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Announce News Post #1679

Misc. Bug Fixes

Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Friday, December 3rd, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone

o You can no longer kneel, then stand, to bypass having severed

o Fixed an error when attempting to return to demesne center when
you don't have one.

o Fixed a bug that prevented Blocking from requiring declaration (and
made it less effective when declaration had happened).

o Cleanse now cures mucous correctly.

o Fixed a bug that allowed anyone to cast Trueheal despite an error
message saying you couldn't.

o Fixed a bug that allowed Holylight to be usable to cast Trueheal on
people outside the room.

o Night Cauldron commands will not consume mana if they fail.

o Athletics Barging can no longer move people onto or off of a
non-prime nexus object.

o Books that were published from a library annex in one nation were
not being made visible to other nations that didn't have the same
number of annexes. This won't happen for future publications. If
you're a Librarian or aide, and you know of books published before
this fix that should show in your library but don't, gather a list
of their book numbers and message it to Seryl so they can be made

o Entering briar walls while shielded was avoiding the entanglement,
since the shield wasn't lost until after the entanglement. This has
been corrected.

o INFO INV (or II) now shows a count of items just like INFO HERE does.

o Giving a wielded object to a denizen used to cause a mixup where your
hand still thought it was occupied, but that shouldn't happen now.

o The message that tells you how many days you've logged in should
now show the correct month.

Penned by My hand on the 21st of Estar, in the year 283 CE.

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