one is
stunned. This has now been increased to 50% of the time you were
stunned. In other words, if you were stunned for two second, for second
after you are stunned, you will be immune from being stunned again.
Also, you will receive messages to make it clear when you are immune and
not immune. (Note: stuns are measured in hundredths of seconds so your
immunity phase may pass extremely quickly as some stuns are of very
short duration, i.e., one second or less.)

- Shadowlords now receives +4 strength
- Illithoids should not lose their extra ego stores while logged off.
(It's actually been always like this but I wanted to confirm it.)

Penned by My hand on the 2nd of Roarkian, in the year 206 CE.

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