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Announce News Post #1691

Aetherspace and Veneration Updates

Written by: Estarra the Eternal
Date: Wednesday, December 29th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone


The below changes to aetherspace are to make the aetherspace conflict
system fairer and level without outright banning of artifacts.

o If an aethership is destroyed, there is a 5 minute recovery period
before an aethership can relaunch.

o If an aetherdock is sealed, you cannot use a whistle at that dock.

o There is now a delay of several minutes when using a whistle before a
ship will arrive at a dock. (If you wish for a full refund on a whistle,
please message me.)


The Veneration skillset, utilized by Cults, has been finished. Nine
additional rites have been added to the skillset, rounding it at 21
different rites. Some old favourites (Presence, DivineSupper and
Omniscience) have made their return, while other new abilities have been

With this, a number of bugs have been vehemently stamped out, so that
the infamous Mutilated Arm will no longer be malevolently affecting
seemingly random areas with its continued and apparently omnipresent
hatred, among other problems.

Penned by My hand on the 15th of Urlachmar, in the year 285 CE.

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