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Announce News Post #1430

Collegium Revamp

Written by: the Camenae, Administrators of Building
Date: Sunday, November 8th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone

Many of you may have noticed a gradual change in the collegium quests in
the past weeks. The changes are not arbitrary. We have now completed a
revamp of the Collegiums! The following is an overview of the changes:

- Each collegium quest now gives a one-time reward of 1000 gold, upon
first completion.

- More hints have been added for all of the collegium quests, and they
have also been made more noticeable to the eye. This largely affects
those with HINTS ON.

- Collegium quests have been tweaked across the organizations to be more
doable by newbies and more on par with one another in difficulty. This
includes the elimination of portions of some quests that do not relate
strongly to their main purpose.

- Collegium quests that used to allow only one quester at a time can now
accommodate more questers.

- Various bugs having to do with the collegiums have been caught and

- The power collegium quests have not been altered very drastically, due
to their association with other quests as well as their integral roles
in each organization.

We strongly urge novice aides and those who are in charge of each
organization's CGHELP scrolls take some time to explore the changes to
collegiums, so that CGHELPs can be updated to best help novices after
these changes, and the teaching tailored appropriately.

As with all new changes, please submit a BUG if you find anything amiss.
And if there are any serious or pressing concerns regarding the changes
to the collegiums themselves, please msg the Camenae or email


Penned by My hand on the 9th of Roarkian, in the year 249 CE.

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