Feb 2011 Envoy Reports and Fixes
Written by: Sior the Anomaly
Date: Friday, April 8th, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone
=== February 2011 Envoy Reports ===
o Skills will effectively max now at transcendant so divine favours
won't affect things like dispelling, dismantling, etc.
o Damage from inquisition will be delivered at the end instead of during
o Firewalls will block enemies of pyromancers unless they have frost
potion up.
o Added a DEMESNE option to sapling that costs 10 power to sapling the
whole demesne.
o Chance for Biocurrents (Psychometabolism) to proc has been increased.
o Grip no longer takes balance to put up.
o Beast will no longer provide a good hunger benefit.
o Full (Moon) has been raised from 3p to 4p.
o Clearbonds added to Night. Please see the AB under BONDS.
o Kata momentum won't increase if Boganj (Shofangi) is used in a form.
=== Fixes ===
o When powerplex crystals are used as powerstones, they longer crumble
to dust when fully drained, but simply remain drained.
o Snubbing no longer blocks Transmology Fleshform Scream.
o Sacraments HolyLight is no longer used up in the arena.
o Ascendance Thunderclap now shows walls being destroyed on both sides.
o Shadowbeat SpiderCantiga no longer bypasses Avenger.
o Aides to city/commune ministries can now resign from them. The syntax
is the same as for the minister, e.g., RESIGN AS TRADE OF GAUDIGUCH to
resign as either the Trade Minister or aide thereto.
o Fixed a bug that would cause Harmonics Resonance crystals to vanish
under some circumstances.
o Nature Flow now always takes you to the ground elevation.
o Moon Dark now always shows afflicting even in the room attack.
o Harmonics CrystalWeapons no longer show a spurious number of
enhancements when weaponprobed.
o Theater productions can not be categorized as one of the following:
Set with new BACKSTAGE TYPE <type> command.
You'll see the new types on STAGE LIST and BACKSTAGE LIST.
You can filter those lists: STAGE/BACKSTAGE LIST <type>.
o The STAGE LIST and BACKSTAGE LIST are now paged with more prompts.
o Scrambled brain will no longer cause massive willpower drains.
o Sacraments Fervor will now increase wounding insteaed of decreasing
o Sacraments HolyBeing now cures the caster when it ticks.
Penned by My hand on the 23rd of Estar, in the year 293 CE.