New Guilds: Templars and Sentinels
Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Sunday, April 4th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
As should be apparent, we have released the next two guilds for
Gaudiguch and Hallifax! The Templars and Sentinels are the warrior
guilds for those cities, respectively. I had hoped we would be able to
release the guardian guilds first, but in the end, I felt the only way
would be to rush through the final coding which in the end probably
wouldn't be productive. In any event, I the warrior guilds will access
two new skillsets: Paradigmatics for the Templars, which has a 'chaos
magic' theme wherein the practitioners attempt to shape reality by
shifting paradigms. The Sentinels are the 'time police' of Lusternia,
keeping an eye on the timelines and making sure temporal anomalies don't
surface. I think both guilds have exciting backgrounds and I can't wait
to see how they settle.
Both guilds are closed right now, which means up to 10 founders will be
selected and among themselves they'll vote for their guild leaders. Once
the guild leaders are elected, then the guilds will open for the general
Penned by My hand on the 1st of Tzarin, in the year 261 CE.