Misc. Fixes
Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Sunday, May 23rd, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
o "Kata" is a low level forging category for lower quality weapons.
"Masterkata" is the higher level skill for the high quality weapons. The
old kata designs are considered to be master kata weapon designs.
o The splendor skill for tailors will now allow a hat as well as a main
item. In other words, you can have one hat and one robes/gown/suit.
o You can no longer pitch a tent inside another tent.
o Fixed another bug that could cause astropheres to cost impossibly
high amounts of endurance.
o You can PORTAL ENTER manses by number.
o Fixed a bug that would cause artifact tradeins to round off their
tradein value slightly incorrectly at times.
o Athletics Vitality and Lowmagic Serpent will not let you raise them
again if they're already up and active.
o Dreambodies should not set off key sigils anymore.
o Fixed another bug that would prevent training up to Master from a
city or commune tutor while you have a divine favour.
o Fixed a bug that allowed you to LOOK at buried things without
digging them up.
o You can no longer use Glamours Nature or Statue in the middle of
a delayed move, like a moonbeam.
o Fixed an untrapped error with various city/commune coffer commands.
Penned by My hand on the 24th of Avechary, in the year 265 CE.