Aethercraft Update
Written by: Roark Libertas
Date: Friday, July 24th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
I made a few tweaks to Aethercraft:
+ XP gain from bashing aether beasts with turrets has been adjusted.
(This might not be the final adjustment.)
+ The speed formula for ships has been altered. Note that ships now have
inertia, meaning that they gaain speed as they move in a straight line.
Sharp turns can hurt your inertia. Mild turns will not.
+ New skill: offerings. Lets you gain essence from aether beasts slain
with your turret to offer to your faovorite deity, just like normal
+ Consolidated all of Aethercraft into one skillset. There are no more
specialization skillsets.
+ The three main modules have proficiencies attached to them. The more
you use a module, the more proficient you become with it. Though using
one module can also cause you to lose proficincy in the other two. Your
proficiency starts at 0% and goes to 100%. Once it reaches 50%, it will
never go below that 50%. Being more proficient means that the module
balance is faster. See SHIP PROFICIENCIES to see your ratings. Note that
with the conversion from the old skillset psecializations: if you had
Aethercraft then you are 50% proficient in everything, and if you
specialized in some module's skillset then you are 100% proficient in
Penned by My hand on the 4th of Avechary, in the year 241 CE.