Starhymn Report and Fixes
Written by: Sior the Anomaly
Date: Friday, March 11th, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone
=== Starhymn Report ===
o GuardianAngel added. Please see the AB.
o AvengingAngel added. Please see the AB.
o AngelicHost added. Please see the AB.
o EverSea now causes balance/eq loss on shield failure.
o JustChorale afflictions for Methrenton and Shakiniel have been
=== Fixes ===
o The formula for giving out iron lottery tickets has been changed to
avoid exploitation.
o Druid and mage effects won't be turned off by blindness.
o Several fixes to the powerlog summary for constructs and conquest
o Sweetfount (Aquamancy) was still taken power. This has been fixed.
o Green mucous/sludge is now cured properly with FirstAid.
o SweetFount is now castable with Flashflood (Aquamancy).
o You will no longer receive three GMCP messages when an item is
o FirstAid's bleeding curing won't drain extra mana anymore.
o Moon Waning now gives the standard lines for both stripping speed
and/or giving the aeon affliction.
o Transmology Gauntlets no longer consume flesh if you try and fail
to summon them.
o Veneration Portals can no longer be used to escape from distortion.
o Aggressive, passive Music song effects should no longer tick in
peaced rooms.
o There are now separate messages when you cannot smoke due to asthma
or collapsed lungs.
o Various typo and grammar fixes.
o Forgetting Transmology will remove psychedelic auras and other
effects of a chosen path.
o Fixed a bug that caused Crash and Ram to appear to destroy an
unspecified object instead of a wall.
o Paradigmatics Enthrall can't be reraised while already up.
o Nihilism Sting shouldn't require arm balance or function.
o Linking and unlinking from nodes and nexii won't report arm
dysfunction when you're just off balance.
o One of Hallifax's constructs was slowing, not speeding up, balance
and equilibrium time when used.
o Key sigils won't fire off when the door was never open in the first
place (as when using Psychometabolism Shift).
Penned by My hand on the 25th of Juliary, in the year 290 CE.