Misc Bug Fixes
Written by: Estarra the Eternal
Date: Tuesday, July 19th, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone
o FAMILY DISOWN was improperly updated so any head of family could
disown. It was always meant to be just heads of Great Houses. That has
been fixed, as well as the bug where some were castout of the wrong
family. (We should have fixed everyone but please issue yourself if you
weren't fixed.)
o Aeromancy Nimbus now correctly gives 15 DMP instead of 20 DMP.
o Harmony Angphet now correctly gives DMP for cutting damage.
o The Benediction/Maiden defence listed in DEFS as "You are now
utilising your bodily control to make yourself more fit" correctly acts
as the Athletics Fitness ability in terms of granting 15 Fire DMP.
o The Toughness blessing from Benediction and Maiden no longer shows as
being from the Athletics skill in BodyScan.
o TATTOOS POWERS correctly shows the strength of Damage Buff Tattoos
o Spiritsingers will no longer have 15 phantom DMP that seem to appear
and disappear at random. Blame the fickle nature of those pesky spirit
o The AB file for BodyScan has been updated, and many skills and
defences offering DMP in an inconsistent manner have been removed. Some
examples include: Night Steal, Sacraments Fervor, Aeonics Alacrity,
Paradigmatics Truename, Shrine and Veneration Vendettas, and Wildarrane
o CONFIRM was only working for some THROW syntaxes but should work for
all of them now.
Penned by My hand on the 22nd of Kiani, in the year 301 CE.