The approaching Justice Challenge
Written by: Avechna, the Avenger
Date: Wednesday, January 12th, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone
Mortals, the Seal of Justice yet requires a bearer and the challenge
approaches. Prepare for the battles of wit and tongue that await you and
be mindful of what will and will not be tolerated in your debates.
- influence/dramatics skillsets
- general healing (bromides, sparkleberry, etc)
- tradeskill items or abilities (including enchantment, tinkering, etc)
- any preparatory or permanent buffs (karma blessings, racial benefits,
etc) acquired before your debate
Not allowed:
- any activated abilities outside the skillsets allowed above (roulade,
laetitia, etc)
- passive ego regeneration from skills outside the skillsets allowed
above (presence, penumbra, etc)
- any action or skill that fully refreshes you (refresh, trueheal, etc)
- shrine abilities
- beasts
Penned by My hand on the 7th of Kiani, in the year 286 CE.