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Announce News Post #1700

Misc Bug Fixes

Written by: Estarra the Eternal
Date: Thursday, January 6th, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone

o You can no longer summon people into the location of Vortex fleshpots.

o Nexus Distort wasn't having its cost eliminated by constructs

o Fixed an error that caused submitting cartel designs to fail.

o Summoning a Homunculus won't cost power if it fails, but will cost
lovashi flesh when it should.

o Balestones won't hit people on other elevations anymore.

o Paradigmatics Gnosis can't be reraised (at cost) when it's already

o Manse room tree upgrades will show correctly in the room.

o Zimoru and similar goodies from solstice stockings will correctly be
marked as belonging to their owners.

o Fixed a bug that prevented most Harmonics CrystalWeapons from having a
boosting effect on the corresponding gem type.

o Stag and Crow TotemReturn are now speeded by the Ring of Aetheric

o Fixed a bug that allowed you to draw more than full reserves from a
Harmonics Spire (though the extra power was lost).

o You can once again attach fist sigils to musical instruments.

o Aeonics Aeonfield will only affect targets on the same elevation.

o Harmonics CrystalWeapon scalpel discharge is no longer aggressive.

o When competing for domoths, some forms of out-of-phase (Fleshstone,
Bubble, Liquidform, and Astralform) still allowed gathering points, as
did being graced in some stages. This is no longer so.

o Harmonics Heartstones no longer show on your list if they're inactive
ones left behind by a previous offer that was not accepted.

o Looking at someone's GUILD INVENTORY won't show them, not you, the
total number of items anymore.

o You'll get a useful error message if you try to read a sorcelglass
scroll to an object that isn't present.

o The effect of Tully's Broom will show on QL.

o You should not be able to raise shrines during village revolts. (If
you could before, it was a bug.)

Penned by My hand on the 19th of Klangiary, in the year 285 CE.

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