Map Contest Results
Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Sunday, December 19th, 2004
Addressed to: Everyone
Thanks to everyone who participated in the map contest. We received
quite a few maps, all of which were very good. I can tell you that at
some times it was very difficult to choose the winner. One stand out
cartographer deserves special praise, Exarius, won every entry he
submitted and I'm sure when you see them you'll agree they are very
special indeed. These maps will be used on the website and credit awards
are as follows:
Newton Caverns - Exarius - 200cr
Lolliprin - Exarius - 200cr
Smoke Mountain - Exarius - 200cr
Estelbar - Exarius - 300cr
Acknor - Exarius - 300cr
Rockholm - Exarius - 400cr (includes N. Mounts)
Angkrag - Tenqual - 300cr
Delport - Wuylinfe - 300cr
Stewartsville - Kaelar - 300cr
Celest - Sharra - 400cr
Magnagora - Veonira - 400cr
Serenwilde - Exarius - 500cr
Glomdoring - Alger - 500cr
Balach - Summer - 100cr
Bondero Bay - Summer - 100cr
Oleanvir - Wuylinfe - 100cr
Skarch - Faethan - 400cr
Ethereal - Daganev - 400cr
Earth Plane - Aerenna - 500cr
Water Plane - Shamarah - 500cr
Celestia - Yepela - 300cr
Nil - Kaervas - 300cr
FULL REALM MAP - Caffrey - 1000cr
WORST MAP EVER - Kryos - 0cr
Caffrey's full realm map is simply amazing as it appears to include
almost everything in Lusternia, including all the planes and newbie
area, in a comprehensive and easy to read style.
Kyros gets mention only for submitting the absolute worst map we've ever
seen or, indeed, ever imagined.
Penned by my hand on the 14th of Juliary, in the year 105 CE.