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Announce News Post #1462

Rift Update!

Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Wednesday, December 30th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone

After a bit of thought, we've changed the way rifts display their
contents. Notably, it now sorts them into one of a few categories:

o Curative Herbs - All of your herbs used specifically for healing
afflictions, either eaten, applied or smoked.

o Functional Herbs - All of your herbs that serve an alternative purpose
(largely alchemy, or rendering the user non-functional in the case of
cactus weed)

o Tinctures - All of your coloured tints.

o Metal Commodities - Simply put, all refined metal ores. Gold, silver,
steel, iron, mercury, etc.

o Crafting Commodities - Commodities used throughout a very large
variety of trade skills. Particularly leather, cloth, wood, marble, etc.

o Grocer Commodities - All of your food-related commodities, including
spices, sugar and salt.

o Gemstones - All of your various gemstones, both cut and uncut.

o Brewery Necessities - All of your malts, teas and raw tea leaves. A
Baruwski's delight!

o Beastmaster's Necessities - All of your feeds and riftable reagants.

o Misc. Commodities - Everything that doesn't fall well in a particular
category. Currently, only coal and auronidion particles.

This rift display can be easily accessed via your normal rift commands -
IR and INFO RIFT. For your convenience, the old rift display still
exists - it is now accessed via OLDIR and INFO OLDRIFT.

This has also been extended to shop rifts, so both shopir and shoprift
will use the new displays. To view their former displays, you can use

Please bug any commodities that do not show up on your new rift but do
on your old rift, though there shouldn't be any missing commodities.

Penned by My hand on the 19th of Estar, in the year 254 CE.

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