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Announce News Post #162


Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Sunday, January 9th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone

We are cracking down on any forms of abuse of multiplaying. See HELP
MULTIPLAYING. People have been and will be shrubbed and possibly one or
more of characters deleted because of this. While you are allowed to
have multiple characters, you are expected to keep them separate, and
not mingle them together in any way, including but not limited to
transfering tangible or intangible items between them, such as gold or
shops, or using one to pick up on the roleplaying of another. The
exception to this is that credits may be transferred between your
seconds (as you bought them and they are OOC). Indeed, you will be held
to a higher standard of roleplaying if you choose to have seconds.

As a word of advice to those of you who choose to have seconds, it is in
your best interest to keep your personas separate and not let it be
known that you have seconds. If you tell another who your seconds are,
even someone you consider a trustworthy friend, inevitably word begins
to spread and your credibility questioned. I know this advice will most
likely fall on deaf ears, but I've seen it happen again and again and
lead to nothing but grief for the player.

Penned by my hand on the 8th of Avechary, in the year 107 CE.

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